[Lead the assault against the wildlings]
Nice that Stranger is coming back, his plot looks promising even now at the start, so I hope we get his next chapters shortly. Also, there's an interesting situation with Ulrich and Charles (well, I suppose he escaped with Dayne too, because ending of that part doesn't say anything about what happened to him), I hope we'll learn what are they doing/where are they going in the near future.
The Stranger
The cursed entity that resided in First Ranger Niclas’ body rested his back against the smooth round rocks on the edge of th… moree Milkwater. The Stranger held Frostbite, First Ranger Niclas’ sword, in his hands - running the sharpened edge over his frozen fingers, leaving deep cuts down to the bone. He sat and did this as he waited for his new companions to arise. The Ice River folk had been dead for a few days now, and The Stranger was beginning to doubt the Great Other’s promise to resurrect the dead. Carley Winter, the stubborn Ice River woman who refused The Stranger, was the only corpse out of the five with blue eyes.
“Perhaps I did not follow the order correctly. Oh well, I’m no White Walker but I am positive that these minions will rise soon enough.” The Stranger smirked, to no one in particular.
The Stranger raised an eyebrow when he felt a strange feeling touch him, almost an essence or a spirit. He stood, the blade… [view original content]
The Stranger
The cursed entity that resided in First Ranger Niclas’ body rested his back against the smooth round rocks on the edge of th… moree Milkwater. The Stranger held Frostbite, First Ranger Niclas’ sword, in his hands - running the sharpened edge over his frozen fingers, leaving deep cuts down to the bone. He sat and did this as he waited for his new companions to arise. The Ice River folk had been dead for a few days now, and The Stranger was beginning to doubt the Great Other’s promise to resurrect the dead. Carley Winter, the stubborn Ice River woman who refused The Stranger, was the only corpse out of the five with blue eyes.
“Perhaps I did not follow the order correctly. Oh well, I’m no White Walker but I am positive that these minions will rise soon enough.” The Stranger smirked, to no one in particular.
The Stranger raised an eyebrow when he felt a strange feeling touch him, almost an essence or a spirit. He stood, the blade… [view original content]
The Stranger
The cursed entity that resided in First Ranger Niclas’ body rested his back against the smooth round rocks on the edge of th… moree Milkwater. The Stranger held Frostbite, First Ranger Niclas’ sword, in his hands - running the sharpened edge over his frozen fingers, leaving deep cuts down to the bone. He sat and did this as he waited for his new companions to arise. The Ice River folk had been dead for a few days now, and The Stranger was beginning to doubt the Great Other’s promise to resurrect the dead. Carley Winter, the stubborn Ice River woman who refused The Stranger, was the only corpse out of the five with blue eyes.
“Perhaps I did not follow the order correctly. Oh well, I’m no White Walker but I am positive that these minions will rise soon enough.” The Stranger smirked, to no one in particular.
The Stranger raised an eyebrow when he felt a strange feeling touch him, almost an essence or a spirit. He stood, the blade… [view original content]
Can't believe how long it actually took me to decide on this Obviously, I'm on the Wildlings side here, so I was torn if it was better to send the Stranger to fight them or to keep him away from them. I'm still not entirely sure what he is capable of, aside from possessing a single body, but I am sure he has some tricks up his sleeve. In the end, I am glad that everyone else already chose this option, so my vote wouldn't really make a difference. Since the Stranger himself says that it is hard for him to fight, I think it will be better to send him instead of the Lord Commander.
The Stranger
The cursed entity that resided in First Ranger Niclas’ body rested his back against the smooth round rocks on the edge of th… moree Milkwater. The Stranger held Frostbite, First Ranger Niclas’ sword, in his hands - running the sharpened edge over his frozen fingers, leaving deep cuts down to the bone. He sat and did this as he waited for his new companions to arise. The Ice River folk had been dead for a few days now, and The Stranger was beginning to doubt the Great Other’s promise to resurrect the dead. Carley Winter, the stubborn Ice River woman who refused The Stranger, was the only corpse out of the five with blue eyes.
“Perhaps I did not follow the order correctly. Oh well, I’m no White Walker but I am positive that these minions will rise soon enough.” The Stranger smirked, to no one in particular.
The Stranger raised an eyebrow when he felt a strange feeling touch him, almost an essence or a spirit. He stood, the blade… [view original content]
Mmm, you know it's interesting because whenever anyone sees an antagonist they always want them dead. We don't know The Stranger's motives or actions yet, only know what he has done and it bothers us. I will say he is of some importance for what is to come later on, or more importantly trying to stop what is to come.
[Lead the assault against the wildlings]
Can't believe how long it actually took me to decide on this Obviously, I'm on the Wildlings si… morede here, so I was torn if it was better to send the Stranger to fight them or to keep him away from them. I'm still not entirely sure what he is capable of, aside from possessing a single body, but I am sure he has some tricks up his sleeve. In the end, I am glad that everyone else already chose this option, so my vote wouldn't really make a difference. Since the Stranger himself says that it is hard for him to fight, I think it will be better to send him instead of the Lord Commander.
Alright, well this was a clear vote. The Stranger will lead the assault against the wildlings.
All I can say for this vote is congratulations, you may have just saved a couple of brothers from the cruel torture of The Stranger. Anyway, next part is undecided, but I think it will be Jared Pyke.
Now if you don't recall, Jared Pyke is the bastard son of Qhored Hoare - King of the Iron Islands. He has been given a mission from his father to kill Lord Banneth Harlaw, as he is the one house who has not contributed to the upcoming conquer of Westeros. Jared is accompanied by his best friend Tanner, a nutty chap who lost most of his fingers to the finger dance. Along the way, on the Seahorse - vessel owned by Korb the Pirate - they encounter some strife between Kober Goodbrother's men and Korb's crew. Jared confronted Korb and tried to threaten him to ease his men, saying he fought for the Greyjoys. Korb sniggered and spat over the Greyjoy's, claiming it was the other way around. There we were left with the options to go check on Tanner, speak with Athen Greyjoy about this news or talk with Kober Goodbrother about Korb. You chose to speak with Kober Goodbrother, and that is where our part begins.
Indeed, the stranger is a pretty mysterious being so far and it will be interesting to learn more about him. To be honest, I am not even sure what he is, though my current theory is that he is a very powerful skinchanger. I actually haven't chosen this option because I want him dead already, I have chosen this option because I want to prevent additional deaths among the wildlings Though what you say here is quite interesting... I mean, the Stranger is obviously evil, but have you just hinted that he might not be the main antagonist? That would be surprising to say the least.
Mmm, you know it's interesting because whenever anyone sees an antagonist they always want them dead. We don't know The Stranger's motives o… morer actions yet, only know what he has done and it bothers us. I will say he is of some importance for what is to come later on, or more importantly trying to stop what is to come.
I forgot I never closed this vote. The Stranger will choose to lead the assault against the wildlings.
I guess I'll slip this in here rather than making a new post. Hey guys! It's been a little while since I posted much and I apologise in advance for future disappearances. I, like my friend WildlingKing, have been suffering the great nature of assignments with deadlines. Whenever one ended, another began and so fourth. I have slowly been writing a Jared part, which is not yet finished but I am hoping I can conclude it tonight. Hope everyone is well!
The Stranger
The cursed entity that resided in First Ranger Niclas’ body rested his back against the smooth round rocks on the edge of th… moree Milkwater. The Stranger held Frostbite, First Ranger Niclas’ sword, in his hands - running the sharpened edge over his frozen fingers, leaving deep cuts down to the bone. He sat and did this as he waited for his new companions to arise. The Ice River folk had been dead for a few days now, and The Stranger was beginning to doubt the Great Other’s promise to resurrect the dead. Carley Winter, the stubborn Ice River woman who refused The Stranger, was the only corpse out of the five with blue eyes.
“Perhaps I did not follow the order correctly. Oh well, I’m no White Walker but I am positive that these minions will rise soon enough.” The Stranger smirked, to no one in particular.
The Stranger raised an eyebrow when he felt a strange feeling touch him, almost an essence or a spirit. He stood, the blade… [view original content]
I forgot I never closed this vote. The Stranger will choose to lead the assault against the wildlings.
I guess I'll slip this in here rat… moreher than making a new post. Hey guys! It's been a little while since I posted much and I apologise in advance for future disappearances. I, like my friend WildlingKing, have been suffering the great nature of assignments with deadlines. Whenever one ended, another began and so fourth. I have slowly been writing a Jared part, which is not yet finished but I am hoping I can conclude it tonight. Hope everyone is well!
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was interrupted. In front of him stood two of Korb’s crewmen, both pissed as a fart with angry expressions coursing their faces. Both stood a head taller than Jared, one was larger than the other but both were mildly intimidating to Jared’s eyes.
“Prince Pyke.” The larger pirate sniggered. He wore a dark bandana over his head, his face podgy and dimpled. “Prince Shitmouth more like.” His companion smirked.
“We saw what you did to our captain before, fuckhead.” Jared glimpsed the larger man cracking his knuckles. Jared looked the man in front of him in the eyes.
“Aye, he was failing to fall in line, much like yourselves.” The man replied with a chuckle, placing his hands on his hips.
“Is that so, Shitmouth?” Before he knew what was happening, Jared had knocked the brute on his arse and bloodied his nose with his steel-capped boot.
The larger man’s eyes filled with fury, he started toward Jared but was quickly outmaneuvered. Jared had darted behind him, taking a leg out from beneath him while he did. The bulky man rolled over, reaching for his axe, though Jared pinned his arms and put his own axe to his throat. The sounds of iron leaving their sheaths made Jared raise his eyes. Korb’s men had unsheathed their weapons, waiting to strike once Jared took the large man’s life. The Goodbrother’s had rallied around Kober, weapons unsheathed. The Greyjoy’s remained close to Athen and Ezra, and the small handful of Hoares - Tanner included - had their weapons in hand ready to act. Jared looked down to his foe, his axe had lightly scratched the man’s neck, causing a trickle of blood to flow down to the floorboard. His once angry expression had now turned fearful and worried. Jared leaned down so that his voice was only within earshot of the bulkier man.
“Good thing you wore brown pants.” Jared released the tension of his axe and stood up, looking at all of the men and women in anguish. The only one who seemed to not fit in this category was Korb the Pirate, who stood by his wheel grinning.
