Well my legs are like freakishly long so I always have to bend my knee when I put on socks, and when I'm sitting on my bed i'm all like hunched over my foot and then bam... i end up smashing my knee into my nose.
Well my legs are like freakishly long so I always have to bend my knee when I put on socks, and when I'm sitting on my bed i'm all like hunched over my foot and then bam... i end up smashing my knee into my nose.
Oh lawd do I know that feel
![Alt text](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10447844_443198799164656_3687188293157996519_n.png?
oh=6f73431ab96d568546d99710a8baee17&oe=546E3C32&gda=1415900164_c9453135cd079002bfac21ccf69e7836 "Optional title")
Is that password in the last one?!
LOL i was wondering the same thing xD
Somehow I managed to knee my own nose today, wtf ;-;
Taylor Momsen is my woman crush wednesday
Nah, I could never take your place.
Yep, it is.
You're the new Ben
I do that every time I put on socks. That's why I hate socks.
Lmao, how? o_o
lel, where's my comment
That happened to me when I did a cannonball.
I hacked your account, lel
Well my legs are like freakishly long so I always have to bend my knee when I put on socks, and when I'm sitting on my bed i'm all like hunched over my foot and then bam... i end up smashing my knee into my nose.
XD Pass is a legend
Lel, no, you didn't, fgt.
Lol, it happened when I was dancing ;-;
Are you are ok? ;-;
Lol, dafuq, maybe I should be glad I have short legs then.
Yeees, I'm alright.
You posted that song I love this song so much :'D
FFS Ana. Get your shit together :c
Dun be mean ;-;
phew Good just checking :P
He hates that picture xD
Lol, I was afraid it'd get swollen or something, but it's all good, haha.
Hi, I'm new here, but anyways...
Me in laser tag.
Well that looks like it hurts
Like I said, it's been a long day. XD
You know I'm just playing :P
I mean like women who go to sperm banks and use the petri dish and turkey baster method lol
Do I?
Ouchie put some some neosporin and a kiss from mom and it'll be all better.....maybe.
I dunno, you tell me.
Kisses don't fix anything >.>