What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • edited February 2014


    "Wow...I haven't seen a dog in a log time!" I replied. The last dog I saw was my own dog that passed away before the outbreak.

  • Idea for what's going to happen with the Eric story, just an idea so far, so feel free to reject it. I don't want this to end too soon, so maybe we have Eric kill someone else, and then Daniel, the remaining survivor, and Larry try to make it back to the other group. Larry dies on the road, and then Daniel and either Anton or Trevor make it back.

    The problem with this is that either Anton or Trevor would have to die. If everyone likes this idea, then we'll keep going until Eric attacks again, and then stop for a vote.

  • Trevor

    :We are not having another one of us die. What are the others going to think? They will think I am a bad leader, I cant have that..I need to show that I can handle the group, I dont care if its your final hours, if I see and sign of Walker from you and your gone. I will blow your brains in front of the others faces."

  • edited February 2014


    "Trevor, when will you learn to keep your fucking mouth shut!" Daniel yelled at him, his patience wearing thin now. "You are not the fucking leader of this group, and you don't decide who lives and who dies!" He started to walk off, but stopped before he got too far away. "Well? Come one, we've got to stick together so this guy won't be able to pick us off."

  • I like it but I dont think we should have him kill one person after another. Maybe capture Trevor and Anton and have them tortured for a bit perhaps?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Idea for what's going to happen with the Eric story, just an idea so far, so feel free to reject it. I don't want this to end too soon, so may

  • edited February 2014


    Ivy ran up to hug Aaron, welcoming him back.
    "You brought more people here? What is wrong with you, kid?" said Molly "They saved my life, back off Molly. I got a lot of stuff guys, and I could carry even more thanks to them. This guy is Theo, that girl is Trina and uh... I forget the dogs name. Regardless, we have enough food for until we find a permanent place to stay..." Aaron said.

    "I think these guys are okay, they have a dog! Can I pet it?" Ivy asked Theo.

  • Both of them?

    I like it but I dont think we should have him kill one person after another. Maybe capture Trevor and Anton and have them tortured for a bit perhaps?

  • Larry

    Larry nudges Daniel before the rest of the group catches up. "I just wanted to thank you, for being my friend before i died."

  • i meant to write "Or" my bad, but maybe have one get tortured and the other watch? that will show how strong eric really is.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Both of them?

  • Theodore

    "I uhh... Maybe not right now okay?" Theo said to Ivy, "You guys got a rope or chain or something so I can tie him up near a tree? He's like me, he hates Strangers." Theo asked the strangers.

  • Trevor

    "As larry and Daniel are upfront, Trevor wispers to Anton. "Hey, Anton..I know your with me on this one. This doesnt look good. I say he only has half an hour left.Can you help me reason with the others on how we need to kill Larry before one of us gets bitten?"

  • Elizabeth

    "I guess if you two saved Aaron's life you must be pretty okay," she wasn't completely convinced by what she said though. Not that fact that they might not be okay, she was pretty sure of that, but the thing about supplies and shelter was bothering her again. They'd have to spend at least one night on the road before the others got back, maybe two. With such a large group, that might become a problem.


    Anna was quiet, for most of what was happening, she'd just been sitting near the fire, crying some, and trying not to think about what happened. Maybe she could push the memory of it away. Then she saw Ivy excited about the dog, and a smile almost came to her face. There were good people out there, and despite how awful the past few days had been... It didn't seem like it needed to stay that way.

  • O.O You bitch... Your lucky Larry didn't here that.

    Trevor "As larry and Daniel are upfront, Trevor wispers to Anton. "Hey, Anton..I know your with me on this one. This doesnt look good. I sa

  • edited February 2014

    Ignore this.

  • Daniel

    Daniel gives a weak smile to Larry. "Yeah, no problem. I mean... Fuck, I'm really sorry about well... you know," he said, motioning towards the bit on Larry's neck as they walked around the perimeter of the cabins. It was dark and they couldn't see much, but maybe they'd be lucky and find a clue about where this guy had gone.

  • Okay, I think we should put it to a vote on who gets killed/captured when Eric attacks again.

    i meant to write "Or" my bad, but maybe have one get tortured and the other watch? that will show how strong eric really is.

  • Umm... sorry but could you... not do that?

    I mean, it's been planned from almost the beginning that they'd eventually find the RV and you just kind of destroyed that plot.

