The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Stupid towns in TOS =_=

    When they don't believe the role I have and after they lynch me... they're like: Oh well.

  • edited August 2014

    You dare fucking disrespect Winnie the Pooh? You need to step off. He's a hardworking bear who just likes to relax and eat honey sometimes he doesn't need to deal with your shit. He has to deal with whiny ass piglet and that rabbit who's on his ass all the time. All Pooh Bear wanted was a fucking snack, and that buzz kill rabbit had to get all mad when he got stuck in the hole. How would you feel to climb up a honey tree, just to fall down on every branch and land in a pile of mud? It was a traumatic experience, and he had to relive it by you throwing him out the car window, you goddamn barbarian.

    You think Pooh Bear won't pop a cap in yo' ass? His shirt was originally white, the red is from the blood of all the goons like you he had to deal with. Think about that while he smashes your skull in and stores your organs in one of his leftover honey pots.

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    Ooo, honey don't taste good, not sweet enough for ya huh? Try telling that to my main G Winnie when he embalms your corpse with it. You might think he's all stuff and fluff, but that bear lifts like you wouldn't believe. All them woodland animal bitches flock to Pooh Bear when he does his reps. He can lift 10 whole honey jars with just one arm, and not even break a stitch while doing it.

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    Don't you ever fucking disrespect Winnie the Pooh like that again.







    My mother once bought me an expensive Winne The Pooh toy and when she was driving back home, I opened the window and I threw it out.

  • Does everyone else joke around? Not leaving yet, will probably just use less gifs, haha. B]

    If you must leave, then leave. .... everyone else does....

  • Aside from that, if you don't tell your role, they'll assume you're a mafia.

    Are we even supposed to announce are roles to everyone?

    Stupid towns in TOS =_= When they don't believe the role I have and after they lynch me... they're like: Oh well.

  • Yeah, no problem.

    Nah I figured it out. I make a damn fine escort. Is it cool if I add you on there? I like this game.

  • Some roles you can announce and most people won't kill you for it. Lookout, Medium, Escort, and Vet are safe ones to admit to.

    Aside from that, if you don't tell your role, they'll assume you're a mafia. Are we even supposed to announce are roles to everyone?

  • Same name as here?

    Yeah, no problem.

  • Wtf... that Winnie The Pooh San Andreas gif is gold.

    You dare fucking disrespect Winnie the Pooh? You need to step off. He's a hardworking bear who just likes to relax and eat honey sometimes h

  • Yup.

    Same name as here?

  • Oh my God Maddi <3 lmaooo

    You dare fucking disrespect Winnie the Pooh? You need to step off. He's a hardworking bear who just likes to relax and eat honey sometimes h

  • I guess I added you. I dont know.


  • OK guys I'm heading back to Murica now. If you don't hear from me for forever I probably died. If that happens someone needs to lead the Poop Brown Armed Forces... Fight amongst yourselves for the title

  • Sarah can never be as awesome as Clem...

  • edited August 2014

    KK, You might just take that title to the grave with you...

    PoopBrown posted: »

    OK guys I'm heading back to Murica now. If you don't hear from me for forever I probably died. If that happens someone needs to lead the Poop Brown Armed Forces... Fight amongst yourselves for the title

  • Oh, Town Of Salem, I love that game, if I'm maf I usually say I'm escort or medium, or if SK, most people usually say doc...

    Aside from that, if you don't tell your role, they'll assume you're a mafia. Are we even supposed to announce are roles to everyone?

  • edited August 2014

    I probably won't be here today.

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  • Triple dot.

  • Id rather be called CiD. Cluke is just errrrrrrr I don't want to be reminded of it.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    if he does he should say so i can stop ................

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    But Mods are never wrong and perfect in every way a superior race :'O

    It's OK, I was wrong. :P

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    I hate it, you should be ashamed of yourself.


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    There's no people here

  • Nope.

    There's no people here

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    There's no people here

  • Everyone is kill

    There's no people here

  • edited August 2014

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    About goddamn time it's been so depressing recently on the lounge we need have a little tiny bit more FUN!

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    There's no people here

  • I'm in Muricu time so I just woke up.

    There's no people here

  • Well you woke up late -____-

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm in Muricu time so I just woke up.

  • edited August 2014

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    XD everytime I come onto the lounge in the morning always the same :'(

    There's no people here

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    HOWDY PARTNER! I just got back from the mad house is all! Ahahaha!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MUAHHA Tobi :'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD About goddamn time it's been so depressing recently on the lounge we need have a little tiny bit more FUN!

  • 300 subs! <3

    Quitely expecting GiraffeHat to mention how many subs he has

  • Because it's how I roll.

    Well you woke up late -____-

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    XD but also bro I know about your little bribes this week TOBI behind my back the lounge voted you the better villain by a mile then me impossible WITCHCRAFT :'O

    They even described me as shudders actually really nice WTF :'O

    HOWDY PARTNER! I just got back from the mad house is all! Ahahaha!

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    Congrats lets see the channel link pls

  • edited August 2014

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    Congrats lets see the channel link pls :)

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    300 subs! Quitely expecting GiraffeHat to mention how many subs he has

  • @PasswordSuck Can I have your hat collection?

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    Congrats lets see the channel link pls

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    NO gimme dat hats

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    @PasswordSuck Can I have your hat collection?

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