Jared sheathed his axe and walked over to Kober, he felt certain that the two pirates were done for the day. Laughter began to emit from the crew and raiders as the two men scurried down below, and all the chatter picked up from where it left off. The Goodbrother looked at Jared with raised eyebrows, he seemed impressed. Jared leant against the railing and watched as the pirate crew and ironmen made jokes and conversed.
“To think I came over here to ask you to calm your men.” Kober chuckled in response.
“Aye Prince Pyke, well handled for a bastard.” The title made Jared frown, his love for Arika would kill him so long as he was a bastard. He turned and looked out to the east, the night was still dark.
“Dawn will be upon us soon.” Kober nodded.
“We’re losing our cover. Though we have no time to waste, we need to get rid of the Harlaw whether it is day or night. With our numbers, we won’t be able to make a camp without being spotted. We would have to strike quick and precise.” Jared stared out to the dark rolling ocean, the recent storm had left the sea state with half metre swells.
“Thirty men against an entire army of Harlaw’s, all in the light of day? We wouldn’t even be able to launch the longboats to shore, little-own charge against their main gates.” Kober turned his eyes to Jared, appearing frustrated.
“Then what would you have us do, Prince Pyke? Your father made you the leader of this strike, so start leading.” Jared met the Goodbrother’s cold glaring eyes.
Before Jared could think of something to say, the Goodbrother had lost his interest and left Jared to ponder on his thoughts. Jared watched the Goodbrother join his men. Jared sighed, he had thought the hardest part of getting Arika’s hand was asking her initially, though now it would seem otherwise. He turned his attention back to the flat calm sea, the conditions were ideally blowing easterly which had generally steered the Seahorse most of the way to Harlaw. Jared thought back to his father’s words. The Harlaw’s refuse to join our cause. Take thirty of my best men, sail to Harlaw and kill the old saltman. Make sure his son bends the knee. Jared had thought deeply on his father’s orders, which he seldom did. He knew it was forbidden to spill the blood of any ironborn. Unless I am to drown the Harlaw, I am damned in the Drowned God’s eyes. Jared smelt that foul stench of ale stained clothing. He turned to find Andiron Quarter-Iron, the ferocious drunkard who had volunteered to join this voyage. Many disrespected Andiron for his lack of skill as a raider, he wore no jewelry as he had never raided in his life.
“Prince Pyke.” The drunkard bowed respectfully, though Jared took it as simple mockery.
“What do you want, Andiron.” The old sailor frowned, leaning his back on the railings.
“I spoke with Korb after your little stunt just before. I think I’m not the only one who is curious about how we are going to carry out this assassination.” Jared sighed once again, this time with a hint of irritation.
“I spoke with the Goodbrother, he thinks we should strike hard and fast. Though head on battle would end catastrophic for us.” Andiron nodded in agreeance.
“Aye, and we don’t have nearly enough men to launch such an assault. We would be shot down before we made it off the beach.” Jared gave no response, he had thought this all through already. “Which is why I came to speak to you. I was talking with Korb after your little stunt, and it would appear you’ve gained the man’s respect. He wants to talk to you.” Jared eyed the drunkard, trying to tell if he was serious or not. Andiron held a straight face.
Jared nodded, turning his focus to the wheel of the ship. There Korb stood, staring directly at Jared with a large grin on his face.
The thick iron chains rattled against the cracked wooden deck of the Seahorse as the iron anchors were lowered. Korb had instructed his crew to anchor behind the peninsula of the Harlaw Hall. The bay was large, though for the most part jagged and rocky. Caves large and small opened up all around the cliffed bay, breathing in the winds and keeping the bay unusually calm. The sun had risen, tinting the sky a blood red.
Jared sat in Korb’s quarters, along with Kober Goodbrother, Athen Greyjoy and Andiron Quarter-Iron. Everyone seemed to look uncomfortable around each other, there had been no trust gained as of yet. Kober wore his iron plated armour, his sigil - a warhorn - was engraved into the thick metal. The sight of the iron plating made Jared grin, Kober was a man who had no fear of drowning. Beside him, Andiron stood with his arms crossed, exposing his great strength in his arms that he had earned as a sailor. Tattoos were scattered over his sleeveless arms, each held a story to tell. Finally, Athen Greyjoy closed the gap between Jared and Andiron. The considerably handsome young man wore boiled leather with iron chainmail. Korb the Pirate sat behind his desk, stacked with trinkets and greenmen currency, with the same wolfish grin he always wore.
“So what’s this all about, Korb.” Athen asked, appearing impatient and eager to leave. Korb’s grin lost it’s shape and formed into an angered expression.
“Mind ye place Greyjoy, you ‘ave no power over me.” Athen glared at the Pirate, then backed down reluctantly. Appeased, the Pirate smiled and began.
“I’ve brought ye all ‘ere this fine morn because it’d be plain as day to me that ye don’t know what the ‘ell ye are doing. So I say this, in exchange for my knowledge ye’ll give me something I want whenever I ‘ave need of it.” The four ironmen exchanged uneasy looks, Jared took the opportunity to speak up.
“And what might that be?” Korb gave that wolfish grin, showing his black crooked teeth.
“Half of the Iron Fleet.” The silent and attended room quickly lost its order, though was just as quickly silenced with Jared’s voice.
“What for do you require the Iron Fleet?” Korb looked as if he were going to answer, though Kober interrupted.
“You cannot be considering this Jared, he’s a filthy pirate who would squander our mighty fleet on some worthless score.” Andiron nodded in agreeance.
“Aye, we can’t simply hand over our fleet to a fucking pirate.” Jared moved his attention to Athen, who had remained quiet since his putting down.
“What are your thoughts Athen?” The Greyjoy looked up nervously, though his expression showed none of it.
“I say we need to kill the Harlaw, and we cannot do that if we cannot get to him. Give Korb what he wants, it’s a small price to pay if we get the Harlaw’s by our side.” the Goodbrother grunted and rolled his eyes.
“Typical fucking Greyjoy, remove your pants and take it up the arse.” Athen shot up, his face reddened with anger. Jared placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, trying to stop him from doing anything stupid.
Athen freed himself from Jared’s grip and left Korb’s quarters in a great haste, slamming the creaky wooden door behind him. After a small moment of silence, Korb spoke up.
“So what’ll it be friends? Life or death for ye?” Jared looked at his two counterparts, he had to show leadership.
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of… more the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was int… [view original content]
Half of the Iron Fleet, huh? That sounds a bit too much, especially in exchange for knowledge. Who knows what Korb is going to tell them and who knows what he is going to do with that many ships. This does not sound like a good deal.
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of… more the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was int… [view original content]
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of… more the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was int… [view original content]
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of… more the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was int… [view original content]
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of… more the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was int… [view original content]
Great, well I can close this fairly anti-Korb decision by saying that Jared will deny Korb's deal.
This is both a good and bad decision, and would not have ended well for either or. Accepting his deal would have helped Jared and co to sneak into the Harlaw Hall without being seen by anyone, also they would have gained the support of some of Korb's pirates. Now, they will have to find another way which will not get them killed on sight, though we will see what happens for his next part!
I've been writing a bit of the next part which I think is going to be Julie, though I may choose to put that aside and pickup where Kaiden left off. Just depends where I'm feeling it I suppose. Sorry for the long wait for this close, it's likely I won't get the part out this weekend as I have a lot of due assignments and tests coming up this week that need my attention.
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of… more the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was int… [view original content]
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat himself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfully, grabbing his fur gloves and pulling them off to try and reassure himself that he was wrong. What he saw was burnt flesh, scarring all over. He touched his hands, though he could feel nothing, he shuddered and screamed.
The woman awoke from her slumber, quickly racing to Kaiden and trying to calm him down. She grabbed his arms to stop him from trying to hit her.
“It’s okay! Stop struggling, you’re in no danger. Just, look into my eyes and hear me.” Kaiden tried to free himself but the girl was stronger than she looked, or he had weakened. He submitted to her might and looked into her beautiful hazel coloured eyes. His breathing shallowed, his chest started to thump at the sight of this beauty.
“Who are you?” He asked with awe, unsure of whether he should be afraid or madly in love. She girl smiled and released Kaiden.
“My name is Anya, crow.” She bowed mockingly. “How about you?” Kaiden stared at the girl with wonder and curiosity.
“Kaiden.” He said, half distracted by her eyes, then her smile.
“Well, Kaiden, tell me what you remember. Do you know where we are?” Kaiden shook his head, his memories were jumbled.
“You’re in the village of the Hornfoots, you came to us. We initiated you, and now you’re one of us.” Anya’s voice was as calm as birds in a meadow, he felt deeply in love. He shook his head in confusion.
“Hornfoots?” Anya raised her eyebrows, shocked at how little Kaiden could recall.
“We’re freefolk, Kaiden. Wildlings as you crows call us, though you’re not a crow. Not anymore. You’re one of us now, you’re free.” Kaiden listened to the words carefully, repeating them in his head over and over. Free? His expression must have replicated what he was thinking because Anya nodded at him and smiled.
“Aye, free to do as you please. So long as it is good for us.” Her final sentence baffled him a little.
“What do you mean by that?” Anya smiled once again, this time with a more wicked look in her hazel eyes. It was a smile Kaiden had seen once before, in the short time he had spent before he came to the Wall.
“Well we couldn’t have you running back to the crows, or those Nightrunners. No, you’re free to do as you please so long as it helps the Hornfoots. That’s why my father, Morg the Mutt, has gladly taken you on to become a… Servant... of our home.” Kaiden recognised the smile. Smiling bitch. He thought as the memories of why he was sent to the Wall flooded his mind.
“That does not sound like freedom.” Kaiden said with a hint of anger in his voice, remembering that the last band of wildlings gave their freedom openly to Odin Umber. Traitorous old crone, I bet he’s drinking all the mead and ale that the wildlings have.
“Not until you earn our trust, crow.” She said with a mocking tone. Kaiden lost his temper.
“I could take you right now, wildling bitch. Pin you on the ground and show you what a real man is.” Kaiden looked the wildling in the eyes, though was surprised to see her laugh.
“Perhaps you could.” She lightly chuckled. “Though you would have a hard time trying to fuck me, Burned Crow. We cut that infection off days ago.” Anya laughed and left the tent, leaving Kaiden bewildered.
Kaiden dropped his fur pants to see a burnt lump of flesh, his manhood no longer existent. He felt an acid feeling making its way up his throat and into the back of his mouth. His vision swayed, going dark until he could see no more.
