What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Fine with me, if i'm killing everyone, then i'm fine with my pets diying.

    Do you mind if Aaron kills Brittany after you bite Trevor?

  • Wow, reading over what we've done so far... This is pretty intense for Episode 1.

  • Clearing up everything, with this post, Writing, please wait.

  • Question. Who am I aloud to kill?

    Clearing up everything, with this post, Writing, please wait.

  • Also, there's a "story so far" bit on the front post along with a brief list of characters. i'm updating it as constantly as I can.

    Glinda posted: »

    Maybe we should be wrapping up Ep1 and writing a recap, just to jog everyone's memory or for newcomers

  • You should probably update the story. (And Michael and Trevor are dead)

    Zyphon posted: »

    Wow, reading over what we've done so far... This is pretty intense for Episode 1.

  • TWD_25 said that Trina is yours. Literally, like... Cutting off her head and shit... FU. BAR.

    Question. Who am I aloud to kill?

  • edited February 2014

    Okay, thanks. Is Trina sleeping in a tent? Or...?

    Twistee posted: »

    TWD_25 said that Trina is yours. Literally, like... Cutting off her head and shit... FU. BAR.

  • After Eric kills Trina I'll kill Brittany like we agreed.

  • edited February 2014

    (?) Eric has acquired a new zombie head

    Okay, thanks. Is Trina sleeping in a tent? Or...?

  • Well, Trina's death is planned, her head being cut off and being one of Eric's new pets. Maybe after Aaron/Daniel kills Brittany, he goes to grab a "replacement"?

    Question. Who am I aloud to kill?

  • Heads are nice, heads are cool, especially zombie heads.

    (?) Eric has acquired a new zombie head

  • She was, but Daniel's gunshot woke her up I'm assuming.

    Okay, thanks. Is Trina sleeping in a tent? Or...?

  • I don't think anyone is sleeping anymore...

    Okay, thanks. Is Trina sleeping in a tent? Or...?

  • Trust me, I can clear everything up, once I know if Trina is sleeping, or awake.

  • Well since Trevor is dead, I will make another characters (This one is less of an asshole).

    Han gelvis: Han is a 25 year old with bad luck,he is very protective and trustworthy. He also likes to solve things with piece. Han had abusive parents who forced him to drop out of school when he was 15. On his 18th birthday his parents kicked him out of the house. He than started a crack addiction to hide him from his suicidal thoughts. At the start of the Apocalypse, he joined Crawford. One time in a scavenge he decided to head back to his house, He than found his brother Hal (19). Han was than kicked out of crawford because they didnt want a "retard" to join the group. Han and Hal are currently in a cabin. They boarded up the door and are now staying there for a while. Han is only still living becuase of his brother. If his brother ever dies, he has claimed that he will commit suicide.

    Hal (minor character): Hal is Han's younger brother. He is 19. The only reason his parents didnt kick him out was because he is autistic. Hal doesnt understand why these people (Walkers) are eating eachother. Hal loses focus easily and tries to talk to the walkers. Despite Han not seeing hal for a bunch of years, Hal and Han have a good relationship and Han gets very offended when someone insults his brother.

  • Yo man Daniel already got Trevor, I'll kill Brittany. :p

  • Nevermind, just seen your post above.

    Trust me, I can clear everything up, once I know if Trina is sleeping, or awake.

  • edited February 2014

    I know, I got behind a bit. So I've got to add those two deaths...

    Update the story...

    And... Am I missing any new characters from the character list? I feel like I am.

    You should probably update the story. (And Michael and Trevor are dead)

  • I think your missing raging blades new character, as well as my new character(once he is accepted).

    Zyphon posted: »

    I know, I got behind a bit. So I've got to add those two deaths... Update the story... And... Am I missing any new characters from the character list? I feel like I am.

  • edited February 2014

    Han Gelvis (TheWalkingSheep's character)
    Hal (TheWalkingSheep's but he is a minor character so IDK)
    Will Hayward (My character)

    Zyphon posted: »

    I know, I got behind a bit. So I've got to add those two deaths... Update the story... And... Am I missing any new characters from the character list? I feel like I am.

  • Eric

    Eric throws the small head out at the man, when all of a sudden, another man kills him, they stole his kill!

    Shit! These people are psychopaths! Why would anyone kill another human being! Then the realization of Eric's actions go through his mind. Then Eric chuckles, and someone spots him.

    (If you didn't know, it was Aaron.) Eric uses his natural instincts, and runs at the man, with his katana, and slices his hand off. Eric then runs off in the distance. Eric hears a bullet in his direction, and misses him. The dark. I love the dark. The dark saves you from bullets coming at your direction. Then something more serious goes into his mind. Shit! I left Brittany!

