The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread







  • True. Cheating is wrong too, but I dont think he should of went that far to bash her in for it. But maybe he snapped to, still no reason to but maybe he took it the wrong way. Dont know why he would have the knife though, thats just calling for trouble.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    To be fair, he didn't seem like a sociopath that would hit a woman for no reason. There was something more to it. It was still wrong, though. But yeah, it's usually cheating on cases like this.

  • Stealing my Greg Miller jokes?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    11/10 make me a child - Greg Miller

  • Yeah, Im happy with mediocre though, since it is better than what we did in recent years(excluding last year, although we still were mediocre). Good luck to your teams, Deceptio, and Salt!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I miss talking about Basketball. ;-; Too bad all of our teams will be mediocre at best this year. @TheWalkingSheep

  • edited September 2014

    Okay, brb facepalming

  • At least he didn't use it on her. Maybe he was about to. Who the fuck knows at this point.

    True. Cheating is wrong too, but I dont think he should of went that far to bash her in for it. But maybe he snapped to, still no reason to

  • Lel funny

    ComingSoon posted: »

    O no 2bad4u Jk lel

  • edited September 2014

    XD you wish I won you disappeared about you ran out of arguments bro :P

    Quite a few, actually. But, I stopped caring a while ago.

    The people that mattered stayed rest doesn't matter a few people let me down who I trusted but :x

    anyway great talking to you bro I have to go review a few storys on my thread so I can't check my notifications and respond to anything for a while bye and thank you your awesome :)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Which I ended up winning. Plus, I'm still out there. Come on, you know everyone here loves you. I think you're seen as the nicest guy on

  • I still think Miami will be the 3rd seed, but, after all these years, is that supposed to be a good consolation prize? So used to winning and now I have to be happy with simply getting past the 1st round.

    Yeah, Im happy with mediocre though, since it is better than what we did in recent years(excluding last year, although we still were mediocre). Good luck to your teams, Deceptio, and Salt!

  • Damn you. I read it wrong.

  • edited September 2014

    Glad nothing major with legal repercussions. Here in Utah you can face serious jail time just for defending yourself. Seriously they don't care who starts the fight. IF you lift a finger to defend yourself here in Utah thats just as bad apperantly. My friend's brother was facing major repercussions from simply defending himself. Its insane.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm alright. No one can lay a fucking finger on me. Well, he' the hospital, I guess? The police got here before he even woke up. Th

  • Lel, anti-social fagit.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • edited November 2015


    ComingSoon posted: »


  • lol ok... Good luck with that kiddo.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Get a load of this kid

  • Betr than u

    Ayy lmao

    papai46 posted: »

    Lel, anti-social fagit.

  • I will! I'll try my beat to not get sucked in...


  • I wouldnt know how you feel :(, Raps were never top seed. I want to know what being first feels like. Maybe one day.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I still think Miami will be the 3rd seed, but, after all these years, is that supposed to be a good consolation prize? So used to winning and now I have to be happy with simply getting past the 1st round.

  • Heh, don't worry, only a month left of waiting.

    Either way, I'm curious to see how all of our teams are going to do this year.

    Sorry for the late reply and the grammar/spelling mistakes. I had to get off my laptop and now I'm on my phone and its really slow.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I miss talking about Basketball. ;-; Too bad all of our teams will be mediocre at best this year. @TheWalkingSheep

  • Really? That's bullshit. The way I see it, I prevented murder. You should've seen the guy. He would have killed her if it wasn't for me stepping in. Everything is recorded, too. The guy is going straight to jail when he leaves the hospital. He beat a woman to near death and stabbed me for no earthly reason.

    Thanks for worrying, bro. I think you and me "Shared a few words" some days ago. Glad it's behind us.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Glad nothing major with legal repercussions. Here in Utah you can face serious jail time just for defending yourself. Seriously they don't

  • Not really fagit.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Betr than u Ayy lmao

  • Thanks, bro. You're amazing. Good luck!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD you wish I won you disappeared about you ran out of arguments bro :P Quite a few, actually. But, I stopped caring a while ago.

  • How would you know fgt

    Ayy lmao

    papai46 posted: »

    Not really fagit.


  • I love how you constantly acknowledge your team's lack of success, lol. It's good that realistic fans like us still exist.

    I wouldnt know how you feel , Raps were never top seed. I want to know what being first feels like. Maybe one day.

  • I love me guys too!

    I love you guys.

  • We gotta bump the thread one of these days. The Heat play on saturday.

    I'm typing like shit, too. Who cares about grammar.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Heh, don't worry, only a month left of waiting. Either way, I'm curious to see how all of our teams are going to do this year. Sorry f

  • Even me? :D

    I love you guys.

  • Same thing, how would you i don't have a life?... fagit.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    How would you know fgt Ayy lmao

  • Alt text

    papai46 posted: »

    I read it right.

  • I never accused u of having no life XD

    Whatever fagit. Dun wit u

    papai46 posted: »

    Same thing, how would you i don't have a life?... fagit.

  • haha, just trying to be honest and realistic. But I do think Raps will becoming a top 5 team in the east. I think it will be, Miami, Wash,Clev, bulls and raptors in the top 5. Not in that order though, but I thnk thats how it will end up.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I love how you constantly acknowledge your team's lack of success, lol. It's good that realistic fans like us still exist.

  • Not sure what you're referring to. If we had a disagreement its irrelevant. I don't hold grudges and I do say stupid shit on occasion.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Really? That's bullshit. The way I see it, I prevented murder. You should've seen the guy. He would have killed her if it wasn't for me step

  • The f is "ayy lmao"?

    Don't kill me ;-;

  • So...I talked to the attached girl that wants to be my wife today.

    She came up to me and asked for a hug very first thing. I refused, and said I was having some stomach issues (which was mostly true) and that I also didn't want to hug anybody. She got mad and asked my why and I said I just wasn't in the mood to hug. I told her that sometimes, the situations she puts me in sometimes make me uncomfortable, and I asked politely that she lay off of me at least a little bit. I told her us just being friends was okay. I was very polite and civil.

    Long story short she hares my guts because I refused a hug and told her she made me uncomfortable.



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  • You replied to me and I called you Einsten or something like that. It was all pretty funny, to be honest. It wasn't even serious.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Not sure what you're referring to. If we had a disagreement its irrelevant. I don't hold grudges and I do say stupid shit on occasion.

  • This thread in a nutshell

    ayy lmao Alt text
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