    Also, you skipped ahead a few days of everyone else and you can't really do that...

    Ignore this.

  • Can I ask something regarding the Trevor, Larry, Daniel, and Anton group?

    Can we take a break from this story for an hour or so? I'm in a hotel and I want to go swimming :P.

  • Ha, yeah of course. i was just about to ask for a break.

    I mean... Overall we could slow things down. It hasn't even been a full 24 hours and we're already at page 24, and maybe 1/4 or 2/3 of the way through the first episode...

    Can I ask something regarding the Trevor, Larry, Daniel, and Anton group? Can we take a break from this story for an hour or so? I'm in a hotel and I want to go swimming :P.

  • Sorry I'll edit that.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Umm... sorry but could you... not do that? I mean, it's been planned from almost the beginning that they'd eventually find the RV and you j

  • Ha i know, in a week, or so, it'll have more pages then any other thread. At like 70!

    Zyphon posted: »

    Ha, yeah of course. i was just about to ask for a break. I mean... Overall we could slow things down. It hasn't even been a full 24 hours and we're already at page 24, and maybe 1/4 or 2/3 of the way through the first episode...

  • Yea. I gotta sleep soon and tomorrow I got school and shit

  • I'm going to sleep too, can we stop the camp story for the night?

  • Yep, we can all stop, i'll do an update of the story so far, and then tomorrow or something we can continue. I feel that 24 pages in just as many hours is remarkably good.

    I'm going to sleep too, can we stop the camp story for the night?

  • edited February 2014

    I prefer this laughing montage thing.

    Also, yes, I was just waiting for an excuse to share that. so if it doesn't quite fit... Just appreciate how funny it is.

    I edited it. This one is better... But I was still just waiting for an opportunity to post it.

    You are one hilarious son of a bitch http://www.buzzsmile.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/J-Jameson-laughing-Meme-peter-parker-spider-man.gif

  • I'll write my short response and then - the break, ok?


    "Yeah, Trevor, Larry's not doing so well. We need to deal with him before it gets worse, and we can't stop it."

  • So I shouldn't post my story now?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yep, we can all stop, i'll do an update of the story so far, and then tomorrow or something we can continue. I feel that 24 pages in just as many hours is remarkably good.

  • No, you can since it's unrelated to everything else.

    So I shouldn't post my story now?

  • OJ Rogerson


    "Man we only got 1 MRE left" Said Smithey looking in the direction of his friends. "I know, sucks" Replied OJ. "Sure does man" said Percy. "Should be enough for us to last another day or two if one of us misses a meal, we got plenty of ammo and this bus is stable unless a horde comes". The trio was situated inside a large Greyhound like bus, they had boarded up the doors and put the seats blocking the doors and tried to make it walker proof as possible. "I just wanna get home and find my fam" said OJ. "Same here". "So what we do now?' asked Percy. Percy was OJ's best friend, he was a white male who is an hairy otter. "Ya boy havent' shaved in months, I'm getting hairy". Percy said. "I know bro I got a bush going on, I used to be no hair body". replied OJ.

    The minutes and hours passed. It was very boring. "AH SHIT!". Smithey screamed. He looked out his window to find a small group of maybe eight walkers sporadically walking towards their position. "Get the tools ready" said Percy. "Nah bruh, just if they come close we pop a couple, aim towards the head". Replied OJ quick showing his smart wits. "That last attack two days ago really damaged the back door, let's hope they don't target it". The walkers were walking closer, the walkers bodies look disgusting and they were moaning and groaning. The walkers suddenly changed direction and began walking towards the back door of the bus. 'Damn smithey you crackhead had to say some shit". Said Percy. Percy pulled the trigger on his Beretta M9 and popped a walker. OJ followed and used his Chrome 45 and popped one, Smithey began popping off rounds. The gunfire continued until near all the walkers were dead, but suddenly the bus took a large knock. OJ fell over on the ground. He looked up and there were literally twenty walkers slamming against the opposite side of the bus. "Ah shit, we gotta run man!".

    The group opened the escape hatch up top and up first was Percy helped by OJ. Then OJ used his skills and confidence because he is huge and leaped up and Percy helped him as he stood on top and popped a round off. Smithey tried to jump but couldn't reach him. "Damn Smithey, jump!". Smithey leaped with all his might and barely made it to reach Percy's hands. "You almost slow us down, you porn filmin, deep web browsin, unathletic son of a bitch!". "No time for bitching now, we gotta jump!". OJ randomly leaped off the front of the bus and the two did the same. They turned around and the bus was swarmed with walkers.

