Why is Robb and Catelyn hated here, but Ramsay Glorified?



  • edited September 2015

    Glorified is a big word...

    They like Ramsay -as a character- for the same reason they liked the Joker in The Dark Knight: actor's performance, backstory, being the contrast and a capable foil to the 'good' guys, the unabashed, almost joyous look into the human shadow, that kind of thing.

  • Winter is coming, but a Snow has already fallen :'(

    He is the mvp when winter comes.

  • Snow has fallen, but Fire will rise.

    wow, that was cheesy :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Winter is coming, but a Snow has already fallen

  • Finally someone said it. People keep complaining about his plot armor (indeed most likely because of the fight between him and Yara [which I actually really enjoyed despite most people hating it]), but he'll have to die at some point. No one is safe in Game Of Thrones, people should've realized that by now.

    Where does this invincible thing come? O_o Because he won Stannis? Bolton's have somewhat stable situation in the show now but that doesn't

  • edited September 2015

    TV show Robb is stupid. He marry a girl for her appearance. But, I still like him. Book Robb marry to honor Jeyne and himself

    Yes, but book Robb still slept with Jeyne because of her appearance and because he liked her - which was stupid and led to him "having to" marry her out of respect. So, if it can be said that Robb married Jeyne because of honor, it can also be said that it was lack of honor that led him to situation where he had to marry him.

    TV show Robb is stupid. He marry a girl for her appearance. But, I still like him. Book Robb marry to honor Jeyne and himself, but Lorde Wal

  • Nice D.E.N.N.I.S. I mean S.T.A.N.N.I.S. system ya got thur

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm watching the show, so maybe that effects my knowledge of each character. But I can't deny that my love for Littlefinger, Jon Snow, Ja

  • Some say he slept with her because of a "love potion", since Jeyne's grandmother is Maggy, the Frog.

    He take the virginity of the girl and loose his virginity with her as well. He could just send her away or even destroy House Westerling and keep the promise. But instead, he marry her. So yeah, is a lack of honor sleeping with her, but he did a honorable gesture one way or another. And of course, he still like her.

    TV show Robb is stupid. He marry a girl for her appearance. But, I still like him. Book Robb marry to honor Jeyne and himself Yes, b

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