I have these panic moments were I feel the slightest pain and I think I'm dyeing. xD or if y stomach hurts I think a parasite is eating me alive or something. o_o and then my sister tells m to chill but I cant.
And I worry WAY to much. like, about so many things. Like when I thought I lost my retainer, I couldn't stop panicking and had some EXTREME anxiety. All because I thought I lost my retainer. It was expensive though, about 300 dollars to replace.
So I ended up find it and the moment I saw it I LITTERALLY broke out in tears of joy sitting on the floor like a baby holding my retainer! xD My mom ended up losing my retainer a couple months later. xD haven't worn it in months....
What was weird, was that I was always terrified of getting sick.... but just last summer I got sick with appendicitis and had to get surgery… more, and yet I didn't feel scared AT ALL. Like, it was almost like I just knew "kay, I'm pretty damn sick, and I need an operation, that's all cool". Even on the operating table, I wasn't scared at all. The nurse was like "wow, i guess you suffer in silence, huh?" and I was just like "no, I'm fine". I don't think she believed me, but I really was fine. It was kind of felt like just a thing that I had to do.
So, basically I spent YEARS worrying about getting seriously sick, and then by the time I do get sick, I'm pretty much fearless.
I worry about a lot too. =/ I try not to, but I can't help it. If something is wrong, I can't rest until I've solved the problem. I get stressed out really easily, and I feel just overwhