Your Squad? [Spoilers!]

So I'm curious how many managed to get Claptrap and Zero along with Athena? Because the percentages for Athena was, if I recall, around the 55% but the percentage for Claptrap was only 13%! And Zero was around 38 I think...

My final squad consisted of Athena, Zero, Claptrap. I couldn't afford the mystery vault hunter at first, so I chose Felix, because, well... I felt there was some unfinished business there.

Turns out that Felix never actually betrayed Fiona... It was all part of a conjob to try and get Fiona and Sasha the money without the attention of Vallery. Either way, choosing him gives you 9 million (he doesn't actually join the squad) and then I was able to choose Claptrap!


  • edited October 2015

    It was Athena, Janey and Claptrap.

    Athena and Janeys interactions were well worth it, and Claptrap was awesome because he's Claptrap.

    I especially loved Janeys and Athenas moves in Gortys, also Claptraps missile barrage "I HIT HIM GUYS! I DID SOMETHING!" At least that's what it sounded like haha.

    I have no idea how you unlock Zer0, I mean I still would have picked the same team, just wondering.

  • Athena, August and Claptrap.

  • I had August, Athena, and claptrap. I felt like August had proved himself at the end and it felt right since be had been in the story since the beginning. Athena was a an obvious choice.

    Originally I had Felix for the same reason, I wanted the story line to get closure, and I hired claptrap afterwards. I am going to replay though and hire Janey instead, I would rather be invited to a wedding than be sassed by a robot.

  • I had Athena, Cassius, and August

  • I had August because he is my cinnamon roll, Janey because she is cool and knows vehicles and stuff, Felix because he is awesome, he is my family, I love him, I want him back and I want to hug him (sadly didn't happen), and when I had to choose someone instead of him I picked Cassius, just because he was my favourite one out of all other options - and after his attack in the final battle I definetly didn't regret it.

  • Athena, Janey and August. <3

  • Athena, Claptrap, and Zer0. :)

  • I have no idea how you unlock Zer0

    Tell Mordecai you're a Vault Hunter in episode 3.

    It was Athena, Janey and Claptrap. Athena and Janeys interactions were well worth it, and Claptrap was awesome because he's Claptrap.

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