“Kaiden! Wake up log head, breakfast is ready!” The sweet sound of his mother's voice soothed his rest, he felt at his climate of comfortability. “Kyra, go wake your brother will you?” The young girl jumped onto the wooden floorboards with a thud, more thuds approached towards Kaiden. He pulled the sheets over his head and groaned.
“Go away little sister.” The young girl ripped the sheets away from his face, sunlight beamed into his eyes and made him squint.
His younger beautiful sister sat on him with those beautiful cheeky eyes. He turned over and buried his face into his pillow. He felt his sister crawl over his back, her breath on the back of his head.
“Bugger off, let me sleep.” Kaiden pleaded, nudging her off his back. She came back and rubbed her head against his, this time licking his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked at his sister.
“Kyra what in the -”
Kaiden opened his eyes, and met eyes with the beast that licked him multiple times. He scrambled back in panic, as the large hideous beast hovered over him. Kaiden might have called it a dog, but the beast had no fur, instead skin. It’s back was arched as if it looked hunched back, it’s face scared Kaiden the most. The beast’s face was too similar to that of a man, it’s ears were round, it looked like a man mixed with a dog. Though it’s eyes were milky white. Kaiden felt around through the dirt, desperately trying to find something to defend himself with. His hand secured itself around a jagged rock, though before he knew it the dog was already on top of him, pinning his arm to the ground. Kaiden hit the beast with his free arm, smashing it in the guts and ribs or wherever he could. Finally, the animal gave way and fled, leaving Kaiden jittery as he leant his back against the trunk of a fallen tree. He took in some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He took in his surroundings, he was in the Haunted Forest and there was no sign of the Hornfoot village.
Kaiden stood himself up, slowly as he tried to avoid stretching the burned scars all over his body. His fur clothing had been replaced with rags and light ripped cloth. He turned around and looked at the trunk behind him, there was an engraving and a rusted steel hunting knife. Kaiden grabbed the knife and slipped it between his rope belt and his pants, then knelt down to examine the engraving. The message was blunt, but somewhat terrifying. Run. Kaiden felt his heart starting to beat faster. How did I get out here? He stood up, feeling uneasy, and looked up at the sky. The sun was rising in the east, which meant he must have been here for at least one night. He felt his stomach grumble. I need to find something to eat. Kaiden looked around, the forest seemed bare of resources, though he was sure there would be a rabbit or squirrel somewhere if he looked hard enough. He looked back up at the sky, then down in the direction of south. I should try and head back to the Wall. Kaiden started walking, each step sending a twinge of pain which made him want to stop, though he knew he could not afford to stop if he wanted to live.
After hours of walking and no luck, he sat himself down between two fallen trees. His body was sore, burning, he wondered if he would ever feel well again. He laid himself down on his side, ready to give up, though some movement caught his attention. Under the fallen log, he saw a large furry brown rat with a long pale tail stared at him with beady black eyes. He quietly and gently moved his hand towards it, then quickly grabbed it before it could run. Ha ha! He observed the size of the rat, it was big and fat. Nothing better than the Watch could give me. He placed his hand around the rat’s neck, though the sound of chatter made him flinch and the rat scurried out of his hands and under the log. He quickly turned and watched as the rat stopped and stared at something approaching it. It was picked up by a large man and disfigured as he took a bite out of it. The rat’s headless body twitched then went limp. The man laughed, and turned around facing what seemed to be at least twenty other wildlings.
“The Ratter eats the rat!” He yelled, some of the other men joined him in his laughter, others smirked.
“I’m looking forward to a real meal back at the village. Krumm better have a feast ready for us when we get back, those Night’s Watch will be tracking down the Nightrunners now thanks to us!” Some other men cheered, though the Ratter spat.
“The fat bastard probably ate all our share. Once he’s dead and the Mutt is in power, that’s when I will cheer.” Some of the men sniggered, others remained silent.
Kaiden gently rolled over into a sitting position. I need to get out of here. As he leaned his back against the trunk, a twig snapped under his hand and echoed through the trees. He held his breath and shut his eyes, his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.
“What was that?” A man asked, Kaiden could hear a sword unsheath.
“I don’t bloody know, Rux. Why don’t you go take a look? Sounded like it came from those fallen trees, if you’re not chicken shit scared then you’ll go and bring me whatever made that noise.” The men joined the Ratter in a loud roar of laughter.
Kaiden could hear the footsteps approaching towards him, slowly though heading in his direction. Shit, what do I do? Kaiden could see a possible exit, leading into a thickness of trees and scrubs. Though if he made a run for it, they would all chase after him. It was possible that he could stay hidden, perhaps the man would not find him. Though could he rely off luck?
[Make a run for it] [Stay hidden and quiet]
Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I found myself highly unmotivated to write both this part and the Julie part, though I managed to get this one finished. The Julie part is probably a quarter done, so I might be able to get it finished tomorrow.
Kaiden might have called it a dog, but the beast had no fur, instead skin. It’s back was arched as if it looked hunched back, it’s face scared Kaiden the most. The beast’s face was too similar to that of a man, it’s ears were round, it looked like a man mixed with a dog. Though it’s eyes were milky white.
Perhaps it's just me, but this confused me, because I really don't know what this creature is, no matter how hard I thought about it. Am I missing something here, or is this a creature that hasn't been seen in the books?
[Make a run for it]
I believe it could go either way, but the engraving he found told him to run. Perhaps this is some sort of prophetic warning. In any case, if they find him without him getting a jump start, he is certainly going to be captured or killed, but making a run for it should confuse the men enough to give him a chance.
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat hi… moremself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfu… [view original content]
[Stay hidden and quiet] Don't know if it's clever or something, but I'll go with staying. We can't really say if Kaiden is able to escape - after all that burns and wounds they will most likely get him, and when they do he will be killed ("He was running so he possibly is an enemy"). Hiding can lead to not even getting spotted, and if he would get spotted they shouldn't kill him (small chance because they have no real reason).
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat hi… moremself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfu… [view original content]
You're right, this description of the beast is something which has not been seen in Game of Thrones. This will be so with a lot that will be in the story as I am wanting to sort of branch off with some originality. If you're still struggling to image the beast, I based it off the look of the hounds from the first Hunger Games, so you should be able to get a rough idea from those
Kaiden might have called it a dog, but the beast had no fur, instead skin. It’s back was arched as if it looked hunched back, it’s face scar… moreed Kaiden the most. The beast’s face was too similar to that of a man, it’s ears were round, it looked like a man mixed with a dog. Though it’s eyes were milky white.
Perhaps it's just me, but this confused me, because I really don't know what this creature is, no matter how hard I thought about it. Am I missing something here, or is this a creature that hasn't been seen in the books?
[Make a run for it]
I believe it could go either way, but the engraving he found told him to run. Perhaps this is some sort of prophetic warning. In any case, if they find him without him getting a jump start, he is certainly going to be captured or killed, but making a run for it should confuse the men enough to give him a chance.
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat hi… moremself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfu… [view original content]
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat hi… moremself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfu… [view original content]
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forward following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
Maror turned and gave Julie the same look he had given her for the past several hours, or days. No one could tell how long they had been down in the tunnels, all the knew was not to stop. Gendel observed this and sighed.
“You made the right choice, despite what the Mangler thinks. My brother is the only one who knows how to navigate these tunnels, and you’re decision made it a lot easier for him to navigate us through.” Julie shrugged, tired and irritable.
“We’re still not there yet, I wouldn’t start making assumptions.” Gendel chuckled to himself, then placed his hand on Julie’s shoulder.
“Have faith, Julie of the Ice River Clans, we will be there soon.” Julie removed the cave dweller’s hand from her shoulder. She shook her head angrily.
“Two of our Manglers have died of sickness while we have been mindlessly walking through these dark tunnels. How do you expect me to have faith? I have put all of these men’s lives in danger.” Gendel sighed and nodded.
“Aye, some Thenns are dead. More may die if they do not prove strong enough, though you made this decision knowing the consequences. Every leader must understand that with actions there are consequences that follow, you will get there.” Julie frowned in response, not really caring for the cave dweller’s words.
Off in the distance, Julie thought she could hear something. At first she thought it to be the long cave system breathing, though as they neared closer and closer she identified it to be water. She turned to Gendel with curious eyes.
“Are we close?” The Cave Dweller grinned.
“Welcome to the Gorge.” Julie’s expression did not match Gendel’s.
When some of the Thenns saw the beam of sunlight in the distance, they began cheering and quickening their pace, others were too tired to care. Julie stopped to take a breather, though Gendel continued on with his eyes fixed on the natural light. Julie rested for several minutes, all felt like it had gone quiet as the rest of the men were ascending the boulders to get to the Gorge. Julie took in her last easy breath then began to walk again, with each agonising step. As she walked past a rock, she was surprised to find Maror resting against it with his arms crossed. His cold and hating eyes stared into Julie’s, to which she looked away ashamed.
“You’re a heartless bitch, Julie. Stubborn and heartless, it’s a wonder you didn’t eat the bodies of my fallen comrades.” Julie felt the sadness and regret start to well up inside her, though she did not let it show.
“You knew as well as I did that if we didn’t go when they said we need to go-” She was cut off by the raise of a hand.
“Do you think I give a shit? I trusted you with the lives of the Manglers, and now a quarter of them are dead. We cannot raid south if we have no men to raid with, and thanks to you none of us may be raiding if this keeps up much longer.” The Hornfoot shook his head irritably and continued along the rugged track, ascending the boulders to the Gorge. Julie let out a deep and hurtful sigh, though continued to push on.
The Gorge was decorated with numerous colours. In the centre, where the sun reached the most, there were many corpses - the majority wearing black. Out of those corpses grew a variety of different wild flowers, which Gendel had already started to pick at. Off to the side where the Gorge had smaller caves, corpses still decorated the area - as well as dried blood. At the far end of the Gorge, a few miles at least, was a roaring waterfall which continued to fall below the Gorge. Gorne had warned the Mangler’s not to get too close as the waterfall was highly unpredictable, and had flooded the Gorge numerous times. Gorne and Maror talked by large raised stone platform, Gendel still picked at flowers. Julie sat alone, though that was to change as she noticed Skagard and Lokran heading towards her. She knew the Thenns had a strong dislike for her at the current moment, so she made sure that she was close to her spear if she were to need it. The two sat either side of her, both as weary and tired as she was.
“Boys.” She said in greeting, feeling uncertain of her safety - though a little reassured when she watched the men recline into their comfort.
“I have to agree with Maror on this one, you’re one crazy bitch Julie. Though I can respect that.” Skagard said with a smile on his face, completely surprising Julie.
“Aye, well these Cave Dwellers have held their end of the bargain.” Lokran said with a bored tone. The young man had grown a stubble over the past few tiring days. Julie and the others watched Maror exchanged something with Gorne, a sort of token.
“What was that?” Julie asked. Skagard chuckled.
“Their payment. Whoever Maror gives that coin to has our service until dunned otherwise.” Julie frowned, wondering if the man was still angry with her. Lokran cut it, changing the subject.
“Shame he had to kill off Baedol so quick, he might have been an asshole but he was quick with a joke.” Skagard nodded in agreeance. “Well, I’d better go join the men in setting the tents, this is a rest well earned.” Skagard remained silent, resting his head against the rock behind him. Julie watched as Lokran limped over towards the other weary Thenns, which numbered fewer each day. Skagard spoke up.
“I think if I were put on the spot like you were, I’d have probably done the same thing. We’re here now, there is a possibility this would have never happened if we hadn’t chosen to go that night. Though the sooner we’re away from those Cave Dwellers, the better.” Julie was trying to understand what the majority of these Thenns had against the Cave Dwellers, though had found nothing to ease her curiosity.
“Why do you lot hate them so much?” Skagard chuckled, his hands resting behind his head.
“I cannot speak for our fellow Mangler’s, though I for one do not hate them. Though I know those dwelling fucks know something we don’t. I’m just sure as hell glad we’re on the other side of the Wall.” Julie raised an eyebrow, she wanted to ask but she felt like Skagard knew as little as she did. Perhaps this is something I could speak to Gendel or Gorne about? She sighed.
“Do you think Maror will ever forgive me for my choice?” Skagard looked at Julie, his hard stern face stared at her.
“If you keep whining about it like a little southron princess, then no. Prove yourself to him in the raiding to come, perhaps you will earn his respect again.” Julie didn’t like her options.
“And if I don’t?” Skagard shrugged.
“Then you won’t belong with the Manglers.” The thought of it made a shiver go down her spine.
Julie hadn’t been with the Manglers long, though it had been long enough to consider them family since she had left the Ice Rivers. She felt like Skagard was an older brother, and Maror their father. To lose all that would break her, she would no longer have anything to fight for. Skagard yawned and groaned.
“Now leave me to rest, I tire also.” Julie raised an eyebrow.
“I was here first.” The Thenn chuckled.
“And I’m here now, go on. Go do something useful, the Manglers deserve that much from you.” Julie sighed, Skagard was right.
Julie used her spear to help herself up, her legs were shaking uncontrollably. She looked around to check her options. Maror and Gorne had now separated, Gorne now sat with Gendel. Maror sat staring into the fire. Lokran and some other Thenns were putting up tents on the raised platform. She knew what Skagard would want her to do, though what he had said about Gendel and Gorne had gotten her curious. What are they hiding from us? She was sure that Gendel would talk to her. She also looked at Maror, feeling the pain and regret. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she didn’t find the time to apologise for her mistake. Though was it really a mistake? We are here, south of the Wall as he wanted. Julie knew she could not just stand there, she had to do something.
[Help Lokran and the Manglers put up tents] [Speak with Gendel and Gorne] [Speak with Maror]
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat hi… moremself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfu… [view original content]
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forw… moreard following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
… [view original content]
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forw… moreard following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
… [view original content]
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into the First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to House Ryswell and wrote: Martyn Bolton. He put his quill back in the ink pot and allowed the paper to dry, he placed it aside. He looked down at his pile of letters, reaching from Ol’Tower, Greywatch, Riverrun and Skane. The last one filled him with guilt and pity. Poor bastards, I hope that the Watch can do something for them. He moved his attention to the letter from Riverrun, picking it up and checking the seal. The leaping silver trout was red with wax, though there was no doubt that this was not the seal of House Tully. As he was about to break the seal, there was a knock on his door.
“Enter.” Ian said miserably, tired from his work and eager to swing a sword.
The wooden door swung open, two men in steel plated armour with Stark sigils on their chestplates entered. Behind them, wearing his light grey cloth attire, was King Benjen. His silver crown was a good match with his curly dark brown hair. His grey eyes matched his tunic, and stared right back into Ian’s eyes with a grin.
“General Morland! Hope I’m not disturbing you from your busy tasks, just wanted to drop by and check on you.” He turned back to his escort. “Wait outside.” The men bowed and left the office, shutting the door behind them.
Ian had already stood and bowed when the king had turned his attention back to him, which he nodded in return. The king took a seat opposite of Ian and his desk, looking at the mess of his desk.
“Forgive me your grace, allow me a moment and I’ll clear my desk.” The king raised his hand smiling.
“It’s quite alright, Ian. You would be horrified to see the messiness of my desk before I handed half of my duties to you. I apologise for placing such a heavy burden on you. I understand the difficulty of leadership, and this is no easy burden I have placed on you. Though I have no doubts to stray me from believing that you’re the best man for the job.” If Ian were in his right state of mind, he might have thanked the king once again, though he wasn’t and simply questioned him.
“Your grace, what about Norrhen Cassel. He is a gifted warrior, he’s spent more time in the field and knows the men well enough.” Ian felt like hitting himself for opening his mouth, though it was how he felt. The king nodded and smiled.
“Aye, he’s a good man, a gifted warrior at that as well. Though he has duties of his own, the duty to carry out my force wherever it is needed most. Yes he knows the men, though you trained with them and got them to where they are now. He’s a gifted warrior, though he cannot handle dealing with men that don’t follow orders. I’ve fought at your side against the Bolton’s before, you showed great leadership then. I have no doubt you’ll show it again.” The words coming from the King filled Ian with pride, reassuring himself that he was suitable for the task.
“You honour me, my king.” Benjen rolled his eyes.
“It’s the truth, I don’t want your flattery. Your advisory has been assisting me since the war with Lord Alister Bolton all the way to choosing my next kingsguard. Which if I may add, Bendor is earning quite a name for himself with that skillful arm of his.” Ian grinned, he had taught the boy not to be the strongest in the battlefield, but the smartest. “Now I wanted to speak to you about our plan, we’re still undecided on whether we’re to capture the boy or destroy their bannermen one by one. Have you made your decision.” Ian nodded lightly.
“Yes, your grace. I agree that we must attack the bannermen if we are to have an advantage over the Bolton’s.” The king grinned, approving of Ian’s decision.
“I am glad we’re on equal terms then. What I now require of you is your advice. Norrhen Cassel and his men wait outside the Dreadfort, though they have no chance of laying siege on the Dreadfort until it is less fortified with men. We need to draw them out, hit some of their stronger allies. Though to attack in the east would be a death wish, so we must choose wisely. The Whitehill’s are backed into a corner with nowhere to run, they fight with the houses of the wolfswood but they should not pose any sudden threat. House Flint of Flint’s Finger have seized Moat Cailin, making it difficult for us to attack though not impossible. If we take Moat Cailin we will have a suitable headquarters to attack from the southwest when the time comes to launch the attack on the Bolton army.” Ian thought deeply on the king’s words, he agreed that Moat Cailin would be valuable to have, though difficult to secure.
“Your grace, what about the Ryswell’s?” Benjen groaned.
“Ian, I said I’m not going to torture a boy - Bolton or not - in order to secure my daughter.” Ian nodded.
“Yes, though that is not what I am getting at. The Oldstark’s sent a raven a little over a week ago claiming they were receiving threats from House Fisher, the original rulers of the Stony Shore. According to the Oldstark’s, the Fisher’s are being supported by the Ryswell’s. If they were to secure the Stony Shore, I have no doubt they would pose a strong threat to us.” Benjen took in all the information, pondering on it for a while.
“Well, I see two valid options which both require our attention. My duty remains here, I must watch over my people, though my son will accompany you. You only have enough men to either aid the Oldstark’s in their battle with the Fishers or to lay siege on House Ryswell. Of course, you could try to ally with the Dustin’s though if that were to backfire, well I do not know if you would be to survive against their numbers.” Ian thought on this.
To help the Oldstark’s defeat the Fishers would gain full control over the Stony Shore, gaining the Oldstark’s support in the war effort. If they were to focus on the Ryswell’s, they would be able to capture Martyn Bolton, though the Oldstark’s would be late to the war effort. Or they could avoid the western coast and seize Moat Cailin.
Choice 1:[Help the Oldstark’s] [Lay siege on the Ryswell’s] [Seize Moat Cailin]
Choice 2: [Request help from Dustins] [Don’t risk it]
Hey guys, just thought I'd release this Ian part to get away from beyond the Wall for a little while. Oh by the way, if you haven't already, I need votes for the Julie part that I released right after the Kaiden part (not sure if some of you missed it). Anyway, this part isn't as interesting though it is kind of building up to some interest.
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into th… moree First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to… [view original content]
Perhaps helping the Manglers is the nicer choice, but this option is the one I'm most curious about. Whatever these two are hiding, it can't hurt to try and find it out.
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forw… moreard following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
… [view original content]
Laying siege on the Ryswells indirectly means helping the Oldstarks as well, since it takes away a powerful ally from House Fisher, which is hopefully going to be enough to allow them to defeat them on their own. It is also a chance to take the Ryswells out of the war, therefore weakening the Boltons. In the best case, the Ryswells will submit to the Starks, which should add their troops and perhaps the Fishers as well to the Stark army.
[Request help from Dustins]
I see no reason not to try it. If they agree to help, everything is alright. If they refuse to help, nothing will change. And if they refuse to help and instead decide to join the Boltons, then they would have definitely joined the Boltons either way at some point of the war.
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into th… moree First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to… [view original content]
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into th… moree First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to… [view original content]
[Help the Oldstark’s] - We must help them directly, and I don't think we can afford taking the risk of losing such an ally like Oldstarks.
[Don’t risk it] - Sometimes requesting help can be taken as the sign of weakness, and show Starks as they are vulnerable. If we help the Oldstarks, then help from Dustins maybe won't be needed.
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into th… moree First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to… [view original content]
[Speak with Gendel and Gorne] Speaking to the potential leaders of wildlings rebellion is very interesting option. It can make this two to trust Julie, or at least to pay more attention about her actions. If we don't want Julie to become just another member of the Free Folk same as majority, we should go for this option in my opinion.
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forw… moreard following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
… [view original content]
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat hi… moremself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfu… [view original content]
I'm really hoping that one more person will vote for this part, I really don't want to have to be biased and choose. I'll give this one a day or two more, hopefully someone votes soon
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forw… moreard following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
… [view original content]
Looks like this vote is closed, Ian will choose to lay siege on the Ryswell's and request aid from the Dustins.
