Assault or defend?

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

If you had the choice of conducting a surprise assault on Highpoint or going directly going to Ironrath and prepare for the Whitehills to siege, which would you choose? Let's say that the assault option has high chance of success if you saved Asher, spared Bloodsong and the Whitehill lancer from Episode 1. However, the siege has a better chance if you took food from the smallfolk, let Erik free, and saved Bowen.


  • Definitely going with the surprise assault, partially because everything I've done for that to have better chances I have done, but mainly because I'm a bigger fan of the surprise attack method anyway. Since the Whitehills do outnumber us nearly 2:1 or even 3:1, being able to get inside their fortress stealthily would give us such an advantage.

  • Also, the Whitehills have made the mistake of splitting off a portion of their army to ambush Rodrik and Asher.

    Definitely going with the surprise assault, partially because everything I've done for that to have better chances I have done, but mainly b

  • No more defense. I'm ready to smash them.

  • Actually they're just as weak now that Asher has brought his Small but Skilled reinforcements before though Rodrik was weak and his force's were just smaller than the Whitehill army but now it skews in Asher/Rodrik's favour.

    Definitely going with the surprise assault, partially because everything I've done for that to have better chances I have done, but mainly b

  • edited October 2015

    Agreed. l've been trying to be as diplomatic and peaceful as possible, but now that Whitehills have spilt Forrester blood it's game time.

    No more defense. I'm ready to smash them.

  • Surprise assault, with the exception of Gwyn, show no mercy (unless she gets in the way of us killing Ludd and/or Gryff).

  • edited October 2015

    I don't know, I really want a final epic battle in the Ironwood grove, a storm with rain and everything and the grove setting on FIRE! Doesn't that sound epic?

    Although our current army is probaby better suited for offense rather then defence, so I guess I'll be smart and go for Assault :(

  • Yeah but they maybe lost 4-5 guys from what I remember, and I'm sure they will have regrouped with the forces at Whitehill by the time any attack from ours comes their way. And the Forrester's lost a couple more people two including either Asher/Rodrik of course.

    Kireilt posted: »

    Also, the Whitehills have made the mistake of splitting off a portion of their army to ambush Rodrik and Asher.

  • It be really cool if we can send people to different places and conduct a battle like defend attack where to attack who do you send where. Then maybe based on who you sent to attack or defend it result in capturing or holding or failing

  • I wouldn't say the Whitehills have really suffered at all. From my knowledge, the only significant loss they've had to their forces came from Mira being able to stop Andros' deal. As any house should, the Whitehills undoubtedly have their own small army and the only losses I've seen came from episode 5 where they lost about 4-5 guys. Plus, the Whitehill forces haven't suffered any morale hits either, you could say they had a slight loss when Gryff was captured, but I'd say after he was freed and killed the enemy that recovered their morale right away.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Actually they're just as weak now that Asher has brought his Small but Skilled reinforcements before though Rodrik was weak and his force's were just smaller than the Whitehill army but now it skews in Asher/Rodrik's favour.

  • I can imagine a choice like "who lead the second team?"

    • Beskha
    • Your Sentinel
    • Amaya
    Poogers555 posted: »

    It be really cool if we can send people to different places and conduct a battle like defend attack where to attack who do you send where. Then maybe based on who you sent to attack or defend it result in capturing or holding or failing

  • That would be pretty cool, like the final level in Mass Effect 2.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It be really cool if we can send people to different places and conduct a battle like defend attack where to attack who do you send where. Then maybe based on who you sent to attack or defend it result in capturing or holding or failing

  • I loved the Suicide mission in ME2!

    That would be pretty cool, like the final level in Mass Effect 2.

  • Me too, felt especially happy after beating it with everyone alive on my first go and checking the forums after and saw that so many people had lost someone. Shep done good lol

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I loved the Suicide mission in ME2!

  • I lost so many people! I think like four of my team survived :( I wasn't the smartest player back then.

    Me too, felt especially happy after beating it with everyone alive on my first go and checking the forums after and saw that so many people had lost someone. Shep done good lol

  • I don't think we have enough people for a successful siege.

    I would try a surprise assault.

  • The Forresters definitely don't have the numbers to hold a successful siege, because they would need to surround High Point entirely and maintain the lines for at least half a year, during which time the Whitehills could call in reinforcements, or just breakthrough at the weakest point. If the Forresters are going to fight, their best option is a sneak attack to get over the walls, and open the gates to let in the rest of the (small) army they have left, or even better, just send in a small squad to kill/capture Ludd, Gryff and Gwyn.

