Raid Dream Team

Name says it all. Which 4 Vault Hunters would you choose to make up the perfect team for raiding? Please, explain why the ones you chose and, if you want, why you avoided others, and of course, no re-using the same character multiple times.

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I'll start this thread off with my dream team: Maya, Athena, Axton, and Gaige. Now in my personal opinion, you need Maya and Athena on your team, period. Athena is your tank, who can also do crowd control. Maya is your healer, who also is crowd control too. They're essential in making the strongest team. Then I chose Axton and Gaige cause Axton's turrets are better than Roland's lone (unless you don't got a healer) and Deathtrap is stronger than Wolf. What? I'm not mentioning The Firehawk? Well she is great for solo but if I'm looking for complementing abilities, she doesn't really fit in.

Tell me what you think? Share your team ideas!


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