You go to the very bottom of the community page, you click "show more" on Telltale talk, then you click forum games on the right side of the scree. It's where the meme and fun thread ended up.
Apparently too many people were butthurt , even though i wouldn't consider Pro's thread to be a fan-fic...The sudden appearance of thousands of fan-fic threads didn't help either....
I can see them, with my phone. But on the laptop It just says. "User Avatar Image"
I'm not a computer expert so idk how to solve this. I don't think it's the website, probably something on my end.
I can see them, with my phone. But on the laptop It just says. "User Avatar Image"
I'm not a computer expert so idk how to solve this. I don't think it's the website, probably something on my end.
I agree, there was waaaaaay too many fan fics out of nowhere. I considered mine a story, though. I don't mind as long as they move all the other threads as well to make it fair. I just hope I'll be able to get more people in the story for later chapters, since nobody really checks the game section.
Apparently too many people were butthurt , even though i wouldn't consider Pro's thread to be a fan-fic...The sudden appearance of thousands of fan-fic threads didn't help either....
Why the fuck is everybody is showing their faces! Should i show mine? I look like a twelve years old white kid, OMG!!!
It's a conspiracy. Next they'll move everything to Forum Games, and new people won't know where anything is!
What's forum games though?
11/10 would bang
show it again to the ones that didnt see it salt
They haven't moved other games.....>:(
i know....
"Our feet may but not our he"
I can see them, with my phone. But on the laptop It just says. "User Avatar Image"
I'm not a computer expert so idk how to solve this. I don't think it's the website, probably something on my end.
You go to the very bottom of the community page, you click "show more" on Telltale talk, then you click forum games on the right side of the scree. It's where the meme and fun thread ended up.
Hmmm... a double post. Must think of something funny or awesome... Poutine's still awesome.
-insert wat gif here-
lol im not mad. Why?
-points gun at you- "DO IT"
Words to live by.
I think because people didn't like always seeing it on the front page.
One of these days.
-points gun at you- "DO IT"
I think he's ginger.
There just mad because everyone here is showing their fabulous faces.
Apparently too many people were butthurt , even though i wouldn't consider Pro's thread to be a fan-fic...The sudden appearance of thousands of fan-fic threads didn't help either....
Well...they did just move YOUR thread to Telltale Talks....although it's probably unrelated...
Maybe it's your cookies or cache or something, idk :P
I agree, there was waaaaaay too many fan fics out of nowhere. I considered mine a story, though. I don't mind as long as they move all the other threads as well to make it fair. I just hope I'll be able to get more people in the story for later chapters, since nobody really checks the game section.
'Takes gun from your hand and points at you' I may... This was me when I saw that they moved my thread and Lee's.
It has a mind of it's own... And why my pants? Are you saying I'm a creep? ;-;
Well, are you a 12 year-old white kid?
For real?! it when you breath in normally or when you take a deep breath.
-_- you better not be lying to me right now.
Yeah sure IM THE ONE that's hard to tell if serious or not...