What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Kieran

    "Theo, gun fire ain't gonna help any of us! The crazy fucker will hear it and so will lots of walkers!" I say.

  • edited February 2014

    Aaron (After what Trevor just said...)

    "You... you're the reason... that... Jack is gone..."

    By this point Aaron had unholstered his axe. "You piece of FUCKING SHIT! WHY? FUCK YOU! YOU'LL NEVER BE OUR LEADER! NEVER. I'LL DIE BEFORE I LET YOU LEAD THIS GROUP, BECAUSE YOU'RE A CRUEL, WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT. I heard what you said about Ivy. Touch her and i'll fucking kill you myself." Aaron proceeded to kick Trevor in the leg, knocking him over.

    He walked over to Ivy and Molly's tent to check up on them. "Nice one kid, I didn't know you could get so angry." Molly chuckled.


    Molly was dying to kill Trevor, but she knew she couldn't. "I'm sorry Jack..." she thought to herself.

    "You're not worth the energy to hate, Trevor. Just stay away from the girl. I'm not scared of you, and going off of what he just did, neither is Aaron."

  • Theodore

    Theo examines the pistol without Trev seeing, he then points the pistol at Trevs head again and pulls the trigger. "It was empty anyway. Fuckin' prick." Theo says while he throws the pistol to one of the group members.

  • Ivy

    Ivy was terrified but somehow... she knew she was safe. Aaron is normally a scared, scared person... but he just flipped out there. "Did you do that to the evil guy for me, Aaron?" Ivy asked. Aaron wondered if he should answer truthfully, and decided he should. "Yes. He wants to hurt you, I think. We wont let him. I promise."


    "Pinky swear?" Ivy asked happily, and Aaron responded by locking pinkies with Ivy and saying "Pinky swear." "A pinky swear is forever." Ivy said smiling.

    Dat Sarah quote.

  • Trevor

    He looks over at Molly. "You dont have to be scared of me. I am not here to impress. Just remember, you dont know me. You dont know what power I possess. You never know, you close your eyes, and maybe I take off the next time you open them. Maybe I stand there with a pistol aimed at your head, Or the worst one yet. Maybe you wake up and... she is gone. Im just saying molly. You can come out here and kill me, but what better does that make you? It certainly doesnt make you any better than that bastard who killed Larry.:

  • Maybe we should be wrapping up Ep1 and writing a recap, just to jog everyone's memory or for newcomers

  • Molly

    "How good does it make me look? It makes me look like a person killing a fucking psychopath to stop them from hurting the child i'm protecting. Seriously. If you touch this girl, I will kill you. Slowly. And if you kill me... well Aaron will do the job for me. Fuck you Trevor, just leave. You're hated by everyone.

  • Man you need to be careful making a pinky swear, that shit's stronger than a blood oath...

    Ivy Ivy was terrified but somehow... she knew she was safe. Aaron is normally a scared, scared person... but he just flipped out there. "Di

  • I'm really enjoying this lol, it's so tense between Molly and Trevor.

    Trevor He looks over at Molly. "You dont have to be scared of me. I am not here to impress. Just remember, you dont know me. You dont know

  • Frankie

    Frankie watched from afar. She didn't know this Trevor guy but he seemed like bad news and she decided to distance herself from him.

  • Eric

    Eric leaves the cabins with only one head instead of his normal two. "These guys seem to walk really far, eh?" Eric is used to talking to 2 heads instead of just one. It gives him a sad feeling, when all of a sudden, the group of 3 stops at a huge group, bigger then any Eric has came across so far.

    "Brittany, are you hungry?" Eric says, with an evil laugh.

    After the group had settled in for a while, Eric purposely crackles a leaf. They're going to get more alarmed, which will stress them out. Big groups don't work, especially when stressed.

    Eric immediately notices, the entire group (Who was awake) noticed his actions. Eric then noticed them begin to argue. Working perfectly...

    Eric crackles another leaf, and the whole process restarts, and intense's.

  • We've got a way to go yet, this was unplanned, so so far, we're about... 60% through the plan.

    Glinda posted: »

    Maybe we should be wrapping up Ep1 and writing a recap, just to jog everyone's memory or for newcomers

  • Theodore

    "You know what!?" Theo angrily shouts as he walks to Boateng. "Who said we had to kill him? I should rip the fuckin' chain off and let him have some fun. Lets see what color your inside's are bitch." Theo shouts, but obviously wouldn't release Boateng, he just threatens Trevor.

