The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So, I'm addicted to Town of Salem now.

    Same name as here.

  • edited August 2014

    Who's your favorite Actor and actress?

    Actor: Bradley Cooper, Leonardo DiCaprio, Wentworth Miller. Actress: Jenifer Lawrence because she's Jennifer freaking Lawrence.

    Who's your favorite character in a game ever?

    Lee, obviously. Clementine, obviously.

    What film have you seen the most times?

    ohh man. xD Ummmm probably Grease because my moms obsessed and kinda forced me to watch it with her over and over.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm bored so here's a few questions to answer Who's your favorite Actor and actress? Leo Di Caprio and Ellen Page are mine Who's y

  • xD how do you confuse someone dying/crying with laughter?

    I thought she was laughing... O_O woopsies, lol.

  • I'm a fucking psychopath, obviously.

    xD how do you confuse someone dying/crying with laughter?

  • Alt text

    YES someone answered my question thanks Rachelle.

    Johnny Depp a legend and River Phoenix I can't remember(looked him up he died the same way as heath ledger :'(

    Clementine good choice for me not NO.1 simple because Ellie behaved like a normal teenage call swearing, acting like a badass, perfect at shooting and combat. Superb story and I could protect her during game play so I felt more connected with her character.

    But Clem is top 3 for me nice

    Stand By Me A classic why not I have to watch it again see if it still holds up after all these years :)

    Actor: Johnny Depp (alive), River Phoenix (passed) Actress: Uhhh... Jennifer Lawrence probably. Video game character: Clementine, TWDG Most seen film: Stand By Me

  • Damn bro i know you was sad in GoW 3 then.

    Robert Downey Jr/ Scarlett Johanson . Maybe Hugh Jackman as well. MasterChief or Dom(Gears of War). I dont count these things but maybe Avengers or Goonies

  • edited August 2014


    Actor: Johnny Depp (alive), River Phoenix (passed) Actress: Uhhh... Jennifer Lawrence probably. Video game character: Clementine, TWDG Most seen film: Stand By Me

  • Oh shit, I replied to Rachelle xD


  • Who's your favorite Actor and actress?

    Will Smith and Jennifer Lawrence

    Video game character
    Roxas, Kingdom Hearts 2 (Because he's acts like me)

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Most seen film

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm bored so here's a few questions to answer Who's your favorite Actor and actress? Leo Di Caprio and Ellen Page are mine Who's y

  • u nub

    Oh shit, I replied to Rachelle xD

  • Umm... Ok if you say so. xD

    I'm a fucking psychopath, obviously.

  • Iron Giant childhood feels the flashbacks a absolute masterpiece :'D

    I'm in love with Jennifer Lawrence so talented and beautiful great choice

    Will Smith recently his making awful films but in his peak I am legend, MIB, I-robot, Independence day I can see why you selected him awesome actor and funny guy nice.

    Video game I can't comment on as never played it but cool and thanks for answering I'm loving the pictures to :)


  • The Iron Giant good choice.

    Who's your favorite Actor and actress? Will Smith and Jennifer Lawrence Video game character Roxas, Kingdom Hearts 2 (Because he's acts like me) Most seen film

  • yeah I was sad. But atleast he went out like a hero, but they made it much more sad with the music and how Marcus believed he was still alive, and then the second explosion went off. Feels are coming back :(.

    Damn bro i know you was sad in GoW 3 then.

  • edited August 2014

    I'm addicted to it too, Same name as here for me :) My Favorite role is Jailor

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    So, I'm addicted to Town of Salem now. Same name as here.

  • If you want to know about the character watch this video. It contains a few feels.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Iron Giant childhood feels the flashbacks a absolute masterpiece :'D I'm in love with Jennifer Lawrence so talented and beautiful great c

  • Yeah, I always hoped for a sequel but that never happened.

    The Iron Giant good choice.

  • Pro was the first determinant IF HE could die becouse of one choice in part one anyone can die at any time But don't worry i forbie you i just have to get over it (: (but i ve al ready cryed about it [yes i am a crybaby] so it will take time btw do you know any other choice story thats needs characters and will at leats mot kill me of immedately?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Your character had a lot of potential, what other reason could that option have for killing you other than character number? Maybe the wait

  • edited August 2014

    The goonies you legend seen that to many times as well with the little rascals childhood feels awesome choice :'D

    Robert Downey Jr the swag on this guy he has that presence on screen the guy's a legend my favorite performance was him in tropic thunder though XD

    Scarlett Johanson pretty face etc XD I'll allow it

    Hugh Jackman: One of the funniest actors his roles are a little repetitive though and he generally plays the same sort of character in every film he just talks loud and curses in every film but does it well so I can't complain

    GOW: Completed every one the characters never had a lasting effect on me but I respect the choice epic game and characters and halo I played but I can't remember anything but it was the most fun I ever had with the vehicles and the flying ships in co-op XD

    Avengers YES nuff said

    Thank you for answering bro

    Robert Downey Jr/ Scarlett Johanson . Maybe Hugh Jackman as well. MasterChief or Dom(Gears of War). I dont count these things but maybe Avengers or Goonies

  • The nub life isn't for me.

    You're a nub at being a nub

  • Sry i ment forgive you stupid mini pad

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Your character had a lot of potential, what other reason could that option have for killing you other than character number? Maybe the wait

  • The nub life isn't for me.

