What do you think the North Grove is?

My theory is that the north grove is the home of a beast that follows gared and will help with the war or it will give Gared special powers. What do you guys think it is?


  • My outlandish theory, it is that the North Grove has the power to resurrect a Forrester. I know, it is outlandish.

    The reason why I think that way, it is because that over the many countless centuries or properly 1000 of years, the Forrester have countless of chances to get wiped out. Since they haven't the North Grove must have played a part in their survival. Since the North Grove is beyond the Wall and the Wall has been build over 8000 years ago, House Forrester must be as old as House Stark. I also believe that the existence of the North Grove and the Forresters' knowledge about it means that the Forresters are connected to magic.

  • Interesting theory! But the Red Priests already are the only people who resurrect others in GoT. I think it would be cool if that happened though we will just have to see in episode 6.

    My outlandish theory, it is that the North Grove has the power to resurrect a Forrester. I know, it is outlandish. The reason why I think

  • If it's a stash of Ironwood trees, I swear alot of people won't be happy with that

  • I have a feeling this theory is correct. A grove of ironwood trees would give the Forresters a stake in matters north of the wall.

    kaza125 posted: »

    If it's a stash of Ironwood trees, I swear alot of people won't be happy with that

  • It would just be silly. It would mean Gared would have to come all the way back, make it past the wall somehow not getting his head cut off for a deseerter, and if it makes it back, who ever is Lord will then have to somehow send X amount of men to beyond the wall, chop down the trees and bring it all back without a problem.
    You can see why I don't want this to be the North Grove.

    Kireilt posted: »

    I have a feeling this theory is correct. A grove of ironwood trees would give the Forresters a stake in matters north of the wall.

  • It's a grove in the north.

  • edited October 2015

    Maybe gared has to parish to revive the "forester" you choose?

  • I've thought about this probably too much. It needs to be something not pointless and disappointing (a literal grove of trees) and it needs to be something not overpowered or lore breaking like a physical Ice Dragon.

    The best thing I've thought about on my own is that it's the original ancestral home of House Forrester from way back in day, and that they share common kin in the North Grove. There is a clan of wildlings that live there that were the original family that the Forresters and there people lived with.

    Let's call this original collection 'Clan Forrester'. They've lived in the North Grove for thousands of years. And then, for some reason, people want to leave. Maybe it has something to do with Winter, overpopulation, or general disagreement over how Clan Forrester is lead. So in the end, the clan splits. The separatists also take a portion of North Grove ironwood with them. Leaving the North Grove, the new group migrate south. They eventually come into contact with House Stark and after swearing fealty to them are granted land in the Wolfswood under the Glovers where they can best use their talents of cultivation. They've resided in Ironrath under the name of House Forrester ever since, and although they may have forgotten details of the event, they still remember their common heritage at the North Grove.

    Fast forward thousands of years after the separation when House Forrester have their own ironwood grove and are firmly rooted in the traditions and histories of Westeros. Lord Gregor Forrester begins researching the North Grove in greater depth and why the Forresters generally are more aware of the legend than other houses. I believe it's possible that Gregor did find out that the North Grove was where the Forresters originated and that, later on, it was his intention to rediscover the North Grove and to see if there is anything left of the clan. This would also support his title of 'the Good', showing that he cares about the kin and family he never even knew.

    But Gregor was rushed. Winter is Coming, and reports of White Walkers may spell doom for the old clan. Unfortunately, before he could do anything about it, the War of the Five Kings broke out. In case he fell in battle, he told his close friend Duncan and heir Rodrik about his research.

    Fast forward a little bit more to Gared's PoV. I have a feeling he's about to stumble on Clan Forrester and the North Grove. The existence of Clan Forrester would allow for several things. First, it would give Gared something to do in a hypothetical S2. Learning more about the histories of the North Grove and trying to get the clan of wildlings south of the wall to Ironrath. This kind of makes sense as saving the wildlings from Winter was a key storyline in S5 of the TV show. Second, the introduction of more people would give the house a fighting chance against House Forrester's enemies. Third, and a little bit more boringly, the clan could bring with them more ironwood incase the Whitehills get a bit mad and destroy everything, securing House Forrester's livelihood and reputation.

