
before I play the minecraft game my brother played it and logged in from his telltale account. I play the game not knowing I was on his account. now want I want to do is log out and transfer my file to the other game. but I cant figure out how to log out. please help.


  • I'm not sure if there's a way to transfer it but in all honesty it doesn't really effect anything

  • all i can say is uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. you won't lose saves

  • i doubt you can transfer if i find anything ill let you know

  • I know this is kind of out-of-date anwer, but if it helps another players seeking it, then it was worth posting.
    There's a file called "IN_ttgaccount" in Documents\Telltale Games\ Minecraft... Just delete it and you will be able to log in again when you launch the game. Your saves won't be affected in any way.

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