When can we expect a physical copy?

Game of Thrones has already been announced for a November release date of a disc edition, so I'm wondering when we could expect the same for Borderlands? Considering that it will actually finish before GOT as well, is it strange that they haven't announced anything?


  • I've also been wondering about a physical copy for Tales. i prefer a physical copy to digital.I think they will make it, but its just gonna come out a bit sooner

  • Surely the disc version will release soon after the season is finished.

  • Hmm, haven't seen anything about it yet. Odd considering, every other Telltale game has a physical copy now. Game of Thrones ended it's season with the disc and Minecraft started with it. Physical media master race standing by.

  • I was really hoping to be able to get a physical copy for a few people this christmas, but I can't see that happening now.

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