    Finally, after running like a chicken with his balls cut off through the random woods, they made it to a river. They couldn't see walkers on the other side but saw a small boat. Smithey ran and leaped into the water and began swimming. "He Michael Phelps face ass". OJ said. Smithey screamed "Come on in guys, we can make it!" OJ and Percy looked at eachother in shock. "Shit, WE CAN'T SWIM!!!"
    To be continued.

  • Eric This doesn't relate to anyone else so i'm writing.

    Eric bolts out the back door, and rushes to hop inside an empty dumpster. "Few! That was the closest yet! Eh, Laurie? I think that guy saw me run out the back door." Eric stays silent for a few minutes. "Do you guys think I should have kidnapped him? He would have been a good edition to the team... I mean.. both of us are rejects... oh well... maybe one of these days you two can have a new friend! First we have to find a girl though..."

  • Larry Not sure if the story is back on yet, if you want me to delete this I will.

    "So, like I said, I saw him run out the back door of my cabin. Why don't we go check over there?" Larry says, with tears in his eyes.

    Daniel follows closely, while Trevor and Anton stay back more, chatting with each other. "Maybe he hid in this dumpster? I never heard any noises from out in the woods." Larry says, as he leans over into the garbage can.

    From Daniel's point of view: (Thought this would make it look cooler, tell make if I can't do this.) All Daniel had saw, was Larry leaning over into the garbage can, and when he came back up, he was headless.


    "Shit he's coming." Eric pulls his katana out, and sees the man lean his head over. Eric acted quickly and cut the head off. Then Eric rushed out the other side of the dumpster, and runs into the woods.

  • Hey guys, I'm sure you know who I am by my username. I had to create a new account. Zyphon if you don't mind can you edit the name of who created "Kieran Morrison" to "Morrisonthebroski"

  • Why'd you change your name Kieran?

    Hey guys, I'm sure you know who I am by my username. I had to create a new account. Zyphon if you don't mind can you edit the name of who created "Kieran Morrison" to "Morrisonthebroski"

  • Never mind, I just saw your post on the other fan-fic.

    Why'd you change your name Kieran?

  • Frankie

    "Fine, but they better hurry up, otherwise we're all dead"

  • Aaron

    "Another new girl. What position are you in to say what we do and where go? We're waiting for the others. We'll be fine.

  • edited February 2014


    Trevor sees Daniels eyes light up as Larry's lifeless and headless body falls to the ground, Trevor almost feels sad, but he constantly reminds him self of who caused Larry to die and than he remembers, that son of a bitch Daniel. He then goes over to Daniel and tackles him and punches him in the eye. He pulls himself off of Daniel and starts to pace back and forward. "You are a dumbass Daniel! If you would have just made all of us stay in one cabin, this shit wouldnt of happened. What happened to "always stick together" well isnt that bullshit. And you decided for us to go back and help Larry fight this monster. But where is he now? That is right, he is gone! Why couldnt you be like Anton. You see where not trusting anybody brings you..it brings you far, and thats what I like about Anton! Come on Anton we are going to trail back to the others to take their food and than we will sort out everything."

    Trevor's long rant ends as he decides to head off into the direction they came back, he waits a while to see if Anton will follow him.

  • Rest in piece Larry, or in this case Pieces..

    Larry Not sure if the story is back on yet, if you want me to delete this I will. "So, like I said, I saw him run out the back door of my c

  • Michael

    After walking into the forest for a couple minutes Michael rethought his plan. Wait they took the cabins from me... by force! That was my home. Maybe I should teach them not to mess with me and retake my home. But there's four of them and only one of me. Maybe I can attack them when they're sleeping, injure one of them and teach them to stay away. And it was decided Michael headed back to the cottages hoping to teach them not to mess with him.

  • edited February 2014


    Larry's body fell down, the wound where his head used to be bled like a fountain. Anton was distressed to see it, it reminded him of his mother's death, only her head was in place, if that was any comfort. As he moved away from the body, Trevor started a fight with Daniel. After Trevor stopped, and proposed him to head back to the others, Anton thought for a second. "We shouldn't split, Trevor. With Larry dead, Daniel has got to come with us, it's safer in numbers. But I don't want to go the rest of the group alone, so I'll go with you anyway".

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