What Characters Do You Like/Dislike & Why?

I figured with all of the new threads popping up about characters being liked or disliked, I might make a thread where people can talk about characters they favor/disfavor and why, without littering the forum with threads about individual characters (although I wouldn't say there is anything entirely wrong with that concept... ;) )

Anyways, I'll start off by saying that Jaime Lannister and Sansa Stark are probably two of my favorite characters of the entire series, because I find their character development to be incredible, and both of their stories are actually quite heart wrenching when you think about it, and it makes you want to root for them.

I'm interested in hearing everyone else's opinions.


  • I could probably write ten thousand words on every character and why I love them or love to hate them, because so very very many of them are incredibly complex, fully fleshed-out, flawed people with goals and ambitions and blind spots and issues. Maybe when I'm not so tired I'll come back and wax poetic on how much Cersei fascinates me or why I find Littlefinger more frightening than Ramsay or my complicated sympathy and understanding of Stannis.

    But for now I'll just throw this out there: I live and breathe for Tormund Giantsbane.

  • I like Bronn, Gendry, Jorah and Tyrion because they impressed me
    I hate Robb, Ramsay, Cersei, Tywin, Petyr, Dany, Vyseris, Ramsay, Craster, Joffrey, Robert, Stannis, Melisandre, all Whitehills and the Tullys because they pissed me off
    Put Ramsay twice because he is stupid, annoying, bastard, and evil

  • edited September 2015

    Love: Tywin, Tyrion, Roose, Ramsay, Oberyn, Robb, Margaery (show), Jaime, Oleana, Podrick, Davos, Tormund Giantsbane, Asher, Rodrik, Cotter, Finn

    Like: Bronn, Arya, Littlefinger, Cersei, Jorah, Daario, Varys, Sansa, Joffrey, Catelyn, Doran, little Sam, Gendry, Kevan, Arthur, Elaena, Royland, Duncan, Gwyn, Morgryn, Tom, Hodor

    Don't Care For / About: Jon Snow, Bran, Rickon, Osha, Mira, Jojen, Grey Worm, Missandei, Ygritte, Mace, Brienne, Tommen, Myrcella, Renly, Loras, Robert, Sam & Gilly, Sylvi, Gared, Malcolm, Beskha, Croft, Mira, Grenn / Pyp / Dolores Ed / any other Night's Watch people, Ethan, the Dothraki, Trystane, Aero Hotah, Talia, Ryon, Lord Tarwick

    Hate: Stannis, Shae, Melissandre, all the Whitehill men (especially Gryff), Walder Frey, Dany, Viserys, Pycelle, Qyburn, Meryn Trant, Janos Slint, Robin, Lysa, Ser Pounce, Reek & the other Greyjoys, sand snakes & Ellaria, Allister Thorne, High Sparrow, the shame Septa, Margaery (game), Maester Ortegryn, Britt, Andros, Sera, Lucan, Frostfinger, Harys, Olivar, Olly, Craster

    *As an fyi none of these are in any order, just grouped together by category, and these are all the substantial characters I could think of from the game and show because I don't read the books & I made an earlier edit trying to put in a brief reason for why I liked / disliked these characters but the post was obnoxiously long so just to say the least I have individual reasons for my feelings about each of the people on each of the lists.

  • I only read the books and played this game, so all the characters I list here are either book or game version, not show version. Also, I'm not putting dead people on my list. If some of these people are dead in the show, they are not dead in the books so that's why they are on my list.

    I really love Jaime, Jon (I believe he is alive), Ghost, Arya, Brienne, Daenerys, Morgryn, Asher, Mira, Beskha, Grenn, Pyp, Tormund, Gendry, Petyr, Finn, Silvy, Tom, Rodrik, and Lady Stoneheart (technically, she is undead). This list is in no particular order, and I like them for very different reasons.

