Download/Installation fail

I've repeatedly waited for episode 2 to download and it finally does only to tell me I must click ok to install new downloadable material which just takes me back to the title page and starts the process over again. Why? (Newest Version of ios)


  • Same here. I finally got the program to open again on my iPad Mini, and now I am having the same exact problem described above. What the hell Telltale? Get your stuff together.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    After you finish downloading the new episode, you should be prompted to install the new material. The install may take longer than the download depending on your internet connection. After the installation completes you will be able to play the Episode.

    LeeBigby77 posted: »

    Same here. I finally got the program to open again on my iPad Mini, and now I am having the same exact problem described above. What the hell Telltale? Get your stuff together.

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