The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It's not awkward per se, but most people have other things to do, so will I very soon :P

    It is pretty quiet. I think now is an awkward time of day for most people.

  • I actually have the money too, but..................yep, you guessed it, I'M CHEAP! Aaaaand because I'm not craving for it yet c:

    Haha!! It isn't as bad on PS3 :P Since I always considered the PlayStation community to be more mature than the Xbox one, if anything I defe

  • If I were you, I'd go now, buy some make up and dress up as the joker then go jumpscare some people :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is me I took a quick one about 5 minutes ago on my Vita I was going to do a video which I recorded to show what I sound like to up the

  • I don't even talk that much irl xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's on you to blast this place with comments though, do whatavadafuckyawantbra.

  • That's because you're white, HUEAHUEAHUEHAUEHAUEAHUEHUEA

    And yeah, I'm also trying to start conversations everywhere, as you can see. More people will probably come by in the next 2 or 3 hours.

    There is like, no one on and I've just been lurking the forums for a long time. I just tried going outside and it burned. O_o

  • Yep, everything you said there is why I gave up GTA Online from December to now. I'd probably be on level 300 or something if I played everyday since launch.

    Well off course, the GTAV online community is terrible xD They will make you hate humanity as a whole llol They will kill you on sight, s

  • Lmfao word last night was funny as fuck whenever you guys play again invite me.

    Well off course, the GTAV online community is terrible xD They will make you hate humanity as a whole llol They will kill you on sight, s

  • Alt text

    lol One day :')

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    If I were you, I'd go now, buy some make up and dress up as the joker then go jumpscare some people

  • You deserve it!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Waking up and seeing these comments ^ Thanks everyone you all are the sexy beasts and I really mean that seeing all your pics.. The apple

  • edited November 2015


  • That's because you're white

    Don't make fun of my whiteness. >:/

    Rafoli posted: »

    That's because you're white, HUEAHUEAHUEHAUEHAUEAHUEHUEA And yeah, I'm also trying to start conversations everywhere, as you can see. More people will probably come by in the next 2 or 3 hours.

  • Yeah the game is WAYYYY more fun with friends. I'll try and join you guys next time. Here's my psn: CheyTacFlaSh

    Well off course, the GTAV online community is terrible xD They will make you hate humanity as a whole llol They will kill you on sight, s

  • Alt text

    Damnit Carl !!! Should have stayed in the goddamn he went full emo and makes unicorn out of wood....Whyyyyy ?!

  • You're not alone, I'm also white. My whiteness is not that high, but yeah. XD

    That's because you're white Don't make fun of my whiteness. >:/

  • Sooo... did you beat the tiger?!


  • Don't worry, you're not as white as me. ç.ç

    That's because you're white Don't make fun of my whiteness. >:/

  • edited November 2015


    Sooo... did you beat the tiger?!

  • 2 nights ago I had a dream about Slenderman, and then I woke up at dawn. He was right in my face, and it looked so fucking real, but then it disappeared. Next thing that happened, I felt something on my feet, and you know, The Rake stays in the corner of the bed. In the end, it was just my dog, scared of the storm.


  • xD Lol, please tell me I was ridding the tiger.


  • PPPFFTTT! IN THAT PICTURE MY SKIN LOOKS WAY DARKER THAN IT IS. if you saw my skin you would go bling from to much light exposure.

    Don't worry, you're not as white as me. ç.ç

  • edited November 2015


    xD Lol, please tell me I was ridding the tiger.

  • He makes more giveaways? I'd buy one maybe, I trust you guys enough to not be frauds :P

    Yes! Don't worry, you'll get one. :c

  • I don't know. :o But I'm assure you'll get one, it doesn't need to be from him! :p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He makes more giveaways? I'd buy one maybe, I trust you guys enough to not be frauds :P

  • Lol, but I'm sure you're still at least a bit darker than me. And with my dark hair, I look even whiter. cries :p

    PPPFFTTT! IN THAT PICTURE MY SKIN LOOKS WAY DARKER THAN IT IS. if you saw my skin you would go bling from to much light exposure.


    Its a shame because the tiger is a form of my favorite animal.


  • How did we look like?

    xD HAHAHA THANKS ATR!! Its a shame because the tiger is a form of my favorite animal.

  • edited November 2015


    xD HAHAHA THANKS ATR!! Its a shame because the tiger is a form of my favorite animal.

  • edited June 2014


    But damn you alright in Brazil Rafoli I'm watching the world cup opening ceremony and there just talking about the violent protests the whole time :(

    Rafoli posted: »

    2 nights ago I had a dream about Slenderman, and then I woke up at dawn. He was right in my face, and it looked so fucking real, but then it

  • Damn, that suck. I Feel bad for you. :/

    Lol, but I'm sure you're still at least a bit darker than me. And with my dark hair, I look even whiter. cries

  • I wasn't the talkative type either, but I worked on myself to the level I gave 0 fucks about what anyone thinks and now I'm more friendly than I used to be.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I don't even talk that much irl xD

  • I'll add you when I come back, because it's time for me to earn some paper !! xD 20$ an hour, bitchin !! :D

    Twistee posted: »

    Yeah the game is WAYYYY more fun with friends. I'll try and join you guys next time. Here's my psn: CheyTacFlaSh

  • edited November 2015


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    How did we look like?

  • I'm okay man, the game is not even happening where I live. Also, I won't watch it at home either, 'cause I gotta study for my portuguese test, and it's fucking hard.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    lol But damn you alright in Brazil Rafoli I'm watching the world cup opening ceremony and there just talking about the violent protests the whole time

  • Nahh, don't feel. I stopped caring about these stuff a while ago. :3

    Damn, that suck. I Feel bad for you.

  • Did you feel the pain? xD


  • xD only one dream ive ever had woke me up. It was some kind of demon dream.

    I have those dreams that im running and then when you fall, people told me RIGHT BEFORE they hit the ground, they woke up. Not me. I keen dreaming with my fucked up face because I just face planted into the ground.


  • All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • Is it by any way this majestic, noble beast?

    Alt text

    Because it's an honor to be mauled by Shiva :D


  • That's funny because I had a lucid dream where I jumped in your dream and ate you as a tiger...interesting xD Joke llol But I do lucid dream, it's out of this world I can tell you that !! :D


  • I get those dreams 70% of the time. People say when that happens is when another version of you from an alternative universe dies.

    xD only one dream ive ever had woke me up. It was some kind of demon dream. I have those dreams that im running and then when you fall, p

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