Could Mira

Betray Sera, in order to form an alliance with Lord Tarwick? I know that she and Morgryn have a connection, but we don't really know how far we can trust him. Tarwick would appreciate her honesty, and he insists on marrying someone of high birth... he's not really someone I find romantically appealing (I fancy Morgryn) but this was just a thought I had. I want to save Mira and thought this might be a possibility.


  • Maybe... I can see how us telling or not telling him the truth about Sera will have repercussions along the lines of if you lied he'll find out and won't be inclined to help you but if you told him the truth, he will miraculously be in a position to at least give you useful information. I'd dearly love the opportunity to screw Sera over as I dropped her the minute she went all mightier than thou on me. Her begging for our help and then breaking off our "friendship" that a few days ago was sooooo valuable made me not give a damn what happens to her fickle ass. For the record, you'd better believe I spilled that tea. I do so hope Sera enjoyed her few days indulging her delusions of grandeur! Hope it was worth it! ;D

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