  • I should probably clarify. I meant defending Ironrath against a Whitehill siege, let the enemy come to you. I'll change the title to make the subject clearer.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    The Forresters definitely don't have the numbers to hold a successful siege, because they would need to surround High Point entirely and mai

  • edited October 2015

    Definitely defend. Having the smaller army, Rodrik as leader and the Glenmore marriage secured:

    1) Castles are hard to attack, and Ironrath has the bonus of being on a hill and only one way to attack it. (+3)

    2) It takes months to take a castle. But since there is a shortage of food, the Whitehills could wait us out for us to starve. (-1)

    3) There would be very little casualties for us if we defend, and the Whitehills 3:1 would mean fuck all if we stay in Ironrath. (+1)

    4) The Whitehills may have larger numbers, but we've seen the elite guard of the Glenmores in action (although we did die...) The betrothal would play a major part here as we only get a small force (lose the betrothal) or a massive force with Lord Glenmore leading it, and because of the bottleneck way Ironrath is built, the Whitehills would be crused between the tactic known as 'Hammer and Anvil' (-2 or +1)

    5) The Pit Fighters will be very restless being held back from doing a suicide charge, which may lead to problems or either 1) Amaya will be angry and have the Pit Fighters refuse to fight. (-2) 2) You let them go, but lose a large chunk of your force. (-3) 3) You get her to begrudgingly agree to hold the walls at the cost of double pay/food/drink. (-1) As you can tell, there is no good way to deal with the Pit Fighters as Rodrik.

    6) Since this is a list of the better character being alive, Rodrik has experience as a leader and a warrior. He knows tactics and would know how to keep Ironrath from falling with such small numbers. (+5)

  • edited October 2015

    If Asher is alive, assault is the only way it'd work.

    1) He is hotheaded and a killer. Hiding behind a wall isn't his way. (+5)

    2) The Pit Fighters are more aggressive then they are defensive, and Asher already has their respect. (+3)

    3) The Whitehills would probably split into 3 groups from the ambush. 1) Lord Whitehill leads 1/3rd of his force to take the already weak Ironrath, which falls without you there. (-3) 2) Gryff and Harys already have 1/3rd of the force, so either they'll go back to Highpoint smug and expecting of being attacked (+2) or they'll join Lord Whitehill and Ironrath falls to them. (-3) 3) With only 1/3rd of the Whitehill force left at Highpoint, they would fall to the surprise attack easily and be slaughtered. (+2 or -2 if you kill Gwyn or let her live. Her dying makes sure you take Highpoint. Her living makes sure she raises the alarm and the attack fails, killing most of your force.) This will probably be emotional as Asher has to kill his love to save his family or royaly fuck them over and get himself killed by her not wanting to lose her home.

    4) The Glenmores will not help you if Asher is alive, instead heading to Ironrath as last respects and to defend it, but will die as they are overwhelmed. This ends with Elanea and her father dead, as well as Ryon being killed, the Forrester mother (forgot her name) dying and the lose of Ironrath. You do however cut down most of the Whitehills (2/3rds as you ambushed and killed Gryff and Harys and took Highpoint, but have to kill Gwyn to do so) so after the assault you and the Whitehills are equal in size of force and strength. (-1 or +1)

    Barthanax posted: »

    Definitely defend. Having the smaller army, Rodrik as leader and the Glenmore marriage secured: 1) Castles are hard to attack, and Ironra

  • Arthur Glenmore kills a Whitehill in the Great Hall and Gared kills 2 Whitehills and some Pit Fighters and Forrester guard got a few kills in the ambush sorry i'm just picking holes but I just want them dead especially Harys.

    I wouldn't say the Whitehills have really suffered at all. From my knowledge, the only significant loss they've had to their forces came fro

  • I just want the Whitehills wiped out of Westoros

    Surprise assault, with the exception of Gwyn, show no mercy (unless she gets in the way of us killing Ludd and/or Gryff).

  • Yes Amazing just like Total War

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It be really cool if we can send people to different places and conduct a battle like defend attack where to attack who do you send where. Then maybe based on who you sent to attack or defend it result in capturing or holding or failing

  • I'd go with Amaya

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I can imagine a choice like "who lead the second team?" * Beskha * Your Sentinel * Amaya

  • I love the Art of War i'd like to Defend Ironrath with the Glenmore Archers on the Wall and the Pit Fighters holding the Gate while the Forresters ambush from the Grove or (Pit Fighter & Forrester switch around) .

  • This would be my strategy. I don't know if it is smart, but feel free to give your opinion.

    I won't risk an assault, because we would be attacking Highpoint which is the Whitehill's stronghold and their territory. They have the advantage of knowing the land and as well as having more food supply than ours.

    So I would let them march toward Ironrath with all the strength they can muster. Now they have marched to our territory and they aren't close to their seat. I would split my force in two. Rodrik will stay in Ironrath will the Forrester soldiers and hopefully volunteers from the Smallfolks who is willing to assist in battle. If we have Glenmore soldiers, even better. Our defense will be bolstered immensely. As the Whitehills have their attention focused on us, I have meanwhile order Royland and Beskha to lead the pit fighters and stationed them outside Ironrath.

    If the siege starts, Rodrik will command the defenses while Royland and Beshka will lead a fierce surprise attack from the rear. Caught between two force, the Whitehills will be in confusion and disarray. They will receive heavy casualties and retreat from the battle. They have probably taken food supplies with them in the siege, now those food supplies are ours since they left in a hurry. With that done, Rodrik will take command and lead the army to either siege Highpoint or use the time to recover ourselves by looking for more recruits and food supplies.

    If the Whitehills attempts to starve us out, Royland and Beshka will commit a night raid on their camp (Twenty good men!) and deal heavy damage by burning their camp. In order to keep the damage going, Rodrik and riders will ride out and attack causing more confusion and disorder. And again, once that is done, I will either siege Highpoint or use the time to recruit and gather food supplies.

  • I still think the trade is going down guys.....people write it off so quickly but I'm assuming we capture Gryff early into Episode 6 after he starts to think he's scared us away. We'll pop out of nowhere kill his buddies and then take him captive to trade for Ryon.

    At the trade something horrible will happen, Ryon willl probably be killed and all hell will break loose for an epic battle

  • We march to victory. Or we march to defeat. But we go forward; only forward.

  • I think people are underestimating the difficulty of a siege. Look at Storm's End. Stannis held the thing for a year, heavily outnumbered. Now look at the Blackwater. Stannis led 25,000 men to take King's Landing and failed (now granted it was because of the Tyrells but you get the point).

    Attacking a keep in a surprise attack is a lot harder than it sounds. And when you do get discovered, you're in their home. They're more motivated to kill you AND they know the area far better. And if you want to set it on fire, "Stone crumbles...but at least it doesn't burn." Additionally, they're on a highpoint. A literal highpoint. There's no heavy forest to sneak through, and an uphill battle is not what you want.

    Ironrath being made of ironwood also is not likely to be set on fire, so there's that advantage.

    So taking a siege, easily. A fortnight is better than nothing.

  • edited October 2015

    But Ironrath is no Storm's End. The only time we've seen its defences put to the test it failed, miserably. If you leave the Glenmores back at Ironrath and take the traitor with you to Highpoint, Ramsay and his 20 good men still get in like it ain't no thing despite signs that they were opposed (arrows fired and blood on the ground).

    Not to mention, it's exactly what Ludd has planned for. To stay on the defensive is to hand him the initiative, and he is also exceptionally well informed about Ironrath's defences thanks to the efforts of the traitor and the fact that his son and garrison were stationed there, no doubt noting anything that could be of advantage in an assault. Nor can we rule out sabotage.

    As Sun Tzu says in The Art of War, "Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected." Or to quote Zapp Branigan's Big Book of War, "Throw wave after wave of your own men at the problem."

    I think people are underestimating the difficulty of a siege. Look at Storm's End. Stannis held the thing for a year, heavily outnumbered. N

  • No you're good, pick holes! lol Although I think Arthur's kill can be avoided, don't remember him killing anyone myself, and you can chose to kill only one Whitehill guy as Gared back in episode 1, (I don't count Brit since he gets sent to the Wall in case that's the 2nd you meant). But still, pretty shallow loses compared to the Forrester's in my eyes.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Arthur Glenmore kills a Whitehill in the Great Hall and Gared kills 2 Whitehills and some Pit Fighters and Forrester guard got a few kills in the ambush sorry i'm just picking holes but I just want them dead especially Harys.

  • Oh yeah one was a Bolton I guess I'll count Britt instead ,and most of the Forrester army died at The Twins obviously and more deserted when Ethan was killed and there was no Lord at Ironrath all the rest are the loyalist of the loyal to stick to your house through all that

    No you're good, pick holes! lol Although I think Arthur's kill can be avoided, don't remember him killing anyone myself, and you can chose t

  • Hell no homie.

    You must not known your Westeros history. Amaya is almost as dangerous as the Whitehills at this point. She could easily just betray us and take everything. Wouldn't be the first time a foreign "ally" turned into a conqueror.

    NicWarden posted: »

    I'd go with Amaya

  • If i know that Gryff and the Whitehill Garrison are not in Highpoint, i'd strike first. Capturing his father and sister would be an advantage.

    If Gryff and the whitehill garrison returned to Highpoint i would wait for them to attack.

    Elaena should go home taking Elissa and Talia. They will be safe with Elaena's father (i hope)

  • I have no response...

    but I like Amaya

    Hell no homie. You must not known your Westeros history. Amaya is almost as dangerous as the Whitehills at this point. She could easily just betray us and take everything. Wouldn't be the first time a foreign "ally" turned into a conqueror.

  • Amaya is so cool! But not better than Beskha :p

    NicWarden posted: »

    I have no response... but I like Amaya

  • True we haven't even seen Amaya fight but I bet she has a unusual Essos weapon and is boss with it

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Amaya is so cool! But not better than Beskha

  • This reminds me so much of the Mass Effect 2 suicide mission.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It be really cool if we can send people to different places and conduct a battle like defend attack where to attack who do you send where. Then maybe based on who you sent to attack or defend it result in capturing or holding or failing

  • I was just saying I like Beskha more as a character :p

    The Beast laughed when I said "Can I fight Amaya?" so I'm sure she's an awesome fighter.

    NicWarden posted: »

    True we haven't even seen Amaya fight but I bet she has a unusual Essos weapon and is boss with it

  • I'm thinking one of the 3 weapons in the pit when fighting Bloodsong

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I was just saying I like Beskha more as a character The Beast laughed when I said "Can I fight Amaya?" so I'm sure she's an awesome fighter.

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