Whats going on with the Ironwood?

I have offered half to Elena Glenmore, half to Ramsay snow, half to the crown and ludd is talking half or all of it? lol I am confuse!

how do I win Elenas betrothal without forging the letter and without the ironwood contract?


  • At this point you are only crafting ironwood for Roose.

  • edited October 2015

    The plan was to take the taken half of the forest from the Whitehills to her family

  • Ohhhhhh, how plans change. Like Gwyn being able to help us whatsoever. Or Sylvi knowing how to find the North Grove. Or the Glenmores backing us up. Or Duncan and Royland being totally loyal, no question. Or Ethan, you know, not getting stabbed in the neck by a sociopath for no reason. :P

  • The truth is....Clementine was suppose to kill all the foresters members...and use the ironwood for weapons.

  • The Glenmore's half is the Whitehill's half. They will get it if they help us.

    We offered to sell Ironwood to the Crown. About the Boltons, well, as Ramsay reminds us so nicely if we try offering the Ironwood, Roose is our Warden and technically we can't give him something that is already his (it is not really his, but he can take it and flay us all so... Yeah, it's his).

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