    So yeah, that's my theory. If we're talking in terms of a 'magical' aspect to the North Grove, I believe that such magic may possibly keep the North Grove either hidden from Winter or just keep it as warm as possible for an actual increase in survival chances.

    I also have a little sidebet that Clan Forrester is in possession of a Valyrian Steel blade. This would give a literal meaning to the fact that 'the cold couldn't touch it' (for those that have seen S5E8) and would also explain why House Forrester randomly have a sword in the middle of their coat of arms. Again, this would provide a literal meaning to the words 'Iron from Ice' with the iron referring to the sword. This wouldn't be that farfetched considering that two northern houses, House Stark and House Mormont (which are actually considered a 'poor' house) were once in possession of Valyrian Steel swords.

    enter image description here

  • I have had many ideas floating around, I have even written some down and made it a sort of fanfiction. However with all my ideas, one stays consistent.

    I think the Forrester's were once Wildlings, Wildlings that looked after ice dragons but all of their ice dragons died or were released to keep them safe. But one stayed loyal and protected the Forrester's for as long as it lived, maybe it died but its spirit still protects the Forrester's. I like to think it's a grove with ironwood trees but it has (as Duncan said) a protected citadel, it is protected by the spirit of the ice dragon and maybe the power there can be used to protect Ironrath in the same way.

    Maybe only Forrester's can access it, that's why the Wildling clan never came back... And then maybe Gared is a bastard (I have already compared his features, it's possible).

    However I doubt the game would confirm ice dragons do/did exist so it destroys my whole idea.

    A more realistic view is that it is either all just a lie or it is really just a grove with ironwood trees. Although Duncan said it has power, it has to be more than just a bunch of trees... I really hope it is more than that.

  • Betting 800 gold dragons you're wrong.

    kaza125 posted: »

    If it's a stash of Ironwood trees, I swear alot of people won't be happy with that

  • Very interesting theory! I never thought about the possibility of there might be actual Clan Forrester beyond the Wall. I know Asha from the books reefer to them as clan Forrester, but she was an ironborn and not a northman.

    Also, I personally believe that the Forrester-Whitehill conflict back home won't be decided by finding the North Grove, but by Rodrik's/Asher's leadership and their army.

    Davissons posted: »

    I've thought about this probably too much. It needs to be something not pointless and disappointing (a literal grove of trees) and it needs

  • I absolutely love your idea!

    I for one am not certain of anything regarding the North Grove. I really have no idea of what it can be. I just think Gared might not come back, because Gregor said the North Grove must be protected, not that whatever is there must be brought back to Ironrath. So I think Gared might end up staying there to protect it.

    Davissons posted: »

    I've thought about this probably too much. It needs to be something not pointless and disappointing (a literal grove of trees) and it needs

  • I don't think it's actually the trees but more so a literal grove which is both warm (as stated) and has an abundance of ironwood seeds if the forests south of the wall are plundered. Originally I thought trees as well but then thought to myself "what the hell are they going to do with a bunch of trees already in the ground hundreds of miles from their keep and in one of the most inhospitable areas of the world?" It has to be seedlings or the seeds themselves in my view.

    Kireilt posted: »

    I have a feeling this theory is correct. A grove of ironwood trees would give the Forresters a stake in matters north of the wall.

  • My theory is a type of fallout shelter....what if gared was sent there to simply....survive? Maybe everything leads to house Forrester going down except for a 2-3 survivors for the next season to rebuild from scratch. So gared survives, Mira and one more Forrester? So then that would mean everyone in the war died? Idk how I ended up here.so

  • Suddenly I find myself wishing Ethan/Rodrik/Asher were resurrected by Red Priests, I wonder how death would change them like how Catlyn Stark turned into Lady Stoneheart.

