Can't get a new password/log in (Moved to Support)

edited February 2014 in Site Support

I had a different account on here (CupcakeUnicorn) and hadn't been on for a long time. I tried recently and it says my password is wrong. I had them send me an email to reset the password but no matter how quickly I try to click on the email's link, I keep getting a message saying "Sorry, your password reset key is no longer valid."

I created this account (CupcakeOddity) just to be able to post this but I'd like to use my original account.

Are other people having this problem? How can I fix this?


  • I had to reset my password, but the email came instantly, and didn't have any time out.

  • Had the same message when I tried to reset the password. My fix was copying the link from my e-mail and pasting manually into the address bar. The problem was that my e-mail corrupted the link when I clicked on it.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you @BrokenMirror . I apologize for any difficulties this causes, but yes, copying and pasting the link from your email to the web browser's address bar will allow you to successfully load the web page.

    Had the same message when I tried to reset the password. My fix was copying the link from my e-mail and pasting manually into the address bar. The problem was that my e-mail corrupted the link when I clicked on it.

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