The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited June 2014

    Your dad is awesome if he really said that 0_0

    I'm not sure I wanna ask this, but how old were you exactly?

    Wow? You gave her a proper talk? Or one like my dad gave me? ADULT CONTENT BELOW Take them in the ass and they won't get pregnant, that's litteraly all he told me.

  • I was like.. 12 or 11.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Your dad is awesome if he really said that 0_0 I'm not sure I wanna ask this, but how old were you exactly?

  • My innocence was ruined too early ;_;

    Azlyn posted: »

    I feel you, Rache.

  • Well.. I couldn't find a better one.

    more like shirtless and pant less ban.

  • LOL XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    When i was little i somehow found a link reading something about lesbians and i was like "Lesbians? I never heard of Lesbia..." I literally thought there was a country named Lesbia. It was bad.

  • Psssh, the blonde girl.

    And, no, but i've been wanting to watch it for a while now.



    He and Mikasa are simply the best ever. Screw you all.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm only on episode 3, that's the blond girl right? Have you watched Guilty Crown? I'm gonna do that as soon as I finish Death Note, Guil

    edited June 2014

    Is the name that bad?

    I did, lol, but I'm not going to post it. It has my school's name on it. I'm not that dumb xD

  • xD lol imagine asking someone if there from Lesbia!!

    omg. Lol, I learned what the word virgin means from my immature friend asking if I was one. I didn't know what it meant and I replied with a random answer and I think it was the wrong one. :p

    Azlyn posted: »

    When i was little i somehow found a link reading something about lesbians and i was like "Lesbians? I never heard of Lesbia..." I literally thought there was a country named Lesbia. It was bad.

  • Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right?

    Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick.

    Not all of them, but yeah.

    My innocence was ruined too early ;_;

  • It's not funny if you're the one who thought it, and now looks back and is all like "Little me was so stupid and innocent."

    I wanna be stupid again.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    LOL XD


    2nd grade? OH LAWD. O-o

    LOL I haven't gotten it and im not going to. I already know enough.. xD I knew to much when I was in the 2nd grade.....

  • shhhhhhh

    Don't worry, there'll be another season in 2015 ;)

    Azlyn posted: »

    Psssh, the blonde girl. And, no, but i've been wanting to watch it for a while now. OMG DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SNK AGAIN. LEVIIIII

  • Why would it bad to show your schools name? Is your school like the only school with that name or something??

    I did, lol, but I'm not going to post it. It has my school's name on it. I'm not that dumb xD

  • Hueahue, I'm already used to it T.T

    Azlyn posted: »

    xD Only you can do something like that, Raf-Chan.

  • Omg..... that sucks so bad T_T

    Poor, poor Azlyn.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right? Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick. Not all of them, but yeah.

  • So at Clem's age, your dad told you "Take them in the ass and they won't get pregnant"?

    I wonder what your reaction was.

    I was like.. 12 or 11.

  • I just laughed, because the rest of my class already ran around being like SEEEEEX.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    So at Clem's age, your dad told you "Take them in the ass and they won't get pregnant"? I wonder what your reaction was.


    Like, i thought "Virgin" meant "Lady", as in, Mary the Virgin and all that. And i went each day at Kindergarten like WASSUP VIRGINS and i kept doing it until one of the teachers heard and they said it was a bad word.


    Yeah, as i said, my info on sexual-related stuff was bad. And i mean BAD.

    xD lol imagine asking someone if there from Lesbia!! omg. Lol, I learned what the word virgin means from my immature friend asking if I was one. I didn't know what it meant and I replied with a random answer and I think it was the wrong one.

  • Alt text


    Markd4547 posted: »

    WTF THEY WON'T LET YOU JOIN!!! and to think I was going to do the first video on this thread of me singing "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" it would of been funny I was seriously going to do it lol and I'm not doing it now

  • We all had those dumb moments about sex in that age.

