Consequences of choices from Episode II

edited February 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

So judging by the stats they posted to the game of players' choices, what will be the consequences of your actions in the next episode?


  • Maybe Dee will shoot his little shotgun

  • And undoubtedly use lead like an idiot. Bigby changes form and kills him.

    Omid posted: »

    Maybe Dee will shoot his little shotgun

  • Shotgun is like little baby pew-pew gun to Bigby, will definitely bonk his egghead unconscious with that toy. ;D

    Omid posted: »

    Maybe Dee will shoot his little shotgun

  • If the Woodsman can take an Axe to the head... Bigby can take a shotgun bullet.

    If it gives me the choice to Eat Dee I will

    Shotgun is like little baby pew-pew gun to Bigby, will definitely bonk his egghead unconscious with that toy. ;D

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