I think I would have chosen this choice, it looks to me to be the best and most story packed for Ian. Unfortunately this just means that the conflict between the Fisher's and Oldstark will be offscreen for the moment, but should be over reasonably soon when - and if - the Starks overthrow the Ryswell's. Next part is a Toregg part if I remember correctly, or a Rila part. Anyway, that should be released some time this weekend.
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into th… moree First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to… [view original content]
Right, well as the vote has come to a tie and I've completely forgot about it for the past week. I'm going to come to a biased conclusion and have Julie speak with Gendel and Gorne as it opens up for more of a story with Julie.
My apologies for not being very active the past few weeks, the study has been intense and the assignments just as bad. Fortunately, I have a break from all that for the next two weeks and will try to get a few parts out before I need to head back. I'm undecided on who the next PoV part will be in the next part, despite me saying either Toregg or Rila, simply because I realised that I needed a Stranger part in before the Toregg part. So likelihood of it is, the Stranger will probably be next.
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forw… moreard following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
… [view original content]
So I recently closed the vote to Julie's part, and I realise it's been a long time overdue. So I'm currently working on a Stranger part which should be out sometime in the next few days. I realise I said the next should've been out a few weeks ago, and should've been a Rila or Toregg part but I couldn't get motivated for the Rila part and Toregg's part wouldn't fit well without the Stranger coming before him. So, next part should hopefully be out soon!
[Lead the assault against the wildlings]
Nice that Stranger is coming back, his plot looks promising even now at the start, so I hope we get his next chapters shortly. Also, there's an interesting situation with Ulrich and Charles (well, I suppose he escaped with Dayne too, because ending of that part doesn't say anything about what happened to him), I hope we'll learn what are they doing/where are they going in the near future.
[Lead the assault against the wildlings]
[Lead the assault against the wildlings]
[Lead the assault against the wildlings]
Can't believe how long it actually took me to decide on this
Obviously, I'm on the Wildlings side here, so I was torn if it was better to send the Stranger to fight them or to keep him away from them. I'm still not entirely sure what he is capable of, aside from possessing a single body, but I am sure he has some tricks up his sleeve. In the end, I am glad that everyone else already chose this option, so my vote wouldn't really make a difference. Since the Stranger himself says that it is hard for him to fight, I think it will be better to send him instead of the Lord Commander.
Mmm, you know it's interesting because whenever anyone sees an antagonist they always want them dead. We don't know The Stranger's motives or actions yet, only know what he has done and it bothers us. I will say he is of some importance for what is to come later on, or more importantly trying to stop what is to come.
Alright, well this was a clear vote. The Stranger will lead the assault against the wildlings.
All I can say for this vote is congratulations, you may have just saved a couple of brothers from the cruel torture of The Stranger. Anyway, next part is undecided, but I think it will be Jared Pyke.
Now if you don't recall, Jared Pyke is the bastard son of Qhored Hoare - King of the Iron Islands. He has been given a mission from his father to kill Lord Banneth Harlaw, as he is the one house who has not contributed to the upcoming conquer of Westeros. Jared is accompanied by his best friend Tanner, a nutty chap who lost most of his fingers to the finger dance. Along the way, on the Seahorse - vessel owned by Korb the Pirate - they encounter some strife between Kober Goodbrother's men and Korb's crew. Jared confronted Korb and tried to threaten him to ease his men, saying he fought for the Greyjoys. Korb sniggered and spat over the Greyjoy's, claiming it was the other way around. There we were left with the options to go check on Tanner, speak with Athen Greyjoy about this news or talk with Kober Goodbrother about Korb. You chose to speak with Kober Goodbrother, and that is where our part begins.
Well... When I start writing it XD
Indeed, the stranger is a pretty mysterious being so far and it will be interesting to learn more about him. To be honest, I am not even sure what he is, though my current theory is that he is a very powerful skinchanger. I actually haven't chosen this option because I want him dead already, I have chosen this option because I want to prevent additional deaths among the wildlings
Though what you say here is quite interesting... I mean, the Stranger is obviously evil, but have you just hinted that he might not be the main antagonist? That would be surprising to say the least.
I forgot I never closed this vote. The Stranger will choose to lead the assault against the wildlings.
I guess I'll slip this in here rather than making a new post. Hey guys! It's been a little while since I posted much and I apologise in advance for future disappearances. I, like my friend WildlingKing, have been suffering the great nature of assignments with deadlines. Whenever one ended, another began and so fourth. I have slowly been writing a Jared part, which is not yet finished but I am hoping I can conclude it tonight. Hope everyone is well!
You actually closed it :-D But don't worry and take your time!
The bright moon slowly sank into the deep depths of the Drowned God’s domain. For a moment it felt like it was the darkest point of the night, though dawn would not be far from the horizon. Jared leant on the portside railing of the Seahorse, Korb the Pirate’s vessel, rehearsing a plea he was to give to the Goodbrother. The crew of the Seahorse and the Goodbrother’s raiders had begun a feud onboard which had started to grow into a conflict. Jared looked over to Kober Goodbrother, the father of his lover and one of the most intimidating Ironmen alive. The Goodbrother had glaring gray eyes, striking fear into to the hearts of his foe with one look so his men bragged. His mustache matched his eyes, and the rest of his head was bald. A long ugly scar ran down the side of his head, as if he had been impaled with an axe or sword. Jared took in a deep breath and started walking towards the Goodbrother, though it wasn’t long until he was interrupted. In front of him stood two of Korb’s crewmen, both pissed as a fart with angry expressions coursing their faces. Both stood a head taller than Jared, one was larger than the other but both were mildly intimidating to Jared’s eyes.
“Prince Pyke.” The larger pirate sniggered. He wore a dark bandana over his head, his face podgy and dimpled. “Prince Shitmouth more like.” His companion smirked.
“We saw what you did to our captain before, fuckhead.” Jared glimpsed the larger man cracking his knuckles. Jared looked the man in front of him in the eyes.
“Aye, he was failing to fall in line, much like yourselves.” The man replied with a chuckle, placing his hands on his hips.
“Is that so, Shitmouth?” Before he knew what was happening, Jared had knocked the brute on his arse and bloodied his nose with his steel-capped boot.
The larger man’s eyes filled with fury, he started toward Jared but was quickly outmaneuvered. Jared had darted behind him, taking a leg out from beneath him while he did. The bulky man rolled over, reaching for his axe, though Jared pinned his arms and put his own axe to his throat. The sounds of iron leaving their sheaths made Jared raise his eyes. Korb’s men had unsheathed their weapons, waiting to strike once Jared took the large man’s life. The Goodbrother’s had rallied around Kober, weapons unsheathed. The Greyjoy’s remained close to Athen and Ezra, and the small handful of Hoares - Tanner included - had their weapons in hand ready to act. Jared looked down to his foe, his axe had lightly scratched the man’s neck, causing a trickle of blood to flow down to the floorboard. His once angry expression had now turned fearful and worried. Jared leaned down so that his voice was only within earshot of the bulkier man.
“Good thing you wore brown pants.” Jared released the tension of his axe and stood up, looking at all of the men and women in anguish. The only one who seemed to not fit in this category was Korb the Pirate, who stood by his wheel grinning.
Jared sheathed his axe and walked over to Kober, he felt certain that the two pirates were done for the day. Laughter began to emit from the crew and raiders as the two men scurried down below, and all the chatter picked up from where it left off. The Goodbrother looked at Jared with raised eyebrows, he seemed impressed. Jared leant against the railing and watched as the pirate crew and ironmen made jokes and conversed.
“To think I came over here to ask you to calm your men.” Kober chuckled in response.
“Aye Prince Pyke, well handled for a bastard.” The title made Jared frown, his love for Arika would kill him so long as he was a bastard. He turned and looked out to the east, the night was still dark.
“Dawn will be upon us soon.” Kober nodded.
“We’re losing our cover. Though we have no time to waste, we need to get rid of the Harlaw whether it is day or night. With our numbers, we won’t be able to make a camp without being spotted. We would have to strike quick and precise.” Jared stared out to the dark rolling ocean, the recent storm had left the sea state with half metre swells.
“Thirty men against an entire army of Harlaw’s, all in the light of day? We wouldn’t even be able to launch the longboats to shore, little-own charge against their main gates.” Kober turned his eyes to Jared, appearing frustrated.
“Then what would you have us do, Prince Pyke? Your father made you the leader of this strike, so start leading.” Jared met the Goodbrother’s cold glaring eyes.
Before Jared could think of something to say, the Goodbrother had lost his interest and left Jared to ponder on his thoughts. Jared watched the Goodbrother join his men. Jared sighed, he had thought the hardest part of getting Arika’s hand was asking her initially, though now it would seem otherwise. He turned his attention back to the flat calm sea, the conditions were ideally blowing easterly which had generally steered the Seahorse most of the way to Harlaw. Jared thought back to his father’s words. The Harlaw’s refuse to join our cause. Take thirty of my best men, sail to Harlaw and kill the old saltman. Make sure his son bends the knee. Jared had thought deeply on his father’s orders, which he seldom did. He knew it was forbidden to spill the blood of any ironborn. Unless I am to drown the Harlaw, I am damned in the Drowned God’s eyes. Jared smelt that foul stench of ale stained clothing. He turned to find Andiron Quarter-Iron, the ferocious drunkard who had volunteered to join this voyage. Many disrespected Andiron for his lack of skill as a raider, he wore no jewelry as he had never raided in his life.
“Prince Pyke.” The drunkard bowed respectfully, though Jared took it as simple mockery.
“What do you want, Andiron.” The old sailor frowned, leaning his back on the railings.
“I spoke with Korb after your little stunt just before. I think I’m not the only one who is curious about how we are going to carry out this assassination.” Jared sighed once again, this time with a hint of irritation.
“I spoke with the Goodbrother, he thinks we should strike hard and fast. Though head on battle would end catastrophic for us.” Andiron nodded in agreeance.
“Aye, and we don’t have nearly enough men to launch such an assault. We would be shot down before we made it off the beach.” Jared gave no response, he had thought this all through already. “Which is why I came to speak to you. I was talking with Korb after your little stunt, and it would appear you’ve gained the man’s respect. He wants to talk to you.” Jared eyed the drunkard, trying to tell if he was serious or not. Andiron held a straight face.
