random theories

This is a topic where people can list random theories about the game..
My first is the following... I think the pig from his apartment is the serial killer. He voiced to the pig that he helped that girl.. Showed interest in her.. BANG! pig gone.. Girl dead.. He also knew that he liked snow.. It seems this killer is targeting people Bigby cares about.. It is personal.. And that pig shows up right when the killing starts? Coincidence?? I think not! He acts like he cares about bigby.. That the past doesn't matter.. I totally think it is the pig.. I could list about 3 other things which grant weight to this opinion, but yeah.. As for the whole looking like a pig.. Cutting of heads and such.. Glamour?? Makes em look human, yeah? I mean a frog can drive a car, so.. Plus he was sent to the farm.. Had to escape or w/e.. Maybe blames bigby for letting him be taken.. Also the whole house thing, his brothers, etc..
Just a theory
Maybe it is that random guy who she bumped into when she was bringing him to the first head? He seemed to.. clean.. Lol. :P
The killer is not Colin....
You have to admit, it would be a surprise twist, lol.
I personally think that it would be a rather weak twist.
Funny though.. "Hey wolf! You remember that whole house thing?" "You've been served!" Haha.. pig waddles away into the darkness Lol.
Who do you think is the killer?
The deaths so far scream "headless horsemen", but that's too obvious. We definitely haven't seen the killer yet and I doubt we will until episode 4 or 5.
I don't think that there is a killer.
I wonder who it will be. And if some things suggested will happen.. Like snow isn't really dead.. I don't know how that could be, but.. hmm.. Then grandblackheart goes and says he doesn't think there is a killer, and now that is and interesting thought.. But.. Then what are those heads?
Another case and point! .. I didn't even realize he was all those places.. Good instincts on my part maybe, lol..
I think the heads are real. Faith is gone for good, Snow can come back from ridiculous amounts of punishment. That's mainly due to her popularity as a Fable.
I think even Wolverine would be jealous if snow could come back from decapitation.
Well Snow has to be alive before the ending, or someone would scream "don't eat me" and Bigby says "too late you chose to be my dinner". Not possible considering Bigby's claws have blood and Bigby ain't in wolf form but wolfman form. I think we either saw the killer or he was mentioned.
Bluebeard is not the killer. Toad is not the killer. Flycatcher is not the killer. The Adversary is not the killer. Crane is not the killer. Woody could easily be killed by Beauty so he's not the killer. Jack is not the killer. Bigby is definitely not the killer. Lawrence is not the killer. Snow is not the killer. Faith is not the killer. Pixel is not the killer. The Boy that cried Wolf is too scared to leave his apartment for too long hence not the killer.
The killer could be the first in line to the Business office. The killer's file could be on Bigby's desk at his apartment underneath Bluebeard's. The killer could also be someone who's face is shown on a picture at the Trip Trap bar.
What if its Icobob, no one respects him since he ran from the horsemen....so now he is chopping heads to show them they are wrong.
Ichabod doesn't have da balls.
It can't be Colin because he appears in the comics and is a good character.I think the killer is someone we haven't seen yet or maybe it is a group of people.
I have a theory that girl with a ribbon that died first - is not Faith. There are no evidence that she is really Faith except photo in Book Of Fables that could be easily switched by someone who have access to cabinet...
That theory can easily be disproved. Her cloak is at Toad's place, the ring is Faith's, the ribbon is Faith's.
I've read about a few theories and the one I think fits the best is this ( I didn't come up with it, just passing it along to see what you think.):
There is a ginger Bigby bumps into at the beginning of the came right before the discovery of Faith's head. He is also seen in the apt building pinned under the couch you have to move when chasing Dee Twiddle. Additionally, brief glimpses of the taxi driver show that it is the same ginger. The tie he wears has sheperd's crooks on it, which is leading people to believe he is the Boy Who Cried Wolf and that he might have some vendetta against Bigby.
The part I came up with myself involves the murder weapon. My theory is that Bluebeards sword has been stolen and he hired the Tweedles to track it down discreetly after he heard about the first murder (from his buddy Crane, I'm sure). That would explain why the Tweedles are on the same path as you and why they won't say who they work for. Bluebeards sword is obviously sharp enough to behead Fables, so it fits. What do you think?
Yeah I posted a link to that above. Someone also said that the guy who has his leg bandaged in that scene where bigby is coming into crane's office with the mirror might be to blame.. Remember the fence? The Jeans/the cut??
But I like that theory as more then one.. Maybe some mundys have found out about their world.. Working together.. The ginger and the cut leg guy are part of them.. Killing fables :P War of the worlds!! Muaahaha. Where is tom cruise?
Or perhaps something from the other world has finally found them.. They were exiled from somewhere? Someone said something about an adversary.. I wonder what that was.. Back in their homeland I mean.
I saw you posted the link. Just didnt seem like anyone was reading it..lol. I didnt even notice the guy with cut jeans. Maybe there is a big conspiracy. If so, it will most likely have to do with people revolting against the way things are. I think Bibgy will end up being the fall guy, because most people hate him. Or strongly dislike him..
Yeah.. Poor Bigby.. It would be fun to see him have to work from the shadows cause he is being hunted. Would add a sense of danger to everything.
1) How do we know that ribbon is Faiths?
