Petra or Gabriel?

Who did you choose to save from the Witherstorm? Petra or Gabriel?
I saved Gabriel because I liked Lee's voice actor and I didn't want him to die but who did you save?


  • I saved Petra because there were actual moments where we got to talk with her and learned a little about who she is. We had time to develop an attachment to her character, while we knew Gabriel for like 2 minutes and the only thing to his character was that he was voiced by Dave Fennoy.

  • Cool, I guess I wanted the ENTIRE Order alive excluding Ivor... Do you think that the one you didn't save is truly dead?

    I saved Petra because there were actual moments where we got to talk with her and learned a little about who she is. We had time to develop

  • Is it possible to save both? I keep failing the QTE after saving the first.

  • I saved Petra because I felt like we got to know her longer than Gabriel. I felt an attachment to her compared to Gabriel who we only just met.

  • I chose Gabriel, we cannot Order Up if we miss a member of The Order Of The Stone.

  • I don't think so. It wouldn't make sense to just let someone die and that happens off screen

    Cool, I guess I wanted the ENTIRE Order alive excluding Ivor... Do you think that the one you didn't save is truly dead?

  • What about Ivor?

    I chose Gabriel, we cannot Order Up if we miss a member of The Order Of The Stone.

  • enter image description here

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't think so. It wouldn't make sense to just let someone die and that happens off screen

  • I don't really like him. I wonder why he was never mentioned in other stories of the Order.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What about Ivor?

  • I saved Petra, because she's a friend of mine, and she's not so famous like Gabriel. But who knows? Maybe Gabe survived. And if he didn't, then what if in the last episode (possible spoilers) when the wither storm is destroyed, maybe everyone that was absorved by him return to life? Because if they don't, then this will be the darkest story that was ever made in the Minecraft universe.

  • Petra. She is your friend in game and Gabriel is famous, a hero blah blah blah, but you just met him. Sorry bruh.

  • Petra, because she was closer and I thought Gabe would actually have a chance on his own.

  • I mean dying without watching and never see the body

  • I have a feeling that he is gonna help us destroy the Witherstorm as he said he is the only one who can stop him.

    I don't really like him. I wonder why he was never mentioned in other stories of the Order.

  • Petra cause... i aint letting ellie die :(

    Cool, I guess I wanted the ENTIRE Order alive excluding Ivor... Do you think that the one you didn't save is truly dead?

  • Don't worry guys, I'll obviously pick Petra in my alternative save file to see how it impacts the story.

  • Funny fact;
    When I played this I chose to save Petra, because she's closer to Jesse and I thought Gabriel had the power to free himself... which was not the case in the end... but okay.

    I was babysitting last week, brought my laptop and the 8 year old boy wanted to play the game as well.
    He chose GABRIEL. I asked him why.
    "Because he has more power to defeat the witherstorm."

    It's funny how people think differently :-)

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Most likely, he's a former friend and member of the Order who likely tried to backstab them or do something dishonorable/shady, leading to him being dishonored and kicked out the group, and his name removed from the history books, stripped of any meaning he and his name once had.

    Of course, a guy like Ivor wouldn't just live with that, he'd try to get revenge on the Order, or at the very least, what was still left of it. Gabriel making a public appearance was the perfect opportunity, since he'd be able to shame him and make him appear powerless in front of an entire crowd of people.

    I don't really like him. I wonder why he was never mentioned in other stories of the Order.

  • edited October 2015

    She's most likely dead.

    enter image description here

    AronDracula posted: »

    I mean dying without watching and never see the body

  • Gabriel.

  • I doubt it, considering how Gabriel is a mighty warrior and part of the Order, it just seems unlikely.

    Cool, I guess I wanted the ENTIRE Order alive excluding Ivor... Do you think that the one you didn't save is truly dead?

  • Nope.

    Is it possible to save both? I keep failing the QTE after saving the first.

  • I saved Petra in playthroughs 1 and 3, and I saved Gabriel in Playthrough 2. I will probably save Petra in my fourth as well, since 1) she is Jesse's friend 2) Gabriel the "legendary" warrior didn't seem all that tough during his screen-time. and 3) I ship Jetra.

  • You remember Dee for DLC? You hear a gunshot and her scream but later she was revealed alive.

  • Yes, but considering how either Sean Ainsworth or Dennis Lenart basically said they have no intentions of bringing Christa back, we might as well assume she died.

    AronDracula posted: »

    You remember Dee for DLC? You hear a gunshot and her scream but later she was revealed alive.

  • I saved Gabriel because David Fennoy, and I figured Petra was younger and tough enough to save herself.

  • Oh god, more ships -_-

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I saved Petra in playthroughs 1 and 3, and I saved Gabriel in Playthrough 2. I will probably save Petra in my fourth as well, since 1) she i

  • Petra... Sure Gabriel might be a mighty hero, but she's your lifelong friend.

  • I chose Gabriel just because I wanted to see all of the Order's beams on the tracking system in part two. I started another file with me saving Petra so I can see both ways

  • Hahaha yeah, it can be a little much at times.

    Oh god, more ships -_-

  • So if you choose Petra/Gabriel, the opposite will not show up when you get back from your town in Episode 2?

  • Yeah. Whoever you saved will show up, and will say that the Witherstorm destroyed everything and everyone, including the person you didn't save.

    transfo47 posted: »

    So if you choose Petra/Gabriel, the opposite will not show up when you get back from your town in Episode 2?

  • I saved Petra. I figured if Gabriel was this big bad warrior, chances were he could get himself out of that... Although, it looks like I'm wrong. So... Oh, well. Get rid of the one guy who may actually have some answers to save your friend... All in a days work, right? -insert thumbs up here-

  • Until all the episodes being released, the one who wasn't saved will remain unknown

    Abeille posted: »

    Yeah. Whoever you saved will show up, and will say that the Witherstorm destroyed everything and everyone, including the person you didn't save.

  • I saved Gabriel, if he was the powerful warrior that he said he was, he could help the group to find Petra and free her.

  • petra.... gabriel kind off said good bye and i don't think he just dies by that but if he dies omg LEE DIED AGAIN NUUUUUUUUU

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