How much the Forresters, Royland and maybe Eleana liked Gared?


  • Well he was Lord Gregor's squire, Duncan's nephew, so obviously they were fond of him. Lady Forrester went out of her way to offer her condolences for the loss of his father and sister, as did Talia, and she gave him her necklace so we know she likes him at least as a friend. Royland stood up for him when Duncan wanted to send him to the wall, whether he was arguing that position out of a sense of justice or because of a fondness for Gared I don't know, but probably both. I'm not sure if Eleana even knows him, she doesn't live at Ironrath and Gared's been at war with Gregor for two years and was gone by the time she arrived. We know Rodrik and Eleana have known each other since they were children, but would the sons and daughters of nobility be playing hide and seek with the son of a pig farmer, who was probably living on that farm until he was old enough to squire for Lord Gregor anyway? I mean maybe she knows him in passing but I doubt she has any strong feelings about him.

  • Thanks

    cussbunny posted: »

    Well he was Lord Gregor's squire, Duncan's nephew, so obviously they were fond of him. Lady Forrester went out of her way to offer her condo

  • edited September 2015

    I remember that Gared said that Lady Forrester treated him as if he were a Forrester himself, if you look at her on the tapestry. I'm assuming Royland cared about him, because he seemed pretty passionate in that argument about not sending him to the Wall. I can only imagine most Forrester's liked him. Eleana? No idea.

  • Rodrick mentions him with some remorse if Duncan is the traitor you can say, did you tell Ludd about Gared and The North Grove and Duncan says he kept the secrets that mattered

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