    Azlyn posted: »

    It's not funny if you're the one who thought it, and now looks back and is all like "Little me was so stupid and innocent." I wanna be stupid again.

  • Some people already know which province I live in, so I'm pretty sure they can put two and two together.

    I don't want anyone coming to my school and asking for a Rachelle so I can be sold off as a sex slave or some shit.

    Why would it bad to show your schools name? Is your school like the only school with that name or something??

  • And they still run around like that, I can nothing but laugh at their stupidity.

    I just laughed, because the rest of my class already ran around being like SEEEEEX.

  • I feel you, my friend just told me "hey, check this shit out! It's called porn!"

    And when you're 10, and you see hardcore porn, that shit scars you.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right? Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick. Not all of them, but yeah.


    well... I just found a list of a shit load of chores to do left be my mother. Now I have to go vacuum my whole house. Try not to leave me 500 new comments to read when I get back. xD

  • I remember when I learned what orgasms are.

    lmaoooo I already knew what the hell The first time I found out about it was in grade 3 and it was from a bunch of boys, so.... >.<

  • edited June 2014

    Waiting hurts more than Levi's blades. Well, not really.


    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    shhhhhhh Don't worry, there'll be another season in 2015

  • yeah... I heard someone in school yealling at someone and they called them a 'Dickwad"

    SO I thought you called someone that when your mad. So a couple of days later I got mad at my dad and yelled "YOUR A DICKWAD"... Bad mistake. :/ He told me it was a bad word and I shouldn't say it, I asked him what does it mean but he wouldn't tell me. But, being the tiny miglet I was, I went around the house screaming 'Dickwad! Dickwad!' all around the house.

    The next day in school I found out what it meant. I felt to bad about what I had done.

    Azlyn posted: »

    HORY SHEET 2nd grade? OH LAWD. O-o

  • You see this is why the educational system in america needs change.

    yeah... I heard someone in school yealling at someone and they called them a 'Dickwad" SO I thought you called someone that when your mad

  • O rly

    I remember when I learned what orgasms are.



    BTW I actually showed my face. It took a lot nerve to do that.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Hi everybody! I have missed on a lot of stuff, enlighten me, i beg of you! (Also, gimme a WOO for finishing the year with straight As, i'm done)

  • Hey, I turned out mostly but not really okay!

    You see this is why the educational system in america needs change.

  • Yep, from one of my former friends in 6th grade. Right about when he turned into an insufferable asshole whom I hated.

    O rly

  • xD OH MY GOD.

    But there are freaks in the world that probably do that. xD

    Some people already know which province I live in, so I'm pretty sure they can put two and two together. I don't want anyone coming to my school and asking for a Rachelle so I can be sold off as a sex slave or some shit.

  • Alt text

    lmao That Gif Beetlejuice my two favourite characters :')


  • So you started hating him because he told you what orgasms were?

    Yep, from one of my former friends in 6th grade. Right about when he turned into an insufferable asshole whom I hated.

  • edited June 2014

    When I was little, the grown-ups always asked me if I'd ever "jerked off". I didn't even know what that meant, but I always replied with an "yes" so I wouldn't be left out or made fun of. But they always laughed, and now I am laughing at how stupid I used to be. :v

    Azlyn posted: »

    Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right? Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick. Not all of them, but yeah.

  • Lmfao You lucky then going to school in the hood theres some words that get stuck in your vocabulary that i wish i sometimes didnt know. "My Nig*a" the saying is so deep in my brain that i have to check my self because i sometimes use it towards Professors in College or Your Doctor or whoever hate that shit.

    Hey, I turned out mostly but not really okay!

  • No, I hated him because he started acting like the fact we had been best friends since 2nd grade didn't matter anymore, and he became focused on being "cool'.

    So you started hating him because he told you what orgasms were?

  • O rlly.

    Cool. I bet it was pretty hard.


  • I have it on good authority most are.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right? Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick. Not all of them, but yeah.

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