Different Voice Actor

Am I crazy or did they use a different VA for Zer0 in ep.5? If so, why?


  • I thought the same! He sounded quite strange didn't he?

  • I thought he sounded like a woman to be honest - was driving me crazy that he sounded different... meh... I'll just choose different vault hunters!

  • I thought the same thing. I just chalked it up to Zer0 likes to change his voice from time to time.

  • Zer0's voice definitely sounded different. A lot higher pitched than in BL2 and episode one of Tales. Not sure if it's the same VA or not.

    I also found August's voice sounded different during a couple different scenes, and wondered if they simply had to stick in unused audio of Nolan North to fill in most of his lines, and then had someone attempt to imitate it for other lines they didn't have on hand (i'd laugh so hard if it was troy). Nolan seems like a pretty busy guy, what with Uncharted 4 mocap/VA work, guesting in that Con Man series, and god knows whatever else he has going on. Either that or he had a bad cold. x) I don't know. It didn't bug me too much - the episode was still fantastic!

  • Zer0 has sounded strange in Borderlands 2 as well. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep had him sounding... off.

  • Oh gosh, I thought I was the only one. His voice seemed...higher

  • Yeah, I forgot about that. He also sounds strange in the wam bam island dlc. Not sure why, either. Oh well!

    ActionHank posted: »

    Zer0 has sounded strange in Borderlands 2 as well. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep had him sounding... off.

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