How to do a refund

edited February 2014 in Site Support


I followed the workaround on how to restore purchased in iphone... But it turned out the bundle in the offline work around is totally different from the one i purchased.. There was no other bundle in that workaround procedure so i assume episode 2-5 is the same bundle as episode 2-5 (+400 days).

I went to itunes and report it as a problem but it tells me that purchase is not eligible for refund.. :(

Please help.. Help... help....

In addition, I was able to transfer my purchases episodes bundle to my new iphone and im happy with it... All you need is buy again the item you purchased and it will detect you have already purchased it and gives you an option to download it again for free. The work around posted must be updated to avoid the prob i have right now. Well maybe i was just being stupid and frustrated so i never put much attention to it ☺️ Moral lesson, never assume... Anyway, more power to tell tale!! I love your games and expect my next purchase after i finish season 1...

Anyway, im looking forward to resolve my refund issue as soon as possible, thanks!!!


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for any inconvenience that you have experienced. I am glad you were able to restore your app. Please contact Apple Support for any inquiries about a refund request, as the app was purchased through the Apple App Store.

  • Thanks, I think its been settled because i dont see the reported claim in their website...

    Anyway, thanks again

    I apologize for any inconvenience that you have experienced. I am glad you were able to restore your app. Please contact Apple Support for any inquiries about a refund request, as the app was purchased through the Apple App Store.

  • Im wrong, they still bill me for $14.99 and as per site it says this isnt eligible for refund!! Help!!!

    an2ny79 posted: »

    Thanks, I think its been settled because i dont see the reported claim in their website... Anyway, thanks again

  • Ok.. Talked to apple... They refunded it... Hmm thats easy LOL .. Anyway, thanks TellTaleGames.. More power to your company

    an2ny79 posted: »

    Im wrong, they still bill me for $14.99 and as per site it says this isnt eligible for refund!! Help!!!

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    You're welcome, I'm glad you got it sorted out. Happy gaming!

    an2ny79 posted: »

    Ok.. Talked to apple... They refunded it... Hmm thats easy LOL .. Anyway, thanks TellTaleGames.. More power to your company

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