ERROR downloading episodes on GOT and loads of questions
Well i played the 5 episodes played so far then decided to delete the game and start over from scratch when episode 6 came out .Now i hear news that it's gonna be released soon so i download it on my 6th generation ipod touch running IOS 9.0.2 (Only ios device i got) but the game gives me the black screen of death(After the updating DLC bit) from time to time and does not download episodes !
ipod 6G specs - 1.1ghz dual core typhoon 64 bit processor ,1GB of LPDDR3 ram and a powervr series 6XT GX6450 GPU 128 pipelines at 450MHZ
iphone 5 - 1.3 ghz dual core swift 32 bit processor ,1 GB LPDDR2 ram and with a powervr SGX543MP3 GPU with measly 12 shaders at 200 mhz
Now the questions :-
any fix to my problem above ?(Dont tell me its not powerful enough its got more cpu and gpu horsepower than the iphone 5 and not to forget its 64bit thus double the precision i am a game dev myself)
Does telltale use a proprietary engine , if so what's its name and could i see how it looks like ?
What language is it programmed in ?
Why is there no walking dead season 1 or 2 on the emirati app store is it the law or difficult to optimize ?
please note - some of these questions are for academic purposes
Also please thank the developers at the studio for bringing addictive titles such as Game of thrones,The walking dead season 1 and 2 , The wolf amongst us and tales from the borderlands in the rich story telling format you follow !
For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Games Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on what game you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.
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