Jared nodded, turning his focus to the wheel of the ship. There Korb stood, staring directly at Jared with a large grin on his face.
The thick iron chains rattled against the cracked wooden deck of the Seahorse as the iron anchors were lowered. Korb had instructed his crew to anchor behind the peninsula of the Harlaw Hall. The bay was large, though for the most part jagged and rocky. Caves large and small opened up all around the cliffed bay, breathing in the winds and keeping the bay unusually calm. The sun had risen, tinting the sky a blood red.
Jared sat in Korb’s quarters, along with Kober Goodbrother, Athen Greyjoy and Andiron Quarter-Iron. Everyone seemed to look uncomfortable around each other, there had been no trust gained as of yet. Kober wore his iron plated armour, his sigil - a warhorn - was engraved into the thick metal. The sight of the iron plating made Jared grin, Kober was a man who had no fear of drowning. Beside him, Andiron stood with his arms crossed, exposing his great strength in his arms that he had earned as a sailor. Tattoos were scattered over his sleeveless arms, each held a story to tell. Finally, Athen Greyjoy closed the gap between Jared and Andiron. The considerably handsome young man wore boiled leather with iron chainmail. Korb the Pirate sat behind his desk, stacked with trinkets and greenmen currency, with the same wolfish grin he always wore.
“So what’s this all about, Korb.” Athen asked, appearing impatient and eager to leave. Korb’s grin lost it’s shape and formed into an angered expression.
“Mind ye place Greyjoy, you ‘ave no power over me.” Athen glared at the Pirate, then backed down reluctantly. Appeased, the Pirate smiled and began.
“I’ve brought ye all ‘ere this fine morn because it’d be plain as day to me that ye don’t know what the ‘ell ye are doing. So I say this, in exchange for my knowledge ye’ll give me something I want whenever I ‘ave need of it.” The four ironmen exchanged uneasy looks, Jared took the opportunity to speak up.
“And what might that be?” Korb gave that wolfish grin, showing his black crooked teeth.
“Half of the Iron Fleet.” The silent and attended room quickly lost its order, though was just as quickly silenced with Jared’s voice.
“What for do you require the Iron Fleet?” Korb looked as if he were going to answer, though Kober interrupted.
“You cannot be considering this Jared, he’s a filthy pirate who would squander our mighty fleet on some worthless score.” Andiron nodded in agreeance.
“Aye, we can’t simply hand over our fleet to a fucking pirate.” Jared moved his attention to Athen, who had remained quiet since his putting down.
“What are your thoughts Athen?” The Greyjoy looked up nervously, though his expression showed none of it.
“I say we need to kill the Harlaw, and we cannot do that if we cannot get to him. Give Korb what he wants, it’s a small price to pay if we get the Harlaw’s by our side.” the Goodbrother grunted and rolled his eyes.
“Typical fucking Greyjoy, remove your pants and take it up the arse.” Athen shot up, his face reddened with anger. Jared placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, trying to stop him from doing anything stupid.
Athen freed himself from Jared’s grip and left Korb’s quarters in a great haste, slamming the creaky wooden door behind him. After a small moment of silence, Korb spoke up.
“So what’ll it be friends? Life or death for ye?” Jared looked at his two counterparts, he had to show leadership.
[Accept Korb’s deal] [Deny Korb’s deal]
[Deny Korb’s deal]
I am happy that this story is back
[Deny Korb’s deal]
Half of the Iron Fleet, huh? That sounds a bit too much, especially in exchange for knowledge. Who knows what Korb is going to tell them and who knows what he is going to do with that many ships. This does not sound like a good deal.
[Deny Korb’s deal]
[Deny Korb’s deal]
ahhhh clumsy me! Thanks Mathea
[Deny Korb’s deal]
Great, well I can close this fairly anti-Korb decision by saying that Jared will deny Korb's deal.
This is both a good and bad decision, and would not have ended well for either or. Accepting his deal would have helped Jared and co to sneak into the Harlaw Hall without being seen by anyone, also they would have gained the support of some of Korb's pirates. Now, they will have to find another way which will not get them killed on sight, though we will see what happens for his next part!
I've been writing a bit of the next part which I think is going to be Julie, though I may choose to put that aside and pickup where Kaiden left off. Just depends where I'm feeling it I suppose. Sorry for the long wait for this close, it's likely I won't get the part out this weekend as I have a lot of due assignments and tests coming up this week that need my attention.
Kaiden wearily opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as he stared at the fur skins that made a cone shape around him. He sat himself upright, taking in a deep yawn, and rubbing his eyes with his fur gloves. Fur gloves? Kaiden pulled his hands away from his face in confusion, looking down at his body. His Night’s Watch clothing had been replaced with animal pelts, covering him from head to toe. He allowed himself a light chuckle, though stopped himself after it felt like it was burning his insides. What in the Seven is happening to me? Kaiden turned, and to his surprise he saw a beautiful woman. She was outfitted much the same as Kaiden had been. She had fallen asleep on her arm, her hair was light brown with soft waves, her skin was pale and her feet were… Without footwear. Kaiden began to panic, memories starting to flood back. The pain, the fire, what they had done to him - he didn’t want to believe it. He shook his head fearfully, grabbing his fur gloves and pulling them off to try and reassure himself that he was wrong. What he saw was burnt flesh, scarring all over. He touched his hands, though he could feel nothing, he shuddered and screamed.
The woman awoke from her slumber, quickly racing to Kaiden and trying to calm him down. She grabbed his arms to stop him from trying to hit her.
“It’s okay! Stop struggling, you’re in no danger. Just, look into my eyes and hear me.” Kaiden tried to free himself but the girl was stronger than she looked, or he had weakened. He submitted to her might and looked into her beautiful hazel coloured eyes. His breathing shallowed, his chest started to thump at the sight of this beauty.
“Who are you?” He asked with awe, unsure of whether he should be afraid or madly in love. She girl smiled and released Kaiden.
“My name is Anya, crow.” She bowed mockingly. “How about you?” Kaiden stared at the girl with wonder and curiosity.
“Kaiden.” He said, half distracted by her eyes, then her smile.
“Well, Kaiden, tell me what you remember. Do you know where we are?” Kaiden shook his head, his memories were jumbled.
“You’re in the village of the Hornfoots, you came to us. We initiated you, and now you’re one of us.” Anya’s voice was as calm as birds in a meadow, he felt deeply in love. He shook his head in confusion.
“Hornfoots?” Anya raised her eyebrows, shocked at how little Kaiden could recall.
“We’re freefolk, Kaiden. Wildlings as you crows call us, though you’re not a crow. Not anymore. You’re one of us now, you’re free.” Kaiden listened to the words carefully, repeating them in his head over and over. Free? His expression must have replicated what he was thinking because Anya nodded at him and smiled.
“Aye, free to do as you please. So long as it is good for us.” Her final sentence baffled him a little.
“What do you mean by that?” Anya smiled once again, this time with a more wicked look in her hazel eyes. It was a smile Kaiden had seen once before, in the short time he had spent before he came to the Wall.
“Well we couldn’t have you running back to the crows, or those Nightrunners. No, you’re free to do as you please so long as it helps the Hornfoots. That’s why my father, Morg the Mutt, has gladly taken you on to become a… Servant... of our home.” Kaiden recognised the smile. Smiling bitch. He thought as the memories of why he was sent to the Wall flooded his mind.
“That does not sound like freedom.” Kaiden said with a hint of anger in his voice, remembering that the last band of wildlings gave their freedom openly to Odin Umber. Traitorous old crone, I bet he’s drinking all the mead and ale that the wildlings have.
“Not until you earn our trust, crow.” She said with a mocking tone. Kaiden lost his temper.
“I could take you right now, wildling bitch. Pin you on the ground and show you what a real man is.” Kaiden looked the wildling in the eyes, though was surprised to see her laugh.
“Perhaps you could.” She lightly chuckled. “Though you would have a hard time trying to fuck me, Burned Crow. We cut that infection off days ago.” Anya laughed and left the tent, leaving Kaiden bewildered.
Kaiden dropped his fur pants to see a burnt lump of flesh, his manhood no longer existent. He felt an acid feeling making its way up his throat and into the back of his mouth. His vision swayed, going dark until he could see no more.
“Kaiden! Wake up log head, breakfast is ready!” The sweet sound of his mother's voice soothed his rest, he felt at his climate of comfortability. “Kyra, go wake your brother will you?” The young girl jumped onto the wooden floorboards with a thud, more thuds approached towards Kaiden. He pulled the sheets over his head and groaned.
“Go away little sister.” The young girl ripped the sheets away from his face, sunlight beamed into his eyes and made him squint.
His younger beautiful sister sat on him with those beautiful cheeky eyes. He turned over and buried his face into his pillow. He felt his sister crawl over his back, her breath on the back of his head.
“Bugger off, let me sleep.” Kaiden pleaded, nudging her off his back. She came back and rubbed her head against his, this time licking his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked at his sister.
“Kyra what in the -”
Kaiden opened his eyes, and met eyes with the beast that licked him multiple times. He scrambled back in panic, as the large hideous beast hovered over him. Kaiden might have called it a dog, but the beast had no fur, instead skin. It’s back was arched as if it looked hunched back, it’s face scared Kaiden the most. The beast’s face was too similar to that of a man, it’s ears were round, it looked like a man mixed with a dog. Though it’s eyes were milky white. Kaiden felt around through the dirt, desperately trying to find something to defend himself with. His hand secured itself around a jagged rock, though before he knew it the dog was already on top of him, pinning his arm to the ground. Kaiden hit the beast with his free arm, smashing it in the guts and ribs or wherever he could. Finally, the animal gave way and fled, leaving Kaiden jittery as he leant his back against the trunk of a fallen tree. He took in some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He took in his surroundings, he was in the Haunted Forest and there was no sign of the Hornfoot village.
Kaiden stood himself up, slowly as he tried to avoid stretching the burned scars all over his body. His fur clothing had been replaced with rags and light ripped cloth. He turned around and looked at the trunk behind him, there was an engraving and a rusted steel hunting knife. Kaiden grabbed the knife and slipped it between his rope belt and his pants, then knelt down to examine the engraving. The message was blunt, but somewhat terrifying. Run. Kaiden felt his heart starting to beat faster. How did I get out here? He stood up, feeling uneasy, and looked up at the sky. The sun was rising in the east, which meant he must have been here for at least one night. He felt his stomach grumble. I need to find something to eat. Kaiden looked around, the forest seemed bare of resources, though he was sure there would be a rabbit or squirrel somewhere if he looked hard enough. He looked back up at the sky, then down in the direction of south. I should try and head back to the Wall. Kaiden started walking, each step sending a twinge of pain which made him want to stop, though he knew he could not afford to stop if he wanted to live.
