Would you slap your past self?

Okay lets go back to a few years ago when Tales was first announced. Were you upset, angry that this was happening? Would you have ever believed that the series would be AMAZING? Would you go back to slap yourself and tell them their wrong? What were your thoughts at the time and now, and what would you say to your past self about Tales?


  • Totally, i had played B1 for around 6-8 hours and just stopped because i found it to be repetitive and dull. Then B2 came out and while people said great stuff about it, my dislike for the franchise made me pass up on it.

    No one asked Telltale to make a game about Borderlands, there were so many cool IPs...why did it had to be this one?

    Then Tales came out and after 15 mins i had changed my mind. Now i can say without doubt that this is the best game TTG has ever made. TWD S1 will always be special to me, but tales is definitely the better game.

  • Absolutely! God I was stupid... Totally changed my mind now, episode 5 was simply perfect, great job Telltale!

  • "Borderlands is a dumb IP," I told myself, having never actually paid any attention to the games. "Telltale needs an IP where they can create a really complex, character-driven story. Borderlands is just a bland, sci-fi shoot-em-up. There won't be any story."

    After both playing Tales From The Borderlands as well as reading up on the lore and backstory in the rest of the series, my above comment now seems so ignorant and absurd it could be read as downright satirical. So, yes. Yes I would slap myself.

  • By the time this was coming out, TTG had already won we over. So no, but never would I have guessed that THIS would be so vastly superior to Game of Thrones, TWD, and Wolf Among Us. So maybe I'd slap my past self for good measure.

  • I was TTG fan and a Borderlands fan when TFTB was announced and I 100% expected the game to be good. Telltale sure as hell delivered

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    When it was first announced i didn't hate the idea but i did wonder how they could make a Telltale style game in a game universe which is primarily a FPS shooter so i was slightly sceptical, if i could go back i would tell myself to be prepared for a awesome game and give myself a slap :P

    This was was fantastic game and it completely excelled my past expectations.

  • Even though I was both a huge telltale fanboy and borderlands fanboy I doubted this game was gonna be good. Thankfully I was proven VERY wrong

  • Back then, I felt like I was the only guy actually looking forward to this game. I just heard Jack laugh diabolically and telling me that "so many people are gonna die" and I was freaking hyping the game like crazy. I got really upset with the community who trash talked the game without even knowing what Borderlands was about.

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