  • Just saying Zyphon. Ana would probably have a very big comment to make on what Trevor said about making Ivy disappear.

  • Will

    Will had been walking down the road towards Macon from Atlanta. He had his father's gun, a hammer from his garage, and a backpack full of food and water. He had been on his own for a couple days now and Will wondered how the rest of the world was doing. Will had no trouble surviving on his own but he was scared of dieing alone especially from the monsters. Down the road he found a few areas that were once populated, and he decided to search them for his sister or supplies. One part of him said it was hopeless to think that she would be alive. The other said there was still hope and that Will could survive this thing. The hopeful side was dwindling as the days went by. Will just hoped that he would find a group that he could stay with.

    I don't really want to join the main group because its big enough already. Anybody who's still on the outside want to band together?

    Question: What season is this? (Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?)

  • edited February 2014

    (I feel awkward that all this happened and Daniel was silent throughout the whole thing. ._.)
    (Also, this is the kind of stuff I love. Things that were totally unplanned happening spontaneously. It's great.)


    He'd almost had things under control when Trevor started fucking things up again. As soon as he attacked Molly, Daniel had his machete out and ready for action for real this time. The guy in the woods was one thing, this crazy, arrogant son of bitch throwing around accusations and attacking people was something else completely.

    He didn't just stand back and watch it happen, of course, but even though he was the one being accused of murder, Daniel couldn't get a word in edge wise with everyone else defending him - he felt slightly touched by this in a weird way, that they trusted him, or at least distrusted Trevor - or threatening to kill Trevor.

    The situation was still escalating, threats, accusations, and now confessions from every direction. The tension was so thick that Daniel thought he could cut it with his machete. Aaron freaked out and attacked Trevor, no one tried to stop him, everyone knew that Trevor deserved it, and then more threats on Trevor's part. To Molly, Aaron, and then that little girl.

    Someone willing to kill a little girl... Are they really any better than the walkers? Unnoticed by at least Trevor, Daniel got closer, the light from the fire gleaming off the worn blade of his machete. He was close enough now, and all that was left to convince himself of what needed to be done... In the end, he couldn't bring himself to do it, not yet anyway. Right now... It wasn't worth it to stoop to his level, but he could at least scare the shit out of Trev.

    The machete swooped down towards Trevor's throat, and stopped just before killing him. Daniel kept the blade there as he moved his own face closer to Trevors.

    "Threats are one thing, but if you ever act on any of those threats. I won't stop next time, do you understand?"

  • edited February 2014

    Eric waits a few moments, and then begins to sneak on the group. Brittany, it's play time...

    He hides behind someone's tent, and he pulls Brittany's head out, and holds on to the rope.

    He watches a fight happen right before his eyes, and watches someone nearly cut another's head with a sword.

    Eric holsters his rope, and throws it at the man on the ground....

  • Aaron

    "You shouldn't have stopped, Daniel. This dick is just trouble."

  • It's fall.

    Will Will had been walking down the road towards Macon from Atlanta. He had his father's gun, a hammer from his garage, and a backpack full

  • I know, I've got to get all my characters kind of caught up...

    Just saying Zyphon. Ana would probably have a very big comment to make on what Trevor said about making Ivy disappear.

  • I have a question, is he heading for Trevor? If he is, I have an idea.

    Eric waits a few moments, and then begins to sneak on the group. Brittany, it's play time... He hides behind someone's tent, and he pulls B

  • Randomz, I'd like to ask if you are going to kill anyone off, please consult the person who made the character and ask if its ok, I take it you know this and Eric just isn't going to kill anyone but still, just saying.

    Eric waits a few moments, and then begins to sneak on the group. Brittany, it's play time... He hides behind someone's tent, and he pulls B

  • edited February 2014

    Looks like its too late. But I agree with you Kie--- Morrison. Should probably consult TheWalkingSheep(I think it was) before killing him. Unless this was the idea of his death that he was talking about.

    Randomz, I'd like to ask if you are going to kill anyone off, please consult the person who made the character and ask if its ok, I take it you know this and Eric just isn't going to kill anyone but still, just saying.

  • A while ago, the creator was informed. He was fine with it.

