What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)




    Twistee posted: »

    There's gonna be a lot of Death in the coming parts. I think like 2 more people are gonna die. Eric is a real bastard lol.

    edited February 2014

    phew I just ended reading the whole story and I want to introduce my character in a short prologue, if you don't mind (sorry I took so long, you're posting comments like no tomorrow!):

    Hunter (Prologue)

    "God damn, it's hot" Hunter says to himself, as he wipes off the sweat from his forehead. He takes out his water bottle and takes a sip of water, Shit, I'm about to run out... can't survive on my own for too long, even if I was trained to, I gotta find people. He thinks to himself while walking on the hot asphalt road. He tries to look ahead, but the sun is dazzling him. he puts up his hand to his forehead to see better, and he sees a walker, "Another one of those fuckwads?" He mutters to himself as he pulls out his trusty military knife "C'MERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" he shouts at the walker as the walker acknowledges his presence and begins to limp towards him. He walks towards the walker, and as he gets within his biting distance, he kicks the walker in the legs, trampling him to the ground, and stabs him in the back of the head, out of his eye. He then looks up "Dad, the knife you gave me saved me again.. I'll never be able to repay you the debt" he says as he proceeds walking "I just hope you're proud of me..."

  • edited February 2014

    I think Daniel should answer the "Where's Larry" question. Anton is asleep and Trevor is about to probably argue with Molly.

  • Yeah. Daniel seems like the one who would answer the question, he isn't a dick like Trevor and I don't even know what Anton is.

    I think Daniel should answer the "Where's Larry" question. Anton is asleep and Trevor is about to probably argue with Molly.

  • Where is everyone?

  • Don't know, probably work school etc.

    Where is everyone?

  • edited February 2014

    So tempted to put her death into the upcoming episodes just to troll you.


    No, seriously, just joking.

    Please don't kill me.


  • edited February 2014

    Are you referring to the characters?

    If so, Daniel, Trevor, Anton, Ivy, Elizabeth, Molly, Anna, Theo, Trina, Theo's Dog, Kieran, Aaron, and Frankie are all at camp.

    Eric is out in the woods stalking them.

    And a lot of characters are just out in the world somewhere.

    Where is everyone?

  • edited February 2014


    After all the introductions were out of the way - he had a feeling he wouldn't remember all of their names at first - Daniel heard the question that Aaron asked cutting through the blur of names and new faces. Where's Larry... He'd been hoping that this could wait, and was half tempted to just pretend he didn't hear when Elizabeth repeated the question, "Yeah, where is he? Did you find shelter, is he there?"

    Daniel sighed, and decided it was best to get it out of the way. "Larry's dead, he was murdered," before anyone could react, he moved forward with his story. "We met someone on the road, and he brought us to shelter. Trevor scared him away, and we were going to wait until morning to come back and bring everyone there but... Somehow, someone got a walker to bit Larry. We all went looking for who did it, and whoever it was cut his head off, finished the job I guess." He added the last part in a bitter, hateful tone of voice, "Trevor attacked me, blamed me for what happened I guess, and whoever it was got away."

    Silence filled the air once he was done, and Daniel waited for someone, anyone, to say something...

  • Theodore

    "So what you're saying is, there's a crazy fuckin' lunatic out in the woods that cut your friends head off? Aww hell no I think we're overstaying our welcome I ain't getting my head sliced off fuck that." Theo then puts on his backpack and was about to wake up Trina, until he heard some leaves cracking in the distance. Everyone who was awake started looking at eachother in complete silence, having their weapons ready to attack whoever was near.

  • Nah, we've got enough character deaths lined up for this episode.

    Maybe Molly could die protecting Ivy? Or Aaron? Both of them would die for her.

  • Daniel

    Daniel was about the draw his machete, but stopped as his hand touched the hilt. He waited, and there was no more noise. Of course it wasn't him, why would it be? He'd try and pick them off one by one, not attack them as a group. "Alright," he said after some time had passed, "we can figure this all out in the morning, but for now, I don't think it's safe for anyone to leave. We're safer as a group. We'll need to have people on watch, two people alert and awake at all times. We can figure this all out in the morning."

  • Paranoid is the best word for Anton.

    Yeah. Daniel seems like the one who would answer the question, he isn't a dick like Trevor and I don't even know what Anton is.

  • edited February 2014


    "I'll take first shift I guess, I'm wide awake anyway." Theo says as he sets down his bag, then more leaves crack in the Woods. "What the hell is that?" The people awake then begin to look around, in case Walkers are sneaking up. "This motherfucker wouldn't be stupid enough to attack us right now. Must be a Squirrel or something. You guys look beat, just relax me and my dog will keep watch."

  • Kieran

    "Yea alright, I need some sleep anyway" I told Theodore.

    I got my sleeping bag and started trying to sleep, I didn't have a tent and to be truthful didn't want one.

  • Meant to say E2.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Season 2 is a long ways away. We're still only in E1.

  • "Theo's dog" has a name. It is Boateng. And don't you ever forget it!

    Zyphon posted: »

    Are you referring to the characters? If so, Daniel, Trevor, Anton, Ivy, Elizabeth, Molly, Anna, Theo, Trina, Theo's Dog, Kieran, Aaron, and

  • Boateng gets no love. -_-

    "Theo's dog" has a name. It is Boateng. And don't you ever forget it!