    I care for Maester Ortegryn, Lord Tarwick, Sera (yes, even after episode 5), Lady Elissa, Viserion, Drogon, Rhaegal, Tyrion, Bran, Rickon, Gared, Talia, Eleana, Cotter, Sansa, Lord Manderly and his granddaughters, Meera, Jojen, Nymeria, Shaggydog, Summer, and Davos.

    I hate hate HAAAAATE Melissandre, more than anyone else, hell I hate her so much you have no idea. Also Ludd, Gryff, Harrys (Gryff's boyfriend, I think that's his name), Andros, Qyburn, Lucan, Cersei, Walder Frey, that guy that married Daenerys in Meereen... I guess that's about it. Wow I'm actually surprised with how short this list is.

    The other characters don't make me feel anything. Like Ramsay, for example. I think I'm already so certain that he is getting what he deserves eventually that his actions don't really make me angry anymore. Also, I find him uninteresting and predictable.

  • Oh geez, I read the books, watch the show, and play the game, so I'll try to be brief. I have a bad habit of liking otherwise unlikable people. Melisandre, Cersei, Viserys, Gryff (yeah I have a secret soft spot as much as I fully intend to kill him, he's just such a prick and I love it), and I think Ramsay is entertaining in a horrific sort of way. That said, I also love Dany, Tyrion, Jon, Asher, Arthur, Brienne, Malcolm, all the people you're supposed to like, I guess. I don't dislike much of anyone, just some aren't as dear to me as others. I don't care for Mira all that much because I don't get much of a sense for her personality, which is kind of sad as she's us, she can be whoever we want. Still I don't have any real idea who she even is deep down as opposed to the other playable characters. Oh, and Sera is on my shit list because she goes from pleeeeease help me Mira to hah now you're in the doghouse so kiss my ass so I don't need no high school bs, forget her.

    My favourite in the game has got to be Rodrik, no question. He absolutely should have been dead but he got back up and did what he had to do despite having just lost his dad and brother and being in unimaginable pain, not to mention the dude has got to have some element of PTSD. Anyone would have been upset about their face being half-shredded too but he never spent any time feeling sorry for himself because his family needed him. I admire his strength and love how sweet he is with Elissa, Talia, Ryon, and Elaena. He may well be my favourite Telltale character to date. In fact, I'm gonna go ahead and say he is. Even at the end of episode five, I knew there was no way if it was up to him he'd let Asher or anybody stay, but as it was it was up to me instead and I just couldn't leave that beautiful soul there. ;_; I wasn't ready to say goodbye to him.

    I also adore Beskha, Elissa, Talia, Gwyn, and Elaena for being ladies in this world who don't take no shit. That's something I love to see.

    I could take any one of these or pretty much anyone else and go on and on about why I like or don't like them!

  • edited September 2015

    People might hate me for this, but I really, really love Ramsay. (Just in case my profile picture didn't make it clear...) I don't quite know why, but I've always been more keen on the twisted mental cases rather than the heroic and honorable characters. Not that I dislike the latter, of course. There's just something about Ramsay that I can't get enough of. He does awful things, flays people alive, tortures them, cuts their dicks off and makes jokes about it. But that's what makes him really stand out from other characters. Now, I'm not saying I enjoy what he does, I just enjoy him as a madman who has some awesome quotes throughout the series. (Also, his smile is just too good.) Ramsay can't be tamed, he does what he wants and enjoys the misery of others. As a person he's horrible and one of the worst on the show (and especially in the books, I hear), but as a character I think he's absolutely fantastic. As someone already mentioned on another thread, he brings some contrast to the cast as someone who is the opposite of i.e. Robb. I think it's fascinating how Ramsay is completely out of his mind, yet he's quite intelligent. I think he'll go far in the series, or I at least hope so. To me, Game Of Thrones isn't the same without that crazy motherfucker. Also, I would like to take a moment to appreciate the work Iwan Rheon does. His acting and voice acting are both perfect, and in my opinion he fulfills his role brilliantly. I've seen people complain about how he's too good looking in the show compared to the books, but really, does it matter that much when Iwan nails all the other parts of the character? I think his appearance is great and what's even better is how he brings the character of Ramsay to life.