2) Cloak indeed belongs to Faith and ring, but her face on big picture is hidden. How do we know that girl that weve met is Faith and not other Fable (mundy?) who were hired to act Faith for making everybody believe that Faith is dead. Why killer put ring into dead girls head? It was Faith, she wants everybody to think that she is dead. Thats why when Bigby tries to see her in Magic Mirror he is not allowed to by magic. The same magic that does not allow girl with ribbon answer for whom she work. Because answer would be Faith!
Take a better look around Lawrence's apartment. There is your picture of Faith. Also take a look at the page Bufkin stamps deceased on.
At the minute, the most crack-pot theory I've got is Beauty. Not really much evidence behind it, but here it comes-;
I can see that theory been torn apart when episode 2 comes out inside of an hour, but still, this seems like a whodunnit where the answer's going to be some fierce old twist that never gets hinted at, but makes sense once the pieces are put together. Apologies for prattling!
I like looking at theories. Some don't make sense and some do. An interesting one is Beauty, even though she won't end up being the killer, she might kill someone during the game. A good theory would be Peter from Peter & the Wolf.
Lmao you are so wrong about Colin being the murderer that it's funny.
Can I gather you've read the comic series and therefor know more then I do?
I posted that after a playthrough. Only knowledge I have is from the first episode, as I'm sure goes for the majority of people who play the game. Though, I was thinking about checking into the comic series. But don't want it ruining the game experience. So maybe later.
In anycase.. "random theories" Doesn't even have to be about the killer.. Could be anything to do with the game. I just think it would be a fun idea if the pig did it, lol.
There any ribbon on pictures. The only real connection between name Faith and dead girl is photo in a book (photo on a wall could be him and his old friend). This photo in a book could be fake. Photo on a wall doesn
t state it
s Faith, it could be his sister or whatever. And also photo doesn`t look like very similar to girl that died...I agree with prince charming. There is people that with have seen that could be connected to the killer. But I don't think with have seen the killer.
Notice the setting of the photo and the history of Faith and Lawrence. Lawrence had no relatives except his parents. The photo in the book Bufkin looks at is an official government book with 0 copies (the photos were taken when photos could be taken). Lawrence's only friend in the mundane world is Faith (suicide attempts). Lawrence also doesn't look like he does on the wall photo. And you are forgetting the ring, that no one else wears except Faith. The magic mirror even confirms that you found Faith's head.
The ring was placed there to make everybody think that this is Faith. This is exactly reason why it
s in her head! On overall picture you can
t see Faith`s face, only cloack and ring. Why? How Magic Mirror confirms that founded head is Faith's?Then why is she wearing the ring when she swung an axe into Woody's brain. Your comment has a lot of holes. By the way did you save Lawrence, or did he die? If he died I can see how you came up with that thought. Save Lawrence and your thought is completely dead. "Where is the rest of her" Lawrence is obviously talking about Faith.
1) She wearing a ring for the same reason why having cloak - she supposed to be identified as Faith. Nobody knows her, but Bigby says "I think we`ve met before".
2) Lawrence says "Where is the rest of her", but we don
t know if he saw head or not. Also their relationship with Faith is complicated. There is strange note on fridge, strange letter in cloak with "I
m sorry", his strange suicidal behaviour. Maybe he knows that Faith is alive and her plans and wants to protect her.3) In trailer if you catch Woody he answers to questions "Who else have been involved" with "the girl with coat". He doesn`t name her. Also Tweedle entering bar says "100 dollars for one who will give information about girl named.." and did not finish.
So far in a game there are really almost no evidence that dead girl is Faith except photo in Fables book.
You catching Beauty sneaking out at the very beginning of the game makes her too obvious of a suspect, in my opinion. I think she is definitely up to something. I think whatever she is up to is shady, but unrelated to the murder case. My guess is she's being used as a red herring, similar to the woodsmen. We shall see.....if they ever release episode 2!
Well now I have to spoil the comics with the game even though I did it before.
And you couldn't do a simple comparison from the book to the picture at Lawrence's and her head. What few details you know.
Reading through the comments obi has a valid theory if you go just by the episode.
magic could make the appearance of the heads perhaps? And the mirror didn't confirm anything beyond the name.
"These lips are sealed" or w/e.. when it was asked to show faith. Thus he wouldn't show her, so maybe she is alive. Maybe snow is alive, as you've already said, she comes back. Now if her head was really cut off, then I would call this series kind of stupid if anything could come back from that.. Cause then life and death would have no real place if magic could just bring you back.. Regardless of a link/connection between wolf and snow.. That would just be stupid. So if snow is alive, then perhaps faith is.
The next episode is called smoke and mirrors.. As if to suggest there is something going on more then what is seen.
I think it would be a cool twist is something followed them from their world and is taking vengeance upon them. That the heads are just "smoke and mirrors" as if to divert attention from their real purpose. Which is to destroy them all! Dun dun dunnn, haha.. And those 2 guys from behind the scenes are just this evil's assistants, I dunno..
"if" Lol.
Guess where Beauty works. An agency called Smoke & Mirrors. You said divert attention, Beauty threatening to kill Woody, Beauty is known for killing men that are abusive to women, would divert attention. Woody talks about several people being involved (most likely Smoke & Mirrors).
He has no way to contradict the book Bufkin reads.
Hahaha.. "Squeel like a pig!"