Is Sylvi a Mormont?

In episode 4-5 gared looks inside the hunting tent of Sylvi and finds a golden necklace with a bear on it. After doing some research and looking into the sigil of house Mormont I realised the bear is in exactly the same position as that of the sigil. Furthermore Gared says, "wait....I recognise that' before he is 'attacked' by Sylvi. As Gared is a northerner, and serving in the nights watch, he should definitely know the Mormont sigil. Lastly I don't think that wildlings are able to forge or mine gold, so how did Sylvi get the token? Pretty mysterious right?. Has anyone got any thoughts on this topic, and how and why the Mormont familly would have left her on the other side of the wall?(btw I cannot properly post images in the mobile version of the website so an image of the necklace or talisman, aswell as the Mormont sigil would be appreciated :)


  • edited September 2015

    Interesting theory :) but... I think the "I've seen this before." refers to when Gared see's that same sigil carved into a tree, earlier in the episode (which is 4 by the way). Right before encountering that group of Wildling women.

    So I think it's safe to assume, the bear is just the sigil of a Wildling Clan.

  • Well Sylvi states that she is from a village near Hardhome, and there's all the backstory.

    Also, I'm pretty sure the bear was just from one of the things outside the hut in the camp.

  • You guys are probably right, but I still don't understand how wildings would mine or forge gold, I didn't know there were any gold mines North of the wall.

  • Also, Mormonts tend to have darker hair. And because Syvli and Cotter are related, I don't think she is a Mormont. It could be something that was stolen in a raid at some point, or that she just found somewhere, though.

  • The way the bear is positioned is also almost identical to that of the sigil of house Mormont, to avoid confusion why can't telltale just flip the way the bear is facing...'facepalm' .

  • About the darker hair...since telltale is following the Television show adaptation of Game of Thrones don't the Mormons have lighter hair than in the books e.g Jorah being dirty blond in the show, whilst having(very little) brown hair in the books. I think in the show maege mormont also has lighter blonde hair, much like cotter actually....idk

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Also, Mormonts tend to have darker hair. And because Syvli and Cotter are related, I don't think she is a Mormont. It could be something that was stolen in a raid at some point, or that she just found somewhere, though.

  • That's apretty solid point, the only thing I can think to counter that is that she could have been left there( beyond the wall) as a baby, found by her 'mother' wilding and taken to hardhome where she was raised.

    Well Sylvi states that she is from a village near Hardhome, and there's all the backstory. Also, I'm pretty sure the bear was just from one of the things outside the hut in the camp.

  • I doubt she was "found" by her wildling mother, Cotter is old enough that he would remember his mother being pregnant and giving birth.

    I mean, it's possible he just decided to leave that part out, but I think you're just reading too much into a fairly simple image of a bear.

    That's apretty solid point, the only thing I can think to counter that is that she could have been left there( beyond the wall) as a baby, found by her 'mother' wilding and taken to hardhome where she was raised.

  • Yeah that's probably what I'm doing XD, it would be an interesting plot twist though, we have had a lot of wtf moments in the game series, but I feel like a unexpected plot twist like that could make it more exciting either way I'm probably just looking too much into a bear token.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I doubt she was "found" by her wildling mother, Cotter is old enough that he would remember his mother being pregnant and giving birth. I

  • I was going by book descriptions, because we have only seen three Mormonts on the show, and Maege and Jeor (Lord Commander Mormont) were both older, and their hair would have turned grey or white, and Jorah is an outlier, because the producers don't pay that much attention to getting actors that match the book description, they care more about getting a good actor/actress. Like Dany should have violet eyes, but no one actually has those in real life. But in the books, all the Mormonts have the traditional First Men look of dark hair, like Alysanne and Dacey, and even Jorah having brown or black hair.

    About the darker hair...since telltale is following the Television show adaptation of Game of Thrones don't the Mormons have lighter hair th

  • The thing about the violet eyes is that they were going to do that with contacts but it made it hard for the actors because people act with their eyes so they dropped it for blue.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    I was going by book descriptions, because we have only seen three Mormonts on the show, and Maege and Jeor (Lord Commander Mormont) were bot

  • Life is gonna suck for Masie Williams filming season six.

    The thing about the violet eyes is that they were going to do that with contacts but it made it hard for the actors because people act with their eyes so they dropped it for blue.

  • That was just an example of not casting people based on matching character description, but on talent.

    The thing about the violet eyes is that they were going to do that with contacts but it made it hard for the actors because people act with their eyes so they dropped it for blue.

  • Sylvi is a wildling, so she has no connection to the Mormonts.

  • enter image description here

    This is how sigil of house Mormont looks like. It is different from bear necklace from tent.

  • Yup, but that is the sigil on the tv series, on George RR Martin World of Ice and Fire the sigil is a little diferent, with a standing bear, very much alike the necklace.

    On the other side the game seems to be visual based on both, but more on the tv series, see Daenerys, she dont have purple eyes like on the book, shes like the Daenerys from the tv, the same eith Ramsay and Cersei, but the lost legion, that appear olny in the game, correctly have purple eyes like almost every valyrian blooded on the books.

    But, i dont think Silvi is a Mormont, she is clearly a wildling to me, the bear that Gared said to can be seen before was carved by silvi in a near tree right befote you find rhe wildling camp, and i think it was carved by Silvi herself, like a message to Cotter, the Bear means something to them, is more than a Sigil, the carving eas there so he could know something, if she was near and alive, or to guide him to where she was,

    And i thinked on a crazy theory right in the first time i saw Silvi on a trailer: She may be just half sister to Cotter and have some valyrian blood herself, because she have white silvered hair and lilac eyes, and very wich is preety near the eyes of some targeryan, i dont remember exactly what one.

    Just a crazy theory like Mormont's Silvi, but the two are not completly impossible, and i would like to see Silve and Gared Flying on the Ice Dragon back to kill some Whitehill!!! Blood from Ice!!!

    Other mistery about Silvi is the three drawings found on her tent, i'm not sure about it, but i think it was a spider (ice spider?), the bear again, and i cant really remember about the third, was it a feather maybe, or what? What you people think about it, maybe it have something to do with the background story that Cotter told you, about them leaving the village.

  • I never thought of that! Good catch, it is definitely not impossible.

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