Positive Let's Plays of Story Mode

Anyone mind posting some people who enjoyed the first episode of Story Mode? So, far the only person I have so far is Swingpoynt. I don't know I feel like a positive let's play thread might make it easier for people to decide on picking up Story Mode when the person isn't whining or complaining the entire time.

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  • edited October 2015

    Give me time to edit my play through and I'll have something for you, I really enjoyed the first episode. I'm hoping to have at least Part 1 up by 10 or 11 EST.

  • Guude, PauseUnpause, VintageBeef, DanTDM and SwingPoynt are the ones I've seen so far that are super into it.

    I've seen a bunch of other who are playing it but I can't really tell if they like it or not.

  • Thanks!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Guude, PauseUnpause, VintageBeef, DanTDM and SwingPoynt are the ones I've seen so far that are super into it. I've seen a bunch of other who are playing it but I can't really tell if they like it or not.

  • Don't mean to shamelessly promote myself, but the episode was enjoyable and I had some fun with it xP My tubes is InfernoKun

  • edited October 2015

    AntVenom and GhostRoboJr are another couple YouTubers i found that are enjoying it.




  • edited October 2015


    (didn't mean to reply to myself xD)

    javoris767 posted: »

    Don't mean to shamelessly promote myself, but the episode was enjoyable and I had some fun with it xP My tubes is InfernoKun

  • Oppositely which playthroughs do people hate on the game?

  • Oh, cool. I've been looking for your playthrough, Maester.

    javoris767 posted: »

    https://youtu.be/gz0PROGnOj8 (didn't mean to reply to myself xD)

  • edited October 2015

    Here's my take on the game, I'm not one of the people who get like super like taken by videos like someone such as Markiplier but I do enjoy the game and I try to have fun with it :)
    Story Mode Episode 1

  • The first two are being posted episodically and are not nearly finished yet, but both seem to enjoy it:

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    This one is over already:

    enter link description here

  • DanzNewz was positive.


  • Wait no longer m'lord!

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh, cool. I've been looking for your playthrough, Maester.

  • I'm enjoying MCSM so far, so here's the first part of my playthrough on it :D (I still need to edit ep2 so I can post it)


  • Honestly, I think most just can't get over the fact that TTG made a game about a game.

    Some probably hate on it simply because they feel TTG is milking it along with MS and whoever has their grips on it.

    I''m indifferent to this game but I feel like it is very forgettable.

  • Farfromsubtle. Be warned if you like this or any recent non borderlands telltale game you will be screaming at the screen (at least according to most commenters, tbh honest i just skipped most of it after watching the mindset he was going into it with)

    Oppositely which playthroughs do people hate on the game?

  • edited October 2015

    That's ok. The problem most pro-MCSM fans have is that a big part of the community won't even give it a chance or say anything positive about it. Which is also ok since it's their honest opinion, but it makes the fans who want to enjoy it or give it a chance feel like it's not worth it. So it's good for people to see the perspective of someone who DID like the game as well as someone who didn't so they can make the choice themselves instead of being forced to take single perspective.

    Honestly, I think most just can't get over the fact that TTG made a game about a game. Some probably hate on it simply because they feel

  • Inferno You are really cool thanks for your lp's :).

    javoris767 posted: »

    Don't mean to shamelessly promote myself, but the episode was enjoyable and I had some fun with it xP My tubes is InfernoKun

  • The big problem is that you have big fans of TWAU and TWD who are waiting for new seasons. I mean TWAU has been waiting for a potential S2 FOREVER. You take that with the fact that TWAU season one took forever in the first place and then it potential getting pushed aside because of Minecraft and a subpar GoT game.

    You got a lot of hate going towards those two games from those fan basis. You got a lot of hate coming from the Minecraft fanbase because they think the game is stupid. Honestly, when it was announced they was making a game about a game...TWAU fans turned into devils and MC fans scoffed.

    I watched/played the game and it is alright. Very forgettable and it is obvious they are trying to milk the Minecraft fanbase. If you are just getting into MC then you either won't catch onto stuff in the game or will think it is just a fun little game.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    That's ok. The problem most pro-MCSM fans have is that a big part of the community won't even give it a chance or say anything positive abou

  • Yes i'm fully aware of those two causes. And you might be right they might just be getting on minecraft's fame. But in the end there are people who enjoy this game including myself. And there are many people who WANT to play it or at least want to give it chance and it's not fair that they don't get to because everyone keeps pushing them to hate it.

