Most of the Accents are terrible lol

I don't mind, but its pretty funny. Like they hired Americans to try and do Northen English accents.


  • Laura Bailey's is pretty obvious

  • what? lol

    Clemenem posted: »

    Laura Bailey's is pretty obvious

  • About 99% of the cast are british. The only non-brits I can think of are Laura Bailey (Gwyn, whose accent is admittedly... bad) and Molly Stone (Talia, but her accent has improved with each episode), as well as a couple of the show characters.

  • Oh, he already got banned for some reason... Now I won't have to think of a smartass, snarky comment that'll make him look dumb.

  • I don't really have a problem with the accents. But Laura Bailey's accent kinda distracts me...

  • Gwynn's accent is like Northern England meets America meets Australia. The rest are fine, IMO.

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