Episode 5 doesn't use my choices

Welp, I just started the last episode, and Jack and Rhys are celebrating. My saves are still there, my previous choices are still there, but the last episode doesn't give any kind of crap about it and make it looks like I chose to side with Jack.

Anyone else having that problem?
I restarted Steam, verified my game cache, launch Steam as an admin. Please, it's really a bummer.


  • I have the exact same problem! I hope someone can help soon. I really hope this isn't some linear path and you get this start no matter what. :3

  • I'm pretty sure they're celebrating that they took hellos over.

  • I chose Jack, but then chickened out and Jack got angry at me in Ep. 4. But Ep. 5 made it seem like I never doubted the decision of Jack.

  • I have the same problem. I chose to rule Hyperion, but got cold feet and didn't plug into Helios. My choices in the extras screen say I rejected, and Jack was mad at me in Ep. 4, but he's celebrating like I went through with it in Ep. 5.

    I played through the episode, but I'll have to replay when they fix this issue. Sucks, man. :/

  • edited October 2015

    I am having the exact same issue. Chose to go along with Jack, but changed my mind and didn't plug in. Jack is furious with me. And the things that happen when you choose to rule hyperion at the end of ep. 4 do not happen. Game says that I chose to reject Hyperion. Now in ep. 5 things are not making any sense as characters are making references to things that didn't happen in ep. 4. Anyone know if this is getting fixed? I'd like to wait to continue with the proper choices being read before continuing.

    Basically, I'm getting the reject Hyperion ep. 4 ending, and the Rule Hyperion Ep. 5 beginning on the same play through.

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