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    Interesting theory! But the Red Priests already are the only people who resurrect others in GoT. I think it would be cool if that happened though we will just have to see in episode 6.

  • I really like that theory. It would be utterly awesome if it did turn out to be an older keep that was kept through some force of power within the ancient forest that prevented decay through the centuries.

    Davissons posted: »

    I've thought about this probably too much. It needs to be something not pointless and disappointing (a literal grove of trees) and it needs

  • I'm thinking it's more like a paradise or some sort of heaven surrounded by a labyrinth of all sorts of danger. If the myths are true, that's what it will be anyway...

    Realistically, it could just be a giant forest of Ironwood, but it could also just be a hideout of some sort that's just carried a mythical legacy all these years. I think if things go badly for the Forresters, maybe it's just a safe place for Gared so that he can carry the family legacy (far far away, I might add). I really don't see him making it back home before the end of the series. I get a vibe that wherever he's going, he's going to either die trying to get there or he'll stay there for a long time...

  • nothing. if it is something gared will more than likely die before reaching it. and if he does reach it, it wont be anything special and everyone will bitch about it for ages.

    why? because i cant see anything being this important and not being mentioned in the books, idk im barely book 2, or tv show. and if it so big why do only the forresters know about it, or why will it mostly only help them.

    not bashing the game, i have love it so far and im pretty sure im going to love the finale, but im sure we are not going to love the GoT section when its done. it might get worse than the TWDG section

  • I think its the worlds very first McDonalds in the works, Lord Forrester knew it would turn into a big booming franchise!

  • Well this is the most well thought out and plausible theory I've heard yet by a mile. Bravo.

    I think I'll go with this instead of interdimensional time portals full of literal dragons or whatever.

    Davissons posted: »

    I've thought about this probably too much. It needs to be something not pointless and disappointing (a literal grove of trees) and it needs

  • I agree I saw that coming since Episode 2

    kaza125 posted: »

    If it's a stash of Ironwood trees, I swear alot of people won't be happy with that

  • Why would breasts be following Gared LMAO

  • edited October 2015

    Ok, so you know how I mentioned writing some stuff. Here is an extract from what I have been writing:

    A red door sat in front of him, most likely made out of ironwood it seemed inviting, as if this door was meant for him, that he was the only one that could have found this grove.

    Before he could ponder anymore the door opened and to Gared’s surprise, a crowd of people stood behind it, they were waiting, for him.

    An older looking man stepped forward and analysed Gared, his judgemental look ended swiftly, his eyes lit up and he smiled. “Come in, come in.” The man said.

    Almost reluctantly Gared entered, his eyes quickly scanned the place; it was magnificent. The tall ironwood trees had bent over to create a dome, all the leaves and trunks made it impossible for snow to get in. In the dome, grass grew tall, smaller fruit bearing tress were in their own little forest and in some corners small houses stood proudly, however in the middle the biggest building strongly sat, it was perfectly carved out of ice with iron as decoration on the outside; no ironwood had been used in the making of the building. Maybe the stories made it seem more powerful than it was, or maybe it was all an illusion.

    “My name is Kenwood-”

    “Can you tell me what this place is?”

    “You might be a Forrester but please do not interrupt me.”

    “Kenwood, what is this place?”

    “The North Grove.”

    “What is the North Grove?”

    “Ah, they didn’t tell you. Ah, ok. The North Grove… This dome area, some describe it as a protected citadel, hidden from the world. Those people are right, it is hidden, not many people can see it… The door, you can see it because you are a Forrester, others cannot. Those people you arrived with, even if they tried they would never find this place, they would be walking in an endless forest, forever. Us people who live here, we were the first to follow the Forrester’s and we have stayed loyal, we choose to never leave, our duty is to keep this place alive, if and when a Forrester arrives, like you. The grove is said to be powered by the spirit of an ice dragon, it keeps this place hidden and protected to return a favour to the Forrester's that protected it… However that is just a story passed down to each new generation that lives here, no one really knows why it has power or why Forrester's control it. So, you might be wondering, how can this grove save your house?”


