My Physical education teacher said I was a "positive role model" for my classmates on my mid-terms report card, if only she knew how I acted outside that class B].
Like fucking people cry about something then insult the other person for defending themselves, people try and do mean shit because they are stronger, people are just assholes, people betray you and then use your trust against you.
Every day I feel my hope for Humanity slowly slipping away, the very essence of what we are going away... We just need one person to stand up, one person to do the right thing, but no... Everyone wants power... Assholes...
I already lost my faith for this worthless species a long time ago. Humans are the scum of the earth and are lesser than the animals that they claim to be more "superior" than.
I already lost my faith for this worthless species a long time ago. Humans are the scum of the earth and are lesser than the animals that they claim to be more "superior" than.
Like fucking people cry about something then insult the other person for defending themselves, people try and do mean shit because they are … morestronger, people are just assholes, people betray you and then use your trust against you.
Every day I feel my hope for Humanity slowly slipping away, the very essence of what we are going away... We just need one person to stand up, one person to do the right thing, but no... Everyone wants power... Assholes...
I already lost my faith for this worthless species a long time ago. Humans are the scum of the earth and are lesser than the animals that they claim to be more "superior" than.
smiling. I meant smiling, I am smiling after a long not smiling...... next I need to work on my spelling.
thanks for reminding me.
Exactly that's what I am talking about, but right now I am not smiling through sadness. I am really happy.
take a like, thank you
This is STILL going on? o_o
Damn, he smart.
yus C:
When people ask me what I want to eat...
"This is gonna get tricky!"
360 noscope cum shot.
I just realized that I only know how to sing "O Canada" in French.
Fear(s) of the Day
Automatonophobia: The fear of anything that falsely represents a sentient being.
I only know how to sing it in English, lol. In school I just mumbled the French part, because we always had to sing both.
So cool that I have a hate club.
this is so creepy
I know both
I'm surprised he actually made me a moderator, lmao.
Maybe because you keep calling me a fgt.
Yeah but Pun hates me, I'd be less surprised if he made you a moderator at this point.
My Physical education teacher said I was a "positive role model" for my classmates on my mid-terms report card, if only she knew how I acted outside that class B].
Bruh, how you gonna make a hate thread for yourself? Tisk man, tisk.
I had a fear of Dummys as a kid
XD Not sure how to feel it's funny but I still feel bad for rages
Just joined.
Last song for tha weekend, goodbye.
And we'll sing
Just as loud as we please,
And we will be,
Forever so free,
So come follow me, cabin by the sea.
Picture you and me in the cabin by the sea.
You paint the fence, i'll hang the tire from the tree.
Our friends are all around, and the storm was a no show
Said we look better in the black and white photo.
Picture you and me in the cabin by the sea.
Sit up on a porch and we can burn a couple trees.
Our friends are all around and the storm was a no show,
Said we looked better in the black and white photo .
@TWDFan86 That freaking beat though...
Can't stop listening to this, lol!
Is there not a place where I can escape assholes?
Like fucking people cry about something then insult the other person for defending themselves, people try and do mean shit because they are stronger, people are just assholes, people betray you and then use your trust against you.
Every day I feel my hope for Humanity slowly slipping away, the very essence of what we are going away... We just need one person to stand up, one person to do the right thing, but no... Everyone wants power... Assholes...
Yup, it sucks, I like dolphins more.
I already lost my faith for this worthless species a long time ago. Humans are the scum of the earth and are lesser than the animals that they claim to be more "superior" than.
You make it seem like everyone is like that :P
I can't wait till @CreepingCake opens Pandora's box in the Forum Rebellion... I'm hyped and I'm the writer!
I have an extended version (6 minutes) downloaded on my phone
I don't really care about Pewdiepie but I fucking love Pugs...Therefore I love this song.
I was trying to find a 10 hour version, but it just had the regular song. Oh well, haha. B^]
10 hours?? Shit, lol