    And people need to stop with the 'Why is telltale wasting their time on this garbage. GIVE US SEQUELS'. It happened with WAU with everyone hating it at first because it was supposedly delaying TWD2 (which it wasn't). And again with TFBL everyone saying it was stupid and that it was delaying WAU2 (which has not only never been proven but almost everything point's against it). Nobody is willing to give telltale a chance even though time and time again they have made great games of other franchises. And even if you ignore all of this there is one undeniable fact. Telltale is going to continue the games no matter what. No matter if the fans sing its praise or curse it the entire way. They said they were making 5 or 6 episodes and they 100% are. Hell, GOT seems more likely to get season 2 than WAU even with all the people hating on ep 5. I think people should start realising that or were going to spend the rest of the wait's with people being jerks to a game that won't stop.

    The big problem is that you have big fans of TWAU and TWD who are waiting for new seasons. I mean TWAU has been waiting for a potential S2 F

  • The reason why we are getting Minecraft and GoT regardless is because they put money into making that happen. I mean wasn't it already common knowledge that GoT was signed on for several seasons already? Then you got MC already invested in the MC series and who knows how many seasons they paid for.

    TTG already got the money for all this stuff to go down. So of course they will push out this stuff whether the fans like it or not.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yes i'm fully aware of those two causes. And you might be right they might just be getting on minecraft's fame. But in the end there are peo

  • So then why are some people hellbent on stopping these games when its realistcaly impossible, they are just making it worse.

    And despite Got's current critisims it has been succesfull sales wise and has gotten praise EQUAL to WAU and TWD (with the exeption of ep 5). Not only that but it has gained a loyal fandom of both readers and tv sears . And this is debatedly the most viewed show on tv so when they say 'there MIGHT be another season' they mean 'there WILL be another season'

    The reason why we are getting Minecraft and GoT regardless is because they put money into making that happen. I mean wasn't it already commo

  • edited November 2015

    If you're looking for a positive let's play of someone who enjoys Minecraft and posts mostly Minecraft videos, go for Stampylonghead.

    Also you can try Zackscottgames

  • just as javoris767 said i dont want to shamelessly promote myself. but i have being loving this game. its in my top ten enter link description here

  • Zackscott is playing too? Awesome!

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    If you're looking for a positive let's play of someone who enjoys Minecraft and posts mostly Minecraft videos, go for Stampylonghead. Also you can try Zackscottgames

  • Same here :D

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I love ZachScottGames enter link description here

  • I enjoyed GoT also but when episode 4 and 5 hit. My love for it turned into (well lets see how it ends before I completely crap on it).

    I've read people who said it is one of the best from TTG which is really strange. If you come off of other games you would easily say this became the weakest(until Mincraft Storymode). I don't know what happened where they couldn't at least make who the traitor is seem more significant. I mean we all know how horrible that was and then them going into the obvious trap? You really can't explain any of it away aside from just bad writing.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    So then why are some people hellbent on stopping these games when its realistcaly impossible, they are just making it worse. And despite

  • Well there is actually explinations for that belive it or not. First of if you kill the traito Rodrick doesn't KNOW its a trap (he suspects it though).If you didn't then hes sure.Eitherway HE BRINGS AN ARMY. how is that painfull? Out of all the criticism for ep 5 i never got it because HE IS PREPARED FOR AMBUSH he has about 30-50 guys (probably has evenmore they sadly couln't animate).

    As for the traitor you know who is really to blame? The fans. It's like wolf among us. Everybody is compleately convinced its the mother or the maester. No matter what telltale does they are convinced. Now honestly tell me you wouldn't see people say ' That was stupidly obvious, telltale sucks'. The company promised a twist to to the GOT license so they had to make something up. They were also tired of people whining about choices not mattering. So why not make both of them at the same time. So it looks rushed BECAUSE IT WAS. I find it funny that the people most likely responsible are complaining about it. And please don't get me started on the Ramsey choice because i have had to explain that so many times............Look with all its REAL problem i am willing to forgive it not only because the restvof the season was fantastic (something everyone seems to ignore) but i personally did not think it was bad.

    As for MCSM. I said my defense for that game too many times (you can see most of it above) Just two things. I like playing it because it reminds me of the childhood cartoons i had and i like that telltale is taking a break from its more recent games. Also this game is ment to be played by kids too, so every childish thing you see is 100℅ intetional.

    Well i said my peace i hope we can mutually respect each others opinions eventhough we disagree.

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