    Randomz, I'd like to ask if you are going to kill anyone off, please consult the person who made the character and ask if its ok, I take it you know this and Eric just isn't going to kill anyone but still, just saying.

  • Yes, yes he is.

    I have a question, is he heading for Trevor? If he is, I have an idea.

  • Ok, cool.

    A while ago, the creator was informed. He was fine with it.

  • I also agreed to have my character killed off.

    A while ago, the creator was informed. He was fine with it.

  • Daniel

    Daniel backed away from Trevor and sheathed his machete. He thought about what Aaron had said. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped. The guy was more than a piece of shit, he'd proved that he was a dangerous piece of shit. Trying to kill Jack, making threats against that little girl.
    Suddenly, another voice spoke up. It was Anna, obviously trying to hold back more tears. "He's right," she said in a low voice, "you shouldn't have stopped."

    Daniel sighed, this was serious, he'd thought that maybe Trevor was just a lot of hot air, but if he was telling the truth about Jack... who knew what he was capable off. Again, that internal battle. On one hand, he was someone who needed to die. Just like the walkers. But what was the price of killing another person in this world, even someone like Trevor.

    Anna went on, "He isn't any better than the walkers, you know that. Just..." she stopped, and daniel thought she might not be able to hold back her tears, but after only a few seconds she went on, "just... get rid of him."

    The struggle instead of him didn't go on for much longer. Daniel thought that maybe Trevor was about to say something when he drew his revolver and fired a single shot into his head. (Screw the plan, this is better.)

    Blood and some bits of brain exploded out of the back of his head. All emotion and feeling drained from his face as his now lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

    Daniel stood there for sometime before holstering the revolver. all eyes were on him, but for some reason, he didn't feel as if that many of them were judging him for what he had done.

  • Okay, so I veered from the plan a bit, I can edit the comment, or if people prefer this version of events, we stick with it.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Daniel Daniel backed away from Trevor and sheathed his machete. He thought about what Aaron had said. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped. The

  • edited February 2014


    Aaron heard the bang... He saw Trevor's head explode...

    He felt no sympathy. I should feel sympathy... Is that what this world is? He felt something different though... Jealousy.

    "I wanted to do that, Dan." Aaron said, unsatisfied. Then he saw the guy with a walker head on a rope...

    How's this? Better?

  • Do you mind if Aaron kills Brittany after you bite Trevor?

    A while ago, the creator was informed. He was fine with it.

  • So...is Eric going to throw the rope at a dead body? Hmmm

  • Er... I kind of threw the plan out the window a bit(refer to the comment above). I guess we should vote now on what version of events is better, if Eric kills Trevor, or if Daniel kills Trevor and then Eric attacks or whatever.

    Aaron Aaron heard the bang... He saw Trevor's head explode... He felt no sympathy. I should feel sympathy... Is that what this world is?

  • edited February 2014

    I don't mind. I think I like your version better but looks like Eric will need to leave and I don't know how he can explain that. Maybe after you kill him somebody catches him before he throws the rope? So I guess were voting for which version is better.

    I vote: Yes

    Zyphon posted: »

    Okay, so I veered from the plan a bit, I can edit the comment, or if people prefer this version of events, we stick with it.

  • I uh... I guess he threw the rope and Daniel killed Trevor without noticing? We've got to vote on what version of events is better. Personally, I like my own version where anna convinces Daniel to just kill him.

    So...is Eric going to throw the rope at a dead body? Hmmm

  • Randomz will have to figure it out I suppose. Maybe he'll pull the head/Brittany back before anyone notices?

    I don't mind. I think I like your version better but looks like Eric will need to leave and I don't know how he can explain that. Maybe after

  • I think Daniel should kill Trevor, since Eric is gonna kill _____ anyway.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Okay, so I veered from the plan a bit, I can edit the comment, or if people prefer this version of events, we stick with it.

  • I kinda like him getting bitten, but we can go with this if everyone prefers it.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Okay, so I veered from the plan a bit, I can edit the comment, or if people prefer this version of events, we stick with it.

  • Okay, since a lot of people support it let's go with yours. I'll edit.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Er... I kind of threw the plan out the window a bit(refer to the comment above). I guess we should vote now on what version of events is better, if Eric kills Trevor, or if Daniel kills Trevor and then Eric attacks or whatever.

  • We need Randomz to clear up what Eric did now anyways. I guess we wait?

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