Thank you ******** for literally making me cry (Episode 5 Spoilers)

All I ever wanted was for the beautiful angel psychopath known as Krieg to make his appearens in Tales from the Borderlands at least ones but mtherfcking Claptrap ruined all hope for that to ever happening by taking the place as the mysterious Vault Hunter no matter what you do. Here everyone, here's some extra proof, just take the credits for exempel there is no Jason Douglas in the voice actors list and no Krieg seen in the who you could have taken with you in the fight against the vault monster showing after the credits. So thanks Claptrap for liderly make my cry and make me hate you for life.

Mod Edit: Changing the title to be a little less spoily, since the episode is still pretty recent


  • Clap traps appearance was cool, but if we could have been able to choose out of a big group of vault hunters it be cooler

  • edited October 2015

    Yes it would have surly been cool. I have played Borderlands one and two and the character to really catch my eye was Krieg for his awesomeness in playing style and way to be. Than my foolishness took over for hopping that Krieg would make his appearens after seeing Zero as a vault hunter appear in TFTB.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Clap traps appearance was cool, but if we could have been able to choose out of a big group of vault hunters it be cooler

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