PLZ remove this game from steam.
this maybe a good game and i may get it but please remove it from steam.
just the fact that so many little idiots on Minecraft already sh*ts me.
and now it is on steam. i do not want it on steam and some people may agree with me
the fact is that now a lot of kids are gonna see this and there parents are gonna give a steam account and buy them the game witch is ok and good for steam BUT
this also means that they will now have a steam account and that they will see games that they know and now they want to get. and most of those games are most likely multilayer games witch also means not just there are now more kids play-in PC multilayer but it is also annoying other users game play because of squeakers. now that some people dont play consoles just because of that and now in some games such as CS:GO. some people get for the compertision and so some people upload videos of it on YouTube meaning kids will of corse buy because they like it and that also rekts the game because now some people like to play because of it's hardness and difficulty. well now kids are playin it with half the skill so how would it be fair to them.
i really dont want to go on about this and the fact that i am terrible at explaining so ill give this to u so u know what to thing about.
and remember this WILL most likey be caused by this 1 game.


  • Slippery slope, much?

    Steam already has countless kids games on their service. One more isn't going to make a difference. Take a chill pill and calm down.

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