The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh ho ho, you're in for a real knee-slapper. I made this comedy gold up myself the other day.

    What is the St. John's favorite swimming move?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    YES plz i need to get over these games it could help

  • plus all the QTEs were everywhere. So.... Did you leave Sarah behind?

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    It was pretty good dat ending tho and the length was drastically increased.So yah I loved it.

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    Rachelle you're killing me. xD

    Hakuna your tatas ummmmm.... Soothe your boobs... calm your tits... Adjust your bust before it combusts! GIVE YOUR CHEST A REST!!!! okay, i'll stop

  • I feel like I'm cornered by two people constantly talking about sooth your boobs. xD

    Hakuna your tatas Rachel.

  • The CANONBALL! Get it? Canonball sounds like Cannibal? :D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i give up what is it?

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    Why would you need to tell them? that shows that they never planned on inviting me in the first place they can shove there exclusive lounge club up where the sun don;t shine >:'(

    (?) Mark will remember this

    The next time I get invited to one I'll tell them to invite you too, I swearsies

  • So, what your saying is that when a girl isn't calm their boobs start spazzing out?

    Hakuna your tatas ummmmm.... Soothe your boobs... calm your tits... Adjust your bust before it combusts! GIVE YOUR CHEST A REST!!!! okay, i'll stop

  • i give up what is it?

    Oh ho ho, you're in for a real knee-slapper. I made this comedy gold up myself the other day. What is the St. John's favorite swimming move?



    i'm ded i'm so done

    Rachelle you're killing me. xD

  • edited August 2014

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    Hakuna your tatas ummmmm.... Soothe your boobs... calm your tits... Adjust your bust before it combusts! GIVE YOUR CHEST A REST!!!! okay, i'll stop

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    So, what your saying is that when a girl isn't calm their boobs start spazzing out?

  • Most of the discussions were about serious stuff.....maybe they thought that you wouldn't wanna hear about it?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Why would you need to tell them? that shows that they never planned on inviting me in the first place they can shove there exclusive lounge club up where the sun don;t shine >:'( (?) Mark will remember this

  • I get mad at you when you say you draw bad because you actually draw good.

    But then when I say I draw bad you get mad at me.

    You draw really good, believe me.

    It's not a lie, tho. I know it's not that good, lol. But I tried anyway.

  • LOL thanks i feel better already

    Next time you need a vote remember you have mine

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i give up what is it?

  • Nah,I wanted to leave her but I just couldn't do it.

    plus all the QTEs were everywhere. So.... Did you leave Sarah behind?

  • Lee and Duck for me.

    The only deaths that really hit me in TWD are * Lee * Sarah * Duck How about you?

  • I love you.

    and the length was drastically increased

  • edited August 2014

    You would never believe how hard I laughed at that the first time I saw it.

    FREAKING OMG NO i'm ded i'm so done

  • Don't be mad at me ;_;

    Okay..... thank youu <3

    I get mad at you when you say you draw bad because you actually draw good. But then when I say I draw bad you get mad at me. You draw really good, believe me.

  • edited August 2014

    I'm not necessarily mad at you. :P I could never be mad at you. Never ever ever ever. <3. I don't think it would ever be humanly possible for me to be mad at you...

    I'm pretty much just like "WTF ARE YOU SAYING YOU CAN DRAW" you get what I mean right?

    Don't be mad at me ;_; Okay..... thank youu

  • I may die soon

    Will you feel bad for me if do ? (Be honest)

    All the deaths that are gonna happen in the beginning of episode 5. Damn that's gonna hurt watching they're lifeless body's drop to the floor.

  • You mean if you die in the story? yeah id be sad.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I may die soon Will you feel bad for me if do ? (Be honest)

  • edited August 2014

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    I knew it what I'm a child or something oh no wait that's just bullshit excuse only get me when you want to talk about rainbows ok I understand not even ask me I trusted them with very personal stuff yet they can't with me I'm just pissed at myself now. They can have this lounge because I hate it when people take things to seriously? I'm leaving this lounge bye >:(

    Alt text

    Most of the discussions were about serious stuff.....maybe they thought that you wouldn't wanna hear about it?

  • Totally do girly dun wurri. :p

    I'm not necessarily mad at you. :P I could never be mad at you. Never ever ever ever. . I don't think it would ever be humanly possible for

  • Thanks most people prob think my character is too evil to like

    At least i can count on you thanks

    You mean if you die in the story? yeah id be sad.

  • Dude, you should take it down a notch. Your character has only been in one part. What if your character becomes the next Cornpopper? You'll be liked.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Thanks most people prob think my character is too evil to like At least i can count on you thanks

  • din't everyone decide to kill corrn even HIMSELF?

    Dude, you should take it down a notch. Your character has only been in one part. What if your character becomes the next Cornpopper? You'll be liked.

  • But thanks for the support

    it's just pro got me paranoid

    Dude, you should take it down a notch. Your character has only been in one part. What if your character becomes the next Cornpopper? You'll be liked.

  • What's one story that your parents tell other people about you?

  • LOL, you already know this one... >.>

    What's one story that your parents tell other people about you?

  • Is it when you left the baby in the bathtub? c:

    LOL, you already know this one... >.>

  • edited August 2014

    Dooood, people are gonna get mad at me if they find out, shhhh -__-

    Is it when you left the baby in the bathtub? c:

  • I wonder where you would be right now if that baby drowned xD

    Dooood, people are gonna get mad at me if they find out, shhhh -__-

  • My mom likes to tell this one...I guess it's supposed to mean I'm unique? Honestly, I think it makes me sound dumb lol

    I took a ballet class for a short time when I was 4 (I liked the pink and the tutus and the twirling) and we had a big performance in the town's community center ballroom one evening. Parents were videotaping, grandparents were there to watch, some people there to write about it in the newspaper and take pictures, the whole shabang.

    One routine involved us twirling around these frilly umbrellas while we danced and the classical music played, it was supposed to be very pretty and cute. Which it mostly was, except for little me thrashing my umbrella around, stomping everywhere, and dancing like there were ants in my stockings. EVERYONE was watching me fuck up the routine with my umbrella-rage-bathsalts dance, and my mom was just laughing her ass off at me the whole time. The old lady instructor was horrified, and I never went to another ballet lesson again :D

    What's one story that your parents tell other people about you?

  • Uhhhhh.... prison?

    I wonder where you would be right now if that baby drowned xD

  • Mark please just let me explain! No one ever tried to exclude you :c

  • Wait, what's happening?

    Mark please just let me explain! No one ever tried to exclude you :c

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