Who's your favorite TWD tv show character and why?
Mine is the governor cold, calculated, smart the perfect leader who controlled his… more camp and had everything running smoothly adapting to the situation of the ZA to kill every threat and rob everything left for his own people a hero in some people's eyes B}
The actor was quality too
Everytime you seen the governor you knew sh*t was going to go down he added so much needed action to the show everytime he showed up I miss the governor
This is me every time one of my close friends count down the days for the games releasing on November 18th, but they don't mention my birthday apart of that countdown .
I don't know what happened, he just removed all his friends on steam and put that as his bio. I tried to re add him on steam and he ignored it. I guess he's gone.
I don't know what happened, he just removed all his friends on steam and put that as his bio. I tried to re add him on steam and he ignored it. I guess he's gone.
This is me every time one of my close friends count down the days for the games releasing on November 18th, but they don't mention my birthday apart of that countdown .
Already told them hours ago, I was just about to sleep actually :P
Also (I know I'm going to sound cheesey as shit here but listen) if you ever need us don't be afraid to ask us for help, we'll always be there for you (especially me). Anyways I gotta hit the hay cause I got that work tomorrow Cya RagingSkrubcake
Already told them hours ago, I was just about to sleep actually :P
Also (I know I'm going to sound cheesey as shit here but listen) if yo… moreu ever need us don't be afraid to ask us for help, we'll always be there for you (especially me). Anyways I gotta hit the hay cause I got that work tomorrow Cya RagingSkrubcake
This episode..honestly I have no words. Abraham has always been a favorite of mine, especially in the comics, so to see his character portrayed so damn accurately is more than I ever hoped for. This episode was amazing. It never occurred to me that the scene where he's beating that man to death with a can was a flashback, but seeing as he's wearing different clothes, it makes a lot of sense.Speaking of which, the transition between flashback and present was done very well. Seriously, Abraham's stress and anxiety coiling tighter and tighter throughout the episode is practically palpable. From his cynical amusement at the sign that was written on the ground, to him adamantly demanding that they move through the herd because they've taken one to many detours, to the sheer rage at Eugene's shocking confession that dissolved into helplessness when he collapsed to his knees. Cudos to Michael Cudlitz, he is a magnificent actor.
This is probably a hilariously bad prediction, but I have a feeling that Eugene is full of shit and is dragging the group to Washington for nothing. Abraham is going to flip out when he finds out...
Your intuition is spot on man. Having read the comics, I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't think it would come to light so soon. I was just as shocked tbh. I can see why he lied, but so many people died due to his cowardice, he almost killed the whole group in the car because he was so desperate. And honestly, I don't really have much sympathy for him. He may have done it unknowingly, but he took advantage of Abraham at his weakest moment, he gave him a goal, he gave him a chance to redeem himself to his dead wife and kids, hell to himself, only to find out that it had been false from the beginning, that it had never been possible. It's obvious that Abraham put everything he had left into this "mission", I can't imagine how he feels knowing it was all for nothing. I'd want to punch Eugene in the face too.
I'm interested in seeing what Abraham is going to do to reverse the alienation process that he is bringing on himself. I'm sure essentially everyone in the group sees him as a ticking time bomb at this point.
Same here. I don't think that they will turn on him, but they will be wary of him now. Rosita may forgive him more easily though, she seems to understand him the best out of the group.
This is probably a hilariously bad prediction, but I have a feeling that Eugene is full of shit and is dragging the group to Washington for … morenothing. Abraham is going to flip out when he finds out... and maybe kills Eugene? Just a feeling I have lol.
Edit: Okay, I guess that was actually somewhat accurate. Just the way the episode opened, it gave me the feeling that Eugene was going to spill the beans. I really doubt the guy is dead though. Not sure that it's possible to kill someone that easily...
I'm interested in seeing what Abraham is going to do to reverse the alienation process that he is bringing on himself. I'm sure essentially everyone in the group sees him as a ticking time bomb at this point.
So I just played a round of Town of Salem, and a bunch of people acting like Neo Nazis were on it and just hung anyone who wasn't part of their group. They had at least 8 people. Needless to say it was a weird round.
you will once you see it.....
@Raging_Blades WDF
Worth watching.
I hope not...It's his bio....
If this is indeed true i'm making a Memorial thread for him.
Rachelle pls
The governor.
XD Bring it >:D
I don't know what happened, he just removed all his friends on steam and put that as his bio. I tried to re add him on steam and he ignored it. I guess he's gone.
...Raging Bro...In Memorial...He was a good man, blamed himself for too much...If you see this...We are here for you.
oh...oh god...ugly sobbing
The accurateness
Is off the charts
Maybe they have a suprise birthday party planned for you so they act like they forgot your birthday on purpose so they don't ruin the suprise
Mhm, sorry I didn't say goodbye. I was never good at those. Tell them for me?
You're probably in the chat like "What a fgt. He'll be back lmao."
Already told them hours ago, I was just about to sleep actually :P
Also (I know I'm going to sound cheesey as shit here but listen) if you ever need us don't be afraid to ask us for help, we'll always be there for you (especially me). Anyways I gotta hit the hay cause I got that work tomorrow
Cya RagingSkrubcake
That last one XD
Damn straight.
2straight4me :'D
More straightness
She really shows them in this one
Some Disney feels :'/
Night and I won't be back for a while see ya awesome people
Yeah, No-one expects me punching you in the face... XD
This episode..honestly I have no words. Abraham has always been a favorite of mine, especially in the comics, so to see his character portrayed so damn accurately is more than I ever hoped for. This episode was amazing. It never occurred to me that the scene where he's beating that man to death with a can was a flashback, but seeing as he's wearing different clothes, it makes a lot of sense.Speaking of which, the transition between flashback and present was done very well. Seriously, Abraham's stress and anxiety coiling tighter and tighter throughout the episode is practically palpable. From his cynical amusement at the sign that was written on the ground, to him adamantly demanding that they move through the herd because they've taken one to many detours, to the sheer rage at Eugene's shocking confession that dissolved into helplessness when he collapsed to his knees. Cudos to Michael Cudlitz, he is a magnificent actor.
Your intuition is spot on man. Having read the comics, I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't think it would come to light so soon. I was just as shocked tbh. I can see why he lied, but so many people died due to his cowardice, he almost killed the whole group in the car because he was so desperate. And honestly, I don't really have much sympathy for him. He may have done it unknowingly, but he took advantage of Abraham at his weakest moment, he gave him a goal, he gave him a chance to redeem himself to his dead wife and kids, hell to himself, only to find out that it had been false from the beginning, that it had never been possible. It's obvious that Abraham put everything he had left into this "mission", I can't imagine how he feels knowing it was all for nothing. I'd want to punch Eugene in the face too.
Same here. I don't think that they will turn on him, but they will be wary of him now. Rosita may forgive him more easily though, she seems to understand him the best out of the group.
It's snowing!
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXBrGgSV6Bs](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXBrGgSV6Bs "Title")
I'm starting to feel lost again. I think I'm going to take a break.
What happened to your profile picture Mark? And you know the my previous gif is the truth.
For You !
PM me if you want to talk...
Feel better.
I don 't even know you that well but here!
Biology test right now...wish meh luck........;(
No one playes that game with me. ;-;
I wish that a dog eats you paper so that you can say "A dog ate my work" and (s)he will be like
and you will be happy again!
It's oke I knew everthing on et