Why is Sansa Stark so Popular?



  • Sorry, I'm not into negativity and ranting aka Lindaism :) I'm sure there are some valid points or at the very least points worth discussing in your link, but I have my opinion about the show and it would be weird, to say the least, if I suddenly wouldn't enjoy the show anymore after someone "explains" why D&D "fucked up" the show (that just happened to win a load of Emmys :D). So I'm okay with you hating it if you want (even if haters can be quite the party poopers at times), but I can say you are not going to turn me to hate it unless I, myself, come to a point that I don't enjoy it anymore. And even in that point I would still appreciate it for all its good parts, and never would I lower myself to make personal insults towards D&D or anyone else in the crew.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    http://kateofthecanals.tumblr.com/post/129554135281/all-of-this-could-have-been-yours-why-game-of Read the post this links to. It basically sums up every point I was making, and explains exactly why D&D fucked up the show.

  • The more people dump on a character, the more it makes me want to defend them. I get wierdly protective lol

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's so hard for me to like a character (I love Sansa's character) when so many people hate on them.

  • This thread should poof away. OP is one of those people who will fault Sansa for literally everything, even after a lot of evidence has been compiled by so many people that disprove her blame in a lot of things. Sure, she isn't perfect, but she isn't this monster OP is making her out to be, lol...

  • I for one like Sansa

    Unlike just about every other main character she kind of lacks any real skills

    Well, this is where I have to disagree with you. Sansa's skill is in her ability to appear as non-threatening as possible because of her upbringing in the "typical" higher fashion, unlike Arya. Because of this, her courtesies are all she has to fall back on, which she desperately needed to survive in King's Landing (and even then, it's barely enough). Hell, if you put Arya in Sansa's situation, Arya wouldn't survive very long. She'd refuse to cooperate and she would no doubt have been beaten by either the Hound/Cersei.

    Unlike just about every other main character she kind of lacks any real skills and is important only because of her House Stark bloodline but other than that shes always being moved about and manipulated

    It is my hope that eventually Sansa takes the role of manipulator and becomes a major player in the game of thrones. Now that would be a great character arc: the naive idealistic eldest daughter has her belief in the world violently torn away. She suffers, but from being around the worst of people, she also learns from their plotting and scheming ways. Now, she can take matters into her own hands. Because no one suspects the little bird.

    Season 5 did seem to be heading for the direction to empower her into a more cunning personality but again she was more or less simply objectified as the Key to the North with her marriage to Ramsay and then spending the remainder of the season trapped in (not in the Dreadfort) Winterfell like a Damsel in Distress.

    Yeah, I didn't like how D&D chose to have Sansa do nothing but wait to be rescued by Brienne in the end. I assumed that based on Season 4's ending (Sansa's transformation), that we were in for a different Sansa come Season 5, but I hope that's still to come in Season 6.

    There are much better characters in GoT than Sansa Stark - so why is someone like her so popular?

    Well no doubt there are better characters. Why is she popular? She's the eldest surviving Stark. We've known her since the beginning of the series. Yes, we know she isn't the most likable Stark, but somehow she's still alive. We want to see what happens to her. Does she rise above the odds and bring the Stark name back to its former glory? Or is she destined to forever be a victim, mercilessly tossed back and forth between the major players until she dies?

  • Let's take a look shall we? She was the last Stark that held any power in the series that wasn't killed by execution, at a wedding, at the wall, in Braavos doing nothing productive or on the other side of the world past the wall doing God knows what not really affecting anything in Westeros. Now she is on the run with Theon, and will probably be caught and killed by the Boltons or flee to the Eyrie, the last refuge that Sansa and Theon could hope to be safe in. This is just speculation but I think it would be very badass if Sansa could somehow unite all the northern houses against the Boltons and take back control of the north putting Sansa in a huge position in the Game with the northern armies at her back as well as the backing of Baelish who is a wild card but could potentially be her greatest ally or enemy due to his standing and sway in Kings Landing. Plus she is one of the last Starks the Fat Man hasn't killed off yet but you never know with this series, no one is safe. "In the Game of Thrones you either win or you die there is no middle ground."

  • GRRM always saves Sansa in the end, she's wearing plot armor and should have died off some time ago.

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    Let's take a look shall we? She was the last Stark that held any power in the series that wasn't killed by execution, at a wedding, at the w

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