After hours of walking and no luck, he sat himself down between two fallen trees. His body was sore, burning, he wondered if he would ever feel well again. He laid himself down on his side, ready to give up, though some movement caught his attention. Under the fallen log, he saw a large furry brown rat with a long pale tail stared at him with beady black eyes. He quietly and gently moved his hand towards it, then quickly grabbed it before it could run. Ha ha! He observed the size of the rat, it was big and fat. Nothing better than the Watch could give me. He placed his hand around the rat’s neck, though the sound of chatter made him flinch and the rat scurried out of his hands and under the log. He quickly turned and watched as the rat stopped and stared at something approaching it. It was picked up by a large man and disfigured as he took a bite out of it. The rat’s headless body twitched then went limp. The man laughed, and turned around facing what seemed to be at least twenty other wildlings.
“The Ratter eats the rat!” He yelled, some of the other men joined him in his laughter, others smirked.
“I’m looking forward to a real meal back at the village. Krumm better have a feast ready for us when we get back, those Night’s Watch will be tracking down the Nightrunners now thanks to us!” Some other men cheered, though the Ratter spat.
“The fat bastard probably ate all our share. Once he’s dead and the Mutt is in power, that’s when I will cheer.” Some of the men sniggered, others remained silent.
Kaiden gently rolled over into a sitting position. I need to get out of here. As he leaned his back against the trunk, a twig snapped under his hand and echoed through the trees. He held his breath and shut his eyes, his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.
“What was that?” A man asked, Kaiden could hear a sword unsheath.
“I don’t bloody know, Rux. Why don’t you go take a look? Sounded like it came from those fallen trees, if you’re not chicken shit scared then you’ll go and bring me whatever made that noise.” The men joined the Ratter in a loud roar of laughter.
Kaiden could hear the footsteps approaching towards him, slowly though heading in his direction. Shit, what do I do? Kaiden could see a possible exit, leading into a thickness of trees and scrubs. Though if he made a run for it, they would all chase after him. It was possible that he could stay hidden, perhaps the man would not find him. Though could he rely off luck?
[Make a run for it] [Stay hidden and quiet]
Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I found myself highly unmotivated to write both this part and the Julie part, though I managed to get this one finished. The Julie part is probably a quarter done, so I might be able to get it finished tomorrow.
Perhaps it's just me, but this confused me, because I really don't know what this creature is, no matter how hard I thought about it. Am I missing something here, or is this a creature that hasn't been seen in the books?
[Make a run for it]
I believe it could go either way, but the engraving he found told him to run. Perhaps this is some sort of prophetic warning. In any case, if they find him without him getting a jump start, he is certainly going to be captured or killed, but making a run for it should confuse the men enough to give him a chance.
[Stay hidden and quiet] Don't know if it's clever or something, but I'll go with staying. We can't really say if Kaiden is able to escape - after all that burns and wounds they will most likely get him, and when they do he will be killed ("He was running so he possibly is an enemy"). Hiding can lead to not even getting spotted, and if he would get spotted they shouldn't kill him (small chance because they have no real reason).
You're right, this description of the beast is something which has not been seen in Game of Thrones. This will be so with a lot that will be in the story as I am wanting to sort of branch off with some originality. If you're still struggling to image the beast, I based it off the look of the hounds from the first Hunger Games, so you should be able to get a rough idea from those
[Stay hidden and quiet]
[Stay hidden and quiet] I'd guess he is not in good enough shape to actually manage to get away by running.
Her legs ached after each slow agonising step over the rugged tunnel terrain. Ahead of her, the tired Thenns pushed themselves forward following the light that emitted from Gorne’s torch. Maror led the Thenns, occasionally turning his head to check on Julie. Whenever he did, his expression showed bitterness and disappointment. Julie had decided that she and the Thenns were strong enough to make it through Gorne’s Way without their well needed rest, her misjudgement had put the Manglers lives on the line. Gendel walked beside Julie with an eased pace. Both Gendel and Gorne had picked up some clothing before entering the tunnels. Gendel wore some cotton with mountain goat pelts over his shoulders and around his waist. On the right of his waist was a short curved iron sword, on his left a dagger carved from mammoth bone. Gendel’s hair was long, like his brother’s, and messy. Unlike Gorne, Gendel had a dark beard which he had grown out.
Maror turned and gave Julie the same look he had given her for the past several hours, or days. No one could tell how long they had been down in the tunnels, all the knew was not to stop. Gendel observed this and sighed.
“You made the right choice, despite what the Mangler thinks. My brother is the only one who knows how to navigate these tunnels, and you’re decision made it a lot easier for him to navigate us through.” Julie shrugged, tired and irritable.
“We’re still not there yet, I wouldn’t start making assumptions.” Gendel chuckled to himself, then placed his hand on Julie’s shoulder.
“Have faith, Julie of the Ice River Clans, we will be there soon.” Julie removed the cave dweller’s hand from her shoulder. She shook her head angrily.
“Two of our Manglers have died of sickness while we have been mindlessly walking through these dark tunnels. How do you expect me to have faith? I have put all of these men’s lives in danger.” Gendel sighed and nodded.
“Aye, some Thenns are dead. More may die if they do not prove strong enough, though you made this decision knowing the consequences. Every leader must understand that with actions there are consequences that follow, you will get there.” Julie frowned in response, not really caring for the cave dweller’s words.
Off in the distance, Julie thought she could hear something. At first she thought it to be the long cave system breathing, though as they neared closer and closer she identified it to be water. She turned to Gendel with curious eyes.
“Are we close?” The Cave Dweller grinned.
“Welcome to the Gorge.” Julie’s expression did not match Gendel’s.
When some of the Thenns saw the beam of sunlight in the distance, they began cheering and quickening their pace, others were too tired to care. Julie stopped to take a breather, though Gendel continued on with his eyes fixed on the natural light. Julie rested for several minutes, all felt like it had gone quiet as the rest of the men were ascending the boulders to get to the Gorge. Julie took in her last easy breath then began to walk again, with each agonising step. As she walked past a rock, she was surprised to find Maror resting against it with his arms crossed. His cold and hating eyes stared into Julie’s, to which she looked away ashamed.
“You’re a heartless bitch, Julie. Stubborn and heartless, it’s a wonder you didn’t eat the bodies of my fallen comrades.” Julie felt the sadness and regret start to well up inside her, though she did not let it show.
“You knew as well as I did that if we didn’t go when they said we need to go-” She was cut off by the raise of a hand.
“Do you think I give a shit? I trusted you with the lives of the Manglers, and now a quarter of them are dead. We cannot raid south if we have no men to raid with, and thanks to you none of us may be raiding if this keeps up much longer.” The Hornfoot shook his head irritably and continued along the rugged track, ascending the boulders to the Gorge. Julie let out a deep and hurtful sigh, though continued to push on.
The Gorge was decorated with numerous colours. In the centre, where the sun reached the most, there were many corpses - the majority wearing black. Out of those corpses grew a variety of different wild flowers, which Gendel had already started to pick at. Off to the side where the Gorge had smaller caves, corpses still decorated the area - as well as dried blood. At the far end of the Gorge, a few miles at least, was a roaring waterfall which continued to fall below the Gorge. Gorne had warned the Mangler’s not to get too close as the waterfall was highly unpredictable, and had flooded the Gorge numerous times. Gorne and Maror talked by large raised stone platform, Gendel still picked at flowers. Julie sat alone, though that was to change as she noticed Skagard and Lokran heading towards her. She knew the Thenns had a strong dislike for her at the current moment, so she made sure that she was close to her spear if she were to need it. The two sat either side of her, both as weary and tired as she was.
“Boys.” She said in greeting, feeling uncertain of her safety - though a little reassured when she watched the men recline into their comfort.
“I have to agree with Maror on this one, you’re one crazy bitch Julie. Though I can respect that.” Skagard said with a smile on his face, completely surprising Julie.
“Aye, well these Cave Dwellers have held their end of the bargain.” Lokran said with a bored tone. The young man had grown a stubble over the past few tiring days. Julie and the others watched Maror exchanged something with Gorne, a sort of token.
“What was that?” Julie asked. Skagard chuckled.
“Their payment. Whoever Maror gives that coin to has our service until dunned otherwise.” Julie frowned, wondering if the man was still angry with her. Lokran cut it, changing the subject.
“Shame he had to kill off Baedol so quick, he might have been an asshole but he was quick with a joke.” Skagard nodded in agreeance. “Well, I’d better go join the men in setting the tents, this is a rest well earned.” Skagard remained silent, resting his head against the rock behind him. Julie watched as Lokran limped over towards the other weary Thenns, which numbered fewer each day. Skagard spoke up.
“I think if I were put on the spot like you were, I’d have probably done the same thing. We’re here now, there is a possibility this would have never happened if we hadn’t chosen to go that night. Though the sooner we’re away from those Cave Dwellers, the better.” Julie was trying to understand what the majority of these Thenns had against the Cave Dwellers, though had found nothing to ease her curiosity.
“Why do you lot hate them so much?” Skagard chuckled, his hands resting behind his head.
“I cannot speak for our fellow Mangler’s, though I for one do not hate them. Though I know those dwelling fucks know something we don’t. I’m just sure as hell glad we’re on the other side of the Wall.” Julie raised an eyebrow, she wanted to ask but she felt like Skagard knew as little as she did. Perhaps this is something I could speak to Gendel or Gorne about? She sighed.
“Do you think Maror will ever forgive me for my choice?” Skagard looked at Julie, his hard stern face stared at her.
“If you keep whining about it like a little southron princess, then no. Prove yourself to him in the raiding to come, perhaps you will earn his respect again.” Julie didn’t like her options.
“And if I don’t?” Skagard shrugged.
“Then you won’t belong with the Manglers.” The thought of it made a shiver go down her spine.
Julie hadn’t been with the Manglers long, though it had been long enough to consider them family since she had left the Ice Rivers. She felt like Skagard was an older brother, and Maror their father. To lose all that would break her, she would no longer have anything to fight for. Skagard yawned and groaned.
“Now leave me to rest, I tire also.” Julie raised an eyebrow.
“I was here first.” The Thenn chuckled.
“And I’m here now, go on. Go do something useful, the Manglers deserve that much from you.” Julie sighed, Skagard was right.
