stupid question time; want a second season? (spoilers!!!)

i did not look and i'm sure theres another thread like this (likely several), but just trying to gauge if anyone else wants a season 2. (of course you do).

if so, what do you want from it? a little rhyiona? more jack? a loadr bot and gortys wedding?

to start, i want all those things, but other people might want a fresh story, new main player characters, new vault, so how about it?


  • I dont want a second season. I want Borderlands 3.

  • Yes. To kill time between waiting for BL3.

    What I'd really want is a new season seeing how the gang shapes into Vault Hunters and centered around August taking over his mother's empire and everyone else getting tangled up in a planet-wide gang war.

    Because really, we haven't seen much of the Pandoran Mafia yet, and so it would be a very interesting perspective. Oh, and we can hopefully see all the Vault Hunters that hadn't appeared yet...

  • edited October 2015

    gearbox announced BL3 earlier this year, so that's coming

    lordofsoup posted: »

    I dont want a second season. I want Borderlands 3.

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