Who do you enjoy playing more?

For me, I enjoy playing more as Rhys cause I like using dat echo eye and he has Loader Bot,Vaughn aka best bro ever, and could interact with Handsome Jack who is the one of the best villains ever.


  • edited October 2015

    I like both equally.

  • I love the character of Fiona, and everything about her, but I'm gonna have to go with Rhys. Talking with Jack is a blast. And even without that, he mucks up a lot of things he tries to say or do, and that's just all to realistic!

  • Rhys just because Handsome jack is funny as hell

  • Rhys, I find his story more intriguing and interesting majority of the time

  • FIONA!!!

    Rhys is okay and his Echo Eye is a nice feature, but i dont care much about him or Handsome Jack.

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