  • edited February 2014


    Aaron knew that Larry had been killed, and I bet that if someone was psychotic enough to... do that, for no reason... then he had probably followed Daniel and the other pricks home. Daniel was the only one out of the 3 that Aaron actually respected, but that's beside the point. He knew that... whoever was out there... would go after Ivy. He couldn't let that happen, he had to find whoever killed Larry... and kill him. "Fuck... I'm not a fighter... but i'll protect Ivy no matter what"

    Aaron went back to his tent and began preparing his kit to go, as well as cleaning his axe. Molly had a name for hers, Hilda. Maybe he should name hi-... "Another time, Aaron."

  • Boateng best character 2014

    "Theo's dog" has a name. It is Boateng. And don't you ever forget it!

  • I was saying for any time in the future, I have 3 characters and one of them has to die in the future IT'S NOT GONNA BE IVY OK

    Zyphon posted: »

    Nah, we've got enough character deaths lined up for this episode.

  • Now I'm gonna kill you twice...

    Zyphon posted: »

    So tempted to put her death into the upcoming episodes just to troll you. Kidding. No, seriously, just joking. Please don't kill me.

  • edited February 2014


    "Molly, you better shut up. I dont want that attitude from you!

    He grabs molly by the wrist and starts to squeeze tightly

    "And about that little girl, I want her gone. She is only going to slow us down.."

    Before he gives molly a chance to answer, he throws her to the floor and walks to Daniel to hear that he is ordering people to do stuff.

    "You shut up Daniel...I am in charge, so you people will listen to me. And as for me attacking you..where is your blood and broken bones. Thats right they are not there, meaning I didnt hurt you. (Trevor lifts his shirt up to show his injured ribs). Do you guys want your leader to be this salvaged blood hungry man named Daniel. He is delusional. And he is giving you bull shit about Larry. He killed Larry and I tried to stop him..but he ended up using brute force to hurt me.."

  • edited February 2014


    "Wow, ain't you the most arrogant piece of shit I have ever seen. I thought Aaron was bad, you take the motherfucking cake you asshole. You wanna give someone orders? Give me orders motherfucker. I ain't in this Group, I'll kill you where you stand. Unless you wanna meet my Dog, he loves intestines. It's his favorite."

  • Kieran

    By this time I'd already woken up.

    I just heard the end of Theodore's rant.

    "Jesus, what's the issue?" I ask to the group.

  • Trevor

    He points his gun at Theo. "You shut up right now. I order you to bring this dog right in front of my eyes. Lets see what this mut will do. he is no stronger than you guys, you are all weak..just like Jack. But bring this dog, so I can shoot him and feast on him.."

    He notices kieran "Go back into your tent. There is no time to come between this. We know that Daniel is a cold blooded murderer and he needs to die now!".

  • Theodore

    "You wanna get that gun outta my face? I swear to God I'll put a hole in your head and watch your tiny brain drain out before you even know it. How many Lives have you taken? You don't have the balls. But I do. So put the motherfucking gun down! You better shoot me now you piece of shit."

  • Molly

    Ugh... ouch. "That fucker.

    Molly sprints out of the tent and runs at Trevor, seeing him point his gun at Theo.

    She unholsters Hilda and slams it into his arm, slicing a semi-large but not deep wound and making him drop his gun. "How fucking dare you push me? You know i'm a better fighter than you. You're in no position to be ordering us around, or threatening people. How dare you say anything about that little girl. Do you understand me? If you touch her, or even upset her, I will hurt you... so bad..."

    "Daniel would make a much better leader than you, dick." Molly finishes her rant by kicking Trevor in the sore area of his ribs. Molly then goes to check on Ivy.

  • edited February 2014


    "All of you Please be quiet!" I shout.

    "I'm sorry, but all this shouting WILL attract walkers. It WILL attract the crazy fucker whos chasing us! You can argue, but not at that noise level because walkers WILL attack" I say firmly.

  • edited February 2014

    ignore this.

  • edited February 2014


    Aaron heard the commotion outside and knew his packing would have to wait, he ran outside and saw Trevor on the ground bleeding, Molly going to check on an upset Ivy, and an extremely angry Theo. "What the fuck happened?"

    "I didn't catch all of this shit, but I heard you calling Daniel a murderer and that you wanted him dead? What the fuck? If you kill him we'll kill you. No one in this group fucking likes you Trevor, why do you always have to cause trouble? Seriously? What the FUCK is your problem?"

  • edited February 2014

    nvm Martin edited his comment a bit more xD

  • Theodore

    Theo grabs Trevor's pistol and puts it right on his head. "Someone give me a reason not to shoot this Motherfucker." Theo's finger slowly comes closer to the Trigger, wanting someone to stop him.

  • Trevor

    Trevor while clutching his arm says. "Molly you dont know do you? You dont know how strong I really am. Here why dont you guys sit around this fire and I tell you all a story. Back before the bandits took over that motor-Inn. Yeah well me and Jack were doing a scavenge and I tried to kill him. But that fucker managed to escape because of the zombies. But look at me now! I am the one standing and he is dead!"

  • Aaron

    "HOLY SHIT!"

    Aaron kick away Theo's gun just before he pulls the trigger. "NO ONE NEEDS TO DIE... except the guy who caused Larry's death...

  • If you are implying to kill him then.

    I vote yes!

    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore Theo grabs Trevor's pistol and puts it right on his head. "Someone give me a reason not to shoot this Motherfucker." Theo's finger slowly comes closer to the Trigger, wanting someone to stop him.

  • Boateng? Okay.

    ...He says as he forgets it again in 5 seconds...

    "Theo's dog" has a name. It is Boateng. And don't you ever forget it!

  • Me, and Zyph have something else planned regarding my death.

    If you are implying to kill him then. I vote yes!

  • Lol, sorry :p

    nvm Martin edited his comment a bit more xD

  • Oh. Okay. Sorry about that :D

    Me, and Zyph have something else planned regarding my death.

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