The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    XD She interrupted the skeleton dance ok rood :'(

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    XD I actually saw you posting and I knew you would love it so I posted it

  • Yeah, I hope.

    Things in my life worry me, but I'll hopefully get through it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    :'/ Ok whatever you think I hope you feel better soon everyone goes through a stage of depression you will come out stronger and happier then ever believe me :')

  • edited August 2014

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    I just noticed with my comment history I use gifs for 90% of my comments what I think users think of my constant use of gifs? ^

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    Or ugh staph ^

    Do you like using gifs with your comments or does users using gifs to much become annoying for you?

    I think it makes your comments more entertaining to read and emphasizes your point with a visual response to enhance your comment and point

    I'd find a blank page of text boring :/

  • How did you know your evil partner has a soft spot for cats and babies? :o Lol, I want a kitty so bad, why do they have to be evil and give me allergies? ;-;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I actually saw you posting and I knew you would love it so I posted it

  • Your gifs aren't annoying at all for me, but even if someone thinks so, you should just worry about the way you like to do things. <3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just noticed with my comment history I use gifs for 90% of my comments what I think users think of my constant use of gifs? ^ Or ug

  • I enjoy using gifs too cuz it brings emotion to the comment. :3

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just noticed with my comment history I use gifs for 90% of my comments what I think users think of my constant use of gifs? ^ Or ug

  • edited August 2014

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    XD I must train my evil partner to have no soft spots and no allergies don't worry you can do it :'D

    How did you know your evil partner has a soft spot for cats and babies? Lol, I want a kitty so bad, why do they have to be evil and give me allergies? ;-;

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    Thank you Ana <3 I like your random gifs they always make me laugh XD

    Your gifs aren't annoying at all for me, but even if someone thinks so, you should just worry about the way you like to do things.

  • edited August 2014

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    WE need dat emotion I agree ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    I enjoy using gifs too cuz it brings emotion to the comment.

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    Upthumb because BATMAN :D


  • Have some time before I move today, and I fucking found some hilarious shit on tumblr and I thought i'd show you guys wtf i've been pissing myself about for the past hour


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    you know who also likes thin mints? fucking jesus

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    just pray the eh away, it'll be okay

  • The annexation of Canafa, coming soon to a border checkpoint near you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD No more wars, propaganda, corrupt cops or monitoring United states of Canada

  • Kentucky blue grass? Seriously? Ignorant peasant.

    You're lucky. I got a neighbour who's an absolute snob and all she does is bitch about everyone's yards. She only rents the place and she ac

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    lmao Delightful and slightly racist I LOVE IT MORE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Always knew she was to polite, prey the eh away XDD

    Have some time before I move today, and I fucking found some hilarious shit on tumblr and I thought i'd show you guys wtf i've been pissing

  • The really long strings of gif sometimes cause a crash, but not often enough to be annoying.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just noticed with my comment history I use gifs for 90% of my comments what I think users think of my constant use of gifs? ^ Or ug

  • God, there's MORE

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    lmao Delightful and slightly racist I LOVE IT MORE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Always knew she was to polite, prey the eh away XDD

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    Math was my favorite subject for like, a day. Now I hate it.

  • edited August 2014

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    XD Get permission off Putin first you don't want any trouble obey America :P

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The annexation of Canafa, coming soon to a border checkpoint near you.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Upthumb because BATMAN

  • edited August 2014

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    Math NOOO I'm getting out of here :'O

    Math was my favorite subject for like, a day. Now I hate it.

  • If the TWD writers were in the game...i would choose them to die...just like how they killed off sarah (even if i don't like her).

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    XD nice actually hay my funny picture website funnyjunk hates tumblr they are the rivals and they told me to never upthumb tumblr posts on the website for some reason :/

    God, there's MORE

  • Really? :o Why? Tumblr is one of my favourite sites ever. T__T

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD nice actually hay my funny picture website funnyjunk hates tumblr they are the rivals and they told me to never upthumb tumblr posts on the website for some reason

  • edited August 2014

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    I would never wish a death like that on anyone :/

    koban4max posted: »

    If the TWD writers were in the game...i would choose them to die...just like how they killed off sarah (even if i don't like her).

  • Getting teachers today, school is on the way -_-

  • You think that's bad?

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    Math was my favorite subject for like, a day. Now I hate it.

  • edited August 2014

    I don't know it's not me I just thumb if it's funny I don't care where the funny came from even if it's a repost but there is a tumblr troll on the site to. I'm not sure

    It was over the 4chan and tumblr war :/

    Really? Why? Tumblr is one of my favourite sites ever. T__T

  • edited August 2014

    (12mn) (-m^3 n^-2 p^5) (2m)

    ^Solve it, now. This is the exact question I'm doing right now.

    What grade are you going into anyway?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Getting teachers today, school is on the way -_-

  • edited August 2014

    ( -23•3m5n(-1)p5) :P

    (12mn) (-m^3 n^-2 p^5) (2m) ^Solve it, now. This is the exact question I'm doing right now. What grade are you going into anyway?

  • I have four whole pages to do that have about 35 questions on each. Due Thursday, along with all my other homework I need to finish.

    Teachers seriously need to screw off, they're giving way too much.

    Deceptio posted: »

    You think that's bad?

  • At a hotel now. Free wifi tho ^.^ 2 PM EST wedding and then at 5 I got a huge dinner...

    Gonna be a long day.


  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited August 2014

    Uh, well the carrot key (^) is used for going to the power. Like, m to the 3rd power is ____ and p to the 5th power is ____.

    But I think I might know the answer to that question. You have to add the powers to the letters and the numbers together. We have to add the numbers that are next to the same numbers, in this problem there are only numbers in front of the m's, so when we add them up, 12+2 is 14.

    Now the power numbers: m with no power number means it''s actually m^1, which means 1+3 is 4. And then add the last m at the end of 2, which means it's 4+1 which equals 5. So right now we have 12m^5. Now it's time to add the other letters.

    n^1+(-2) is -1, and since there are no other n's, n^-1 remains as our final answer. So right now it's 12m^6n^-1.

    Now since there is no other p's in the equation, the p remains the same.

    So the final answer to the problem would be 12m^5n^-1p^5. That's the way we learned it last year, but I don't know if it's correct. That's just my guess.

    And I'm going into 10th grade by the way.

    (12mn) (-m^3 n^-2 p^5) (2m) ^Solve it, now. This is the exact question I'm doing right now. What grade are you going into anyway?

  • edited August 2014

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    Here Rachel copy and paste then Search ;D

    (12mn) (-m^3 n^-2 p^5) (2m) ^Solve it, now. This is the exact question I'm doing right now. What grade are you going into anyway?

  • :O dayum

    Deceptio posted: »

    You think that's bad?

  • After not doing math for 3 years now, I can't understand I single thing on this.

    Good luck with that. ^^;

    Math was my favorite subject for like, a day. Now I hate it.

  • Dammit Mark, stealing my glory!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    ( -23•3m5n(-1)p5) :P

  • All this math stuff I'm seeing... I wish I was good at it like I was 3 years ago. Now this stuff looks like hieroglyphics.

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