  • I'll post my new charcter soon

    Han Gelvis (TheWalkingSheep's character) Hal (TheWalkingSheep's but he is a minor character so IDK) Will Hayward (My character)

  • Both accepted.

    Well since Trevor is dead, I will make another characters (This one is less of an asshole). Han gelvis: Han is a 25 year old with bad luck,

  • edited February 2014


    Theo quickly pulls out his pistol and shoots at the figure, but misses. "Holy shit, that dude is fast as fuck! Was that a Katana?!"

  • Sorry, about the hand Aaron, I just thought it would be out of character for Eric to not do anything to you.

    Side note: I'm holding off on the Eric kills ___ thing, for a little while.

    Eric Eric throws the small head out at the man, when all of a sudden, another man kills him, they stole his kill! Shit! These people are

  • Ha, okay.

    Yo man Daniel already got Trevor, I'll kill Brittany.

  • Theodore don't care about Aaron and his hand.

    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore Theo quickly pulls out his pistol and shoots at the figure, but misses. "Holy shit, that dude is fast as fuck! Was that a Katana?!"

  • Kieran

    "What the actual fuck just happened?" I shout in confusion

  • Nope, that's how Theo rolls.

    Theodore don't care about Aaron and his hand.

  • edited February 2014

    were you heading back to the cabins? If you are, one of the Cabins is currently boarded up and blocked by mattresses since my new character is in there. (Just mentioning it, incase you were going back there.)

    Sorry, about the hand Aaron, I just thought it would be out of character for Eric to not do anything to you. Side note: I'm holding off on the Eric kills ___ thing, for a little while.

  • edited February 2014


    Daniel struggled to get his revolver out of the holster again as Larry's killer, it had to be him, ran out of the woods and into the middle of the camp. He had it in his hand and ready to fire, but at that point, he saw the man's blade slashing through the air, and chopping Aaron's hand clear off. He fired a shot towards the man, but in his panic, missed. Before he could get another shot off, he was gone, lost in the shadows...

    "What the actual fuck just happened?" He heard someone shout, but to Daniel it seemed far away as he just noticed what the man had left behind. It was a woman's head, now turned and just biting nothing as it lay on the ground.

  • edited February 2014


    "AAAAAHHH! MY FUCKING HAND!" Aaron screams, bursting into tears. Sometimes he forgot that he was still a kid. That guy left the head. With his left hand, the only one he had left, he grabbed his climbing axe and smashes the head.

    Aaron then sat down... And cried. No matter how tough he acts... He's just a kid, and now he has no right hand. He can't even climb anymore. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck. Now I'm even more useless..."


    Molly had just come out of her tent when she saw Trevor get shot. Good. Then he saw that psycho with the walker head cut off Aaron's hand... He killed the head and just... Broke down. Molly felt sympathy, and then fury. She instantly began pursuing the man who took Aaron's hand, with Hilda in her hand she was ready to fight.

    Before she left, she heard Aaron express how much it hurt, and then said he was useless. Molly was not going to let this guy get away with that.

  • Nah, I ain't. Eric is just being Eric.

    He runs until nobody sees him anymore, then he goes back to stalking.

    were you heading back to the cabins? If you are, one of the Cabins is currently boarded up and blocked by mattresses since my new character is in there. (Just mentioning it, incase you were going back there.)

  • Look, I think it's been established by now that very few of these characters give any fucks about anything.

    Theodore don't care about Aaron and his hand.

  • edited February 2014

    Hopefully your right handed >:)

    Aaron "AAAAAHHH! MY FUCKING HAND!" Aaron screams, bursting into tears. Sometimes he forgot that he was still a kid. That guy left the head.

  • Nah man leftie all the way.

    Hopefully your right handed

  • edited February 2014


    "Holy shit Aaron!" I shouted.

    I saw Molly run off but I had to get Aaron help, someone else could chase Molly.

    I opened my bag and got some rags out and told Aaron to hold it on his hand.

    "Should stop the bleeding. Anybody got something we can wrap around his arm?" I ask.

  • Daniel

    "Molly, wait!" Too late, she was gone. Daniel examined the scene unfolding in front of him. Aaron clutching his stump, trying to stop the bleeding? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Elizabeth searching through a pack frantically, looking for medical supplies. with Jack gone, she had the most medical knowledge out of any of them. Or, was the quickest to pick things up around Jack anyway. Trevor's body, the walker head. Everything was coming apart.

    "Fuck... Just... What the fuck." He said under his breath to himself. Trying to process everything. how could things have gone so wrong? Just... how?

  • atleast you didnt get brutally embaressed by the whole group. No one even cares about Trevor's death :(. Rest in piece, Trevor.

    Aaron "AAAAAHHH! MY FUCKING HAND!" Aaron screams, bursting into tears. Sometimes he forgot that he was still a kid. That guy left the head.

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