Felix's gifts...

So... now this might sound crazy, but can Felix see the future? Those gifts he gave were exactly what Fiona and Sasha needed at exactly the right times. He also mentioned a "longer con" which, to my conspiratorial mind suggests that he's on to something big. Is he, perhaps involved with some sort of shadowy organization that wants the vaults open and is using time travel or something like that to nudge events in the direction they want them to go?
More likely I'm just crazy, but maybe I'm not the only one?


  • Maybe Felix is actually The Watcher in disguise...

    Or the other way around...


    enter image description here


  • Well, he didn't know Sasha would take so long to open her gift.

  • Didn't he? She opened it at the exact moment she needed it.

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Well, he didn't know Sasha would take so long to open her gift.

  • Dear Felix, next time mention that the pocket watch is magic and that you put 9 million dollars in the back drawer over there, k thanks

  • That does it, it's obvious that he was watching them all along, he must be

    enter image description here

    Cpt. Sqweky posted: »

    Didn't he? She opened it at the exact moment she needed it.

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