    You're a nub at being a nub

  • You're a nub at being a nub

    u nub

  • k

    You're a nub at being a nub

  • I know man but I felt they gave him a proper death the dude was just walking because Marcus kept pushing him but he lost everything with Maria in GoW2. Gears of War was my first 360 game and Baird is my favorite character but with Judgment I lost a lot of respect I'm hoping whatever they do next actually works out hopefully exploring the Pendulum Wars would be nice.

    yeah I was sad. But atleast he went out like a hero, but they made it much more sad with the music and how Marcus believed he was still alive, and then the second explosion went off. Feels are coming back .

  • Who's your favorite actor and actress?

    Either Johnny Depp or Tom Hanks, and Jennifer Lawrence.

    Favorite character in a game ever?

    Eddie TWD, Clem TWD, and Ezio Auditore de Firenze Assassin's Creed.

    What film have you seen the most times?

    Either Toy Story or Tarzan (I'm in love with Disney movies lol)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm bored so here's a few questions to answer Who's your favorite Actor and actress? Leo Di Caprio and Ellen Page are mine Who's y

  • I know me too because didn't it end with him surviving the missile and a close up and that's it? That's Sequel material.

    Yeah, I always hoped for a sequel but that never happened.

  • Silver Linings is my favorite performance of both Cooper and Lawrence it's one of my favorite films ever so I can't complain there nice choice

    (I just googled Wentworth Miller I never heard of him) OH of course the prison break model guy I knew it XD I never seen him act so I can't really comment but interesting

    Lee and Clem the duo legendary choice of course the bonding journey of redemption and hope to mold Clem into a badass yep nice

    Grease I seen it so many times in primary school my class had to sing every song a hundred times I know the feel still a good film though.

    Thank you for answering Rachel :D

    Who's your favorite Actor and actress? Actor: Bradley Cooper, Leonardo DiCaprio, Wentworth Miller. Actress: Jenifer Lawrence because sh

  • I agree with you on the proper death, I rather had him die like he did than to be dragged on like you said. Baird, Cole and Dom are my top 3. Judgement was not that bad, it didnt live up to the last 3, but it was alright. I lost interest pretty fast though and I sold the game within a month or two. My friend couldnt even get past a level because it glitched and wouldnt go into the cutscene like it should have, so he just sold the game and I was left to play multiplayer alone.

    I know man but I felt they gave him a proper death the dude was just walking because Marcus kept pushing him but he lost everything with Mar

  • Glad i shared. :p

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Silver Linings is my favorite performance of both Cooper and Lawrence it's one of my favorite films ever so I can't complain there nice choi

  • Yeah, his body was scattered and when the camera was focusing on his face, he woke up

    I know me too because didn't it end with him surviving the missile and a close up and that's it? That's Sequel material.

  • I never liked Tarzan. I guess I never like jungle movies xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Who's your favorite actor and actress? Either Johnny Depp or Tom Hanks, and Jennifer Lawrence. Favorite character in a game ever? E

  • Ezio Auditore de Firenze Resquiescat in Pace best Assassin ever.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Who's your favorite actor and actress? Either Johnny Depp or Tom Hanks, and Jennifer Lawrence. Favorite character in a game ever? E

  • edited August 2014

    I dont even like the Goonies anymore, I seen it so many times that its just hell to get through the movie, but I still watch it anyway XD.

    Im just obsessed with marvel, so of course his presence in the Avengers/Ironman grew on me and I started liking him, but he does do good movies out side of Marvel films. I dont think I have seen Tropic thunder though.

    Well besides her being pretty, she does a good job as being a side character, and she proved that she could play a main role in Don Jon.

    I like that about Hugh, he can play a humourous role with a straight face. But he specialises in action so I dont mind all the yelling, but he does get repetitive in Xmen, but the newest one was amazing, he did great.

    It was one of the first games I played on Xbox, so I had to have that emotional attachment with each character. Halo actually has a great story, as for Co-op I like to play alone unless I have expierienced players on my team, if I play with my bro and he drives. He will run over everyone(Enemies and Teammates) and get both me and him booted.

    AVENGERS!!! Like I said I am a Marvel fanboy, I like all kinds of superheroes and their movies, but Marvel especially. I loved Gaurdians of the Galaxy and cant wait for Avengers 2.

    no problem. I like to have these kind of discussions.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The goonies you legend seen that to many times as well with the little rascals childhood feels awesome choice :'D Robert Downey Jr the sw

  • actually did you see one night live?

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Tom Hanks is perfection in acting Cast away, forest gump and the terminal etc all masterpieces an absolute legend

    Eddie TWD he had such a short stint in TWD game I'm surprised but his so memorable and funny yeah great choice and Ezio I completed every AC game "eveything is true nothing is permitted". The best assassin for me as he was the funniest awesome

    Tarzan: My childhood every song I memorized as a kid the songs and the story was just awesome my childhood feels :') and toy story I seen them all and loved them all I'm a disney fanboy wreck it ralphs the best one though.

    Nice and thank for answering bro :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Who's your favorite actor and actress? Either Johnny Depp or Tom Hanks, and Jennifer Lawrence. Favorite character in a game ever? E

  • No any good?

    actually did you see one night live?

  • The best.

    Ezio Auditore de Firenze Resquiescat in Pace best Assassin ever.

  • Forrest Gump is the best.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Tom Hanks is perfection in acting Cast away, forest gump and the terminal etc all masterpieces an absolute legend Eddie TWD he had such a

  • NOT KENNY? :(

    Who's your favorite Actor and actress? Actor: Bradley Cooper, Leonardo DiCaprio, Wentworth Miller. Actress: Jenifer Lawrence because sh

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