I thought the leader was gone..


  • They said he was missing..

  • I'm wondering if Soren is trapped in the Nether somewhere? Or chose to live in the Nether. I mean it is quite warm there.

  • My guess was he might be in the End after defeating the Ender Dragon.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I'm wondering if Soren is trapped in the Nether somewhere? Or chose to live in the Nether. I mean it is quite warm there.

  • Perhaps they lied about Soren being missing and he's actually dead? And Ivor may have been the cause of it accidentally which is why he was wrote off the books and legends?

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    My guess was he might be in the End after defeating the Ender Dragon.

  • Soren maybe at nether i quess

  • enter image description here

    prink34320 posted: »

    Perhaps they lied about Soren being missing and he's actually dead? And Ivor may have been the cause of it accidentally which is why he was wrote off the books and legends?

  • If Soren is in the Nether, I doubt it is by accident. It would be very hard for him to get any edible food in there. He must have moved to the Nether voluntarily so he could take some resources with him.

  • You, sir, are the genius of the year.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Perhaps they lied about Soren being missing and he's actually dead? And Ivor may have been the cause of it accidentally which is why he was wrote off the books and legends?

  • edited October 2015

    As MarteenPyro said. There is a possibility Soren be in The End, because the preview of episode three shows Lukas and Jesse close to many endermans, and the name of the episode (The Last Place You Look) already delivers a bit of history.

  • enter image description here

    As MarteenPyro said. There is a possibility Soren be in The End, because the preview of episode three shows Lukas and Jesse close to many endermans, and the name of the episode (The Last Place You Look) already delivers a bit of history.

  • Would also explain why Soren can't be found... at least currently.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Perhaps they lied about Soren being missing and he's actually dead? And Ivor may have been the cause of it accidentally which is why he was wrote off the books and legends?

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