    I wrote this comment once before and listed some other characters I liked, but right now I'm too tired to list them again. I'll just go straight to my favourite character in the game - Asher. I have loved him from the moment we saw him pissing in a vase to the moment he was (determinant) slayed by the Whitehill fuckers. Honestly, I've gotten to the point where it upsets me when people talk about him in a negative tone, saying he's very aggressive. Sure, he can go on a rampage if needed, but from what I've seen, he's still a caring and genuinely nice person for the most part. He's humorous and charming, nothing that I was really expecting from the way people talked about him. I find him and Beskha's brother-sister kind of friendship adorable, and it breaks my heart to see the scene where they say their goodbyes. ;-; I couldn't bring myself to leave him behind, he's too damn awesome. So is Rodrik, of course, but Asher has a special place in my heart. His fighting skills are damn sweet, though his personality is what I love the most. (He's a handsome fella as well.) That 'fucking Asher grin' gives me life, enough said.

  • I think my favourite characters are: Arya, Tyrion, Jaime, Jon and Ramsay... there are waaaay more that i like but it was hard to pick only 5 already.. haha

    I like Arya and tyrion both because i relate to them a lot.. i dont want to go into exact detail, but i was always the youngest sibling. Arya is tougher than i ever could be, though haha :'D but i always kinda related to her and wanted her to finally be safe and all.

    I like Arya a lot because she can always go on and fight and continue her story, it's always interesting to see where she ends up. She is overall just one of the most interesting child characters i have ever seen!

    I like tyrion for many obvious reasons. I just finished the first book and i like him even more now. His characterization is just perfect and on-point and i love his dry wit! Hes a character you can enjoy because hes funny and clever when things look dark, but also sympathize with when you think about what he went through in his life. He is written like a likable real human i guess ! (for the time period at least)

    I really like Jaime because he is a really well rounded character with an actually interesting redemption arc. Too often i find arcs like that kind of boring, but it worked so well with Jaimes character. I liked him as an asshole and i still like him now as a more likable character. I mean, you can't undo crippling a little child - but it's a start, y' know?

    Also - jon. I found that i liked him A LOT more in the first book than in the show in general. I liked him in the show prior, but only now that i actually got into the books i feel the character really gets grounded and focused a lot. And i still think they are doing a fine job on the show - but man.
    In the book i feel like the younger age he has (and most characters) really works in the favor of the character.

    Last one - Ramsay. I don't like ramsay because he is a nice or likable character (he should probably get stabbed in the guts at some point), it's kind of hard to justify it i guess :'D He is just so ridiculously evil and horrible that it's just enjoyable sometimes. And at this point i feel bad for theon/reek - but when i didn't know more about the other episodes - i was kinda finding it funny that he was getting "punished" for his bullshit in winterfell. I feel like a lot of the "likability" comes from the actors amazing performance - ramsay is just legit horrifying at a lot of points.

    And just because - some other characters that i like a lot:

    Sansa Stark, Sandor Clegane, Petyr Baelish, Brienne, Jeor Mormont, Samwell... yuuuup ( i probably forgot some more haha)

  • edited September 2015

    most liked:

    1. Eddard Stark
    2. Robb Stark
    3. Stannis Baratheon
    4. Jon Snow
    5. Davos seaworth

    most hated:

    1. Daenerys Targaryen
    2. Joffrey "Baratheon"
    3. Roose Bolton
    4. Cersei Lannister
    5. Walder Frey
  • Here, bruh, Enjoy the awesome Asher grin xD

    enter image description here

    SerMarve posted: »

    People might hate me for this, but I really, really love Ramsay. (Just in case my profile picture didn't make it clear...) I don't quite kno

  • Thank you! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Here, bruh, Enjoy the awesome Asher grin xD

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