Julie used her spear to help herself up, her legs were shaking uncontrollably. She looked around to check her options. Maror and Gorne had now separated, Gorne now sat with Gendel. Maror sat staring into the fire. Lokran and some other Thenns were putting up tents on the raised platform. She knew what Skagard would want her to do, though what he had said about Gendel and Gorne had gotten her curious. What are they hiding from us? She was sure that Gendel would talk to her. She also looked at Maror, feeling the pain and regret. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she didn’t find the time to apologise for her mistake. Though was it really a mistake? We are here, south of the Wall as he wanted. Julie knew she could not just stand there, she had to do something.
[Help Lokran and the Manglers put up tents] [Speak with Gendel and Gorne] [Speak with Maror]
[Make a run for it]
[Help Lokran and the Manglers put up tents]
[Help Lokran and the Manglers put up tents] I think that the best way for her to apologize is to simply make herself useful.
Ian sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair behind his desk which was covered in letters. Since his promotion, he had been moved into the First Keep. His new promotion had kept him busy, though not in the ways he would have liked. All the letters of alliances, pleads for help and threats had been allocated to Ian, which he was sit at his desk day and night pouring over trying to solve one at a time.
Ian picked up his quill and dipped it into his ink pot, pulling out a new roll of paper he titled it: Allies and foes. He scribed down all the houses that had sided with the Starks, and the houses that had sided with the Bolton’s. Mormont’s, Umber’s, Glover’s, Cerwyn’s, Oldstarks and Greystarks side with us. Hornwood’s, Locke’s, Flint’s, Ryswell’s and Whitehill’s side with the Bolton’s. Ian looked at the paper and sighed. The sides were roughly even in numbers, it would be a long war just as it had been the last time. He drew a line next to House Ryswell and wrote: Martyn Bolton. He put his quill back in the ink pot and allowed the paper to dry, he placed it aside. He looked down at his pile of letters, reaching from Ol’Tower, Greywatch, Riverrun and Skane. The last one filled him with guilt and pity. Poor bastards, I hope that the Watch can do something for them. He moved his attention to the letter from Riverrun, picking it up and checking the seal. The leaping silver trout was red with wax, though there was no doubt that this was not the seal of House Tully. As he was about to break the seal, there was a knock on his door.
“Enter.” Ian said miserably, tired from his work and eager to swing a sword.
The wooden door swung open, two men in steel plated armour with Stark sigils on their chestplates entered. Behind them, wearing his light grey cloth attire, was King Benjen. His silver crown was a good match with his curly dark brown hair. His grey eyes matched his tunic, and stared right back into Ian’s eyes with a grin.
“General Morland! Hope I’m not disturbing you from your busy tasks, just wanted to drop by and check on you.” He turned back to his escort. “Wait outside.” The men bowed and left the office, shutting the door behind them.
Ian had already stood and bowed when the king had turned his attention back to him, which he nodded in return. The king took a seat opposite of Ian and his desk, looking at the mess of his desk.
“Forgive me your grace, allow me a moment and I’ll clear my desk.” The king raised his hand smiling.
“It’s quite alright, Ian. You would be horrified to see the messiness of my desk before I handed half of my duties to you. I apologise for placing such a heavy burden on you. I understand the difficulty of leadership, and this is no easy burden I have placed on you. Though I have no doubts to stray me from believing that you’re the best man for the job.” If Ian were in his right state of mind, he might have thanked the king once again, though he wasn’t and simply questioned him.
“Your grace, what about Norrhen Cassel. He is a gifted warrior, he’s spent more time in the field and knows the men well enough.” Ian felt like hitting himself for opening his mouth, though it was how he felt. The king nodded and smiled.
“Aye, he’s a good man, a gifted warrior at that as well. Though he has duties of his own, the duty to carry out my force wherever it is needed most. Yes he knows the men, though you trained with them and got them to where they are now. He’s a gifted warrior, though he cannot handle dealing with men that don’t follow orders. I’ve fought at your side against the Bolton’s before, you showed great leadership then. I have no doubt you’ll show it again.” The words coming from the King filled Ian with pride, reassuring himself that he was suitable for the task.
“You honour me, my king.” Benjen rolled his eyes.
“It’s the truth, I don’t want your flattery. Your advisory has been assisting me since the war with Lord Alister Bolton all the way to choosing my next kingsguard. Which if I may add, Bendor is earning quite a name for himself with that skillful arm of his.” Ian grinned, he had taught the boy not to be the strongest in the battlefield, but the smartest. “Now I wanted to speak to you about our plan, we’re still undecided on whether we’re to capture the boy or destroy their bannermen one by one. Have you made your decision.” Ian nodded lightly.
“Yes, your grace. I agree that we must attack the bannermen if we are to have an advantage over the Bolton’s.” The king grinned, approving of Ian’s decision.
“I am glad we’re on equal terms then. What I now require of you is your advice. Norrhen Cassel and his men wait outside the Dreadfort, though they have no chance of laying siege on the Dreadfort until it is less fortified with men. We need to draw them out, hit some of their stronger allies. Though to attack in the east would be a death wish, so we must choose wisely. The Whitehill’s are backed into a corner with nowhere to run, they fight with the houses of the wolfswood but they should not pose any sudden threat. House Flint of Flint’s Finger have seized Moat Cailin, making it difficult for us to attack though not impossible. If we take Moat Cailin we will have a suitable headquarters to attack from the southwest when the time comes to launch the attack on the Bolton army.” Ian thought deeply on the king’s words, he agreed that Moat Cailin would be valuable to have, though difficult to secure.
“Your grace, what about the Ryswell’s?” Benjen groaned.
“Ian, I said I’m not going to torture a boy - Bolton or not - in order to secure my daughter.” Ian nodded.
“Yes, though that is not what I am getting at. The Oldstark’s sent a raven a little over a week ago claiming they were receiving threats from House Fisher, the original rulers of the Stony Shore. According to the Oldstark’s, the Fisher’s are being supported by the Ryswell’s. If they were to secure the Stony Shore, I have no doubt they would pose a strong threat to us.” Benjen took in all the information, pondering on it for a while.
“Well, I see two valid options which both require our attention. My duty remains here, I must watch over my people, though my son will accompany you. You only have enough men to either aid the Oldstark’s in their battle with the Fishers or to lay siege on House Ryswell. Of course, you could try to ally with the Dustin’s though if that were to backfire, well I do not know if you would be to survive against their numbers.” Ian thought on this.
To help the Oldstark’s defeat the Fishers would gain full control over the Stony Shore, gaining the Oldstark’s support in the war effort. If they were to focus on the Ryswell’s, they would be able to capture Martyn Bolton, though the Oldstark’s would be late to the war effort. Or they could avoid the western coast and seize Moat Cailin.
Choice 1:[Help the Oldstark’s] [Lay siege on the Ryswell’s] [Seize Moat Cailin]
Choice 2: [Request help from Dustins] [Don’t risk it]
Hey guys, just thought I'd release this Ian part to get away from beyond the Wall for a little while. Oh by the way, if you haven't already, I need votes for the Julie part that I released right after the Kaiden part (not sure if some of you missed it). Anyway, this part isn't as interesting though it is kind of building up to some interest.
[Help the Oldstark’s]
[Don’t risk it]
[Speak with Gendel and Gorne]
Perhaps helping the Manglers is the nicer choice, but this option is the one I'm most curious about. Whatever these two are hiding, it can't hurt to try and find it out.
[Lay siege on the Ryswell’s]
Laying siege on the Ryswells indirectly means helping the Oldstarks as well, since it takes away a powerful ally from House Fisher, which is hopefully going to be enough to allow them to defeat them on their own. It is also a chance to take the Ryswells out of the war, therefore weakening the Boltons. In the best case, the Ryswells will submit to the Starks, which should add their troops and perhaps the Fishers as well to the Stark army.
[Request help from Dustins]
I see no reason not to try it. If they agree to help, everything is alright. If they refuse to help, nothing will change. And if they refuse to help and instead decide to join the Boltons, then they would have definitely joined the Boltons either way at some point of the war.
[Lay siege on the Ryswell’s] I think Liquid had a pretty good arguments for this option.
[Request help from Dustins] I guess it's worth trying...
[Help the Oldstark’s] - We must help them directly, and I don't think we can afford taking the risk of losing such an ally like Oldstarks.
[Don’t risk it] - Sometimes requesting help can be taken as the sign of weakness, and show Starks as they are vulnerable. If we help the Oldstarks, then help from Dustins maybe won't be needed.
[Speak with Gendel and Gorne] Speaking to the potential leaders of wildlings rebellion is very interesting option. It can make this two to trust Julie, or at least to pay more attention about her actions. If we don't want Julie to become just another member of the Free Folk same as majority, we should go for this option in my opinion.
[Lay siege on the Ryswell’s]
[Request help from Dustins]
Well it looks like this is the max of votes, so I'm closing this one. Kaiden will stay hidden and quiet.
I'm really hoping that one more person will vote for this part, I really don't want to have to be biased and choose. I'll give this one a day or two more, hopefully someone votes soon
Looks like this vote is closed, Ian will choose to lay siege on the Ryswell's and request aid from the Dustins.
I think I would have chosen this choice, it looks to me to be the best and most story packed for Ian. Unfortunately this just means that the conflict between the Fisher's and Oldstark will be offscreen for the moment, but should be over reasonably soon when - and if - the Starks overthrow the Ryswell's. Next part is a Toregg part if I remember correctly, or a Rila part. Anyway, that should be released some time this weekend.
Right, well as the vote has come to a tie and I've completely forgot about it for the past week. I'm going to come to a biased conclusion and have Julie speak with Gendel and Gorne as it opens up for more of a story with Julie.
My apologies for not being very active the past few weeks, the study has been intense and the assignments just as bad. Fortunately, I have a break from all that for the next two weeks and will try to get a few parts out before I need to head back. I'm undecided on who the next PoV part will be in the next part, despite me saying either Toregg or Rila, simply because I realised that I needed a Stranger part in before the Toregg part. So likelihood of it is, the Stranger will probably be next.
So I recently closed the vote to Julie's part, and I realise it's been a long time overdue. So I'm currently working on a Stranger part which should be out sometime in the next few days. I realise I said the next should've been out a few weeks ago, and should've been a Rila or Toregg part but I couldn't get motivated for the Rila part and Toregg's part wouldn't fit well without the Stranger coming before him. So, next part should hopefully be out soon!