    “The power of this place can protect Ironrath in the same way. It will hide it from the world, only Forrester’s and the people who follow them will see it. The Whitehill’s will never know what hit them. However… A Forrester has to stay at the North Grove in order for it to work.”

    In this idea Gared is a Forrester and in this extract he doesn't realise that they have been saying he is a Forrester, I wrote that in a bit later on. :P

  • Been skulking for too long now, first time post:)
    Tbh I think Davissons theory and mine could connect pretty well. My theory is that it holds the secret to coating a sword with blue flames, you see how followers of R'hllor can magically apply fire to their swords? Well I believe it would consist of an ancient way the old inhabitants of the grove were able to grow seeds under the ice and surprisingly, when it grew, managed to be one of the highest quality, sturdy, well rounded materials that could be used for crafting things such as sword shafts, poles, shields, defensive structures etc. thus comes the phrase "iron from ice". It would make sense if I were to connect this with Davissons theory as the last remaining members of the northern Forresters beyond the wall would hold and keep the ancient secrets of making ironwood and applying it to make it a blue flaming sword. Most likely Gared would have to convince those Forresters to come South(through a ship)and help the Forresters and bring their secrets with them. Let's be honest it would be pretty fucking badass to have your troops march to highpoint with blue flaming swords.

  • the real location is the west of Minecraft cave.

  • edited October 2015

    I have thought about it a lot and honestly I can't imagine what it could be, mostly because I can't think of much of anything that would benefit the house in the dire shiznit they're in right now. I can think of things that would be great later maybe but none of it matters if they're all dead. Some kind of fortress would be useless, a grove of ironwood trees would be useless, ironwood seeds wouldn't help us right the hell now, resurrecting a Forrester or two would be fascinating but let's be real, they stand a good chance of dying again, and hell, even a literal bloody ice dragon would probably be useless because how do you get it to go back with you to Ironrath and battle?

    I'm secretly kind of hoping it's nothing, or whatever was there is gone. It'd be so anticlimactic and just the cherry on top of the proverbial House Forrester Is Screwed sundae. I just don't know why if it's so important it's all the way up beyond the wall a good piece where no one can really go, or how it even got there in the first place, or how you're supposed to use it to benefit people really far away. And why didn't the Forresters ever tell anyone else, like you know, maybe the Starks? And why the Forresters to begin with? They're a third tier house so how did they come to be responsible for something so vitally important? Inquiring minds want to know, dammit!

  • Why wouldn't they?

    NicWarden posted: »

    Why would breasts be following Gared LMAO

  • edited October 2015

    It's not mean it's funny.

  • edited October 2015

    XD Is this serious.

  • edited October 2015

    just beacause they are a minor house doesnt mean that they cant have their secrets and power and just beacause you have power its not always wise to use it.when you reveal your power and your secrets you attract attention and that can bring too many enemies.You said why not tell the starks because that its a family secret do you reveal your family secrets to your friends and allies even if you trust them.no

    lilithnight posted: »

    I have thought about it a lot and honestly I can't imagine what it could be, mostly because I can't think of much of anything that would ben

  • If it's something on the scale of being capable of saving an entire house, I just might. Last I checked the Starks aren't doing too great either.

    just beacause they are a minor house doesnt mean that they cant have their secrets and power and just beacause you have power its not always

  • Are you kidding? Gared's got all the breasts following him. He's got so much swag.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Why would breasts be following Gared LMAO

  • That Turtle face is a panty dropper LMAO

    Are you kidding? Gared's got all the breasts following him. He's got so much swag.

  • Oh, the North Grove? It's west by the pile of dead Forresters and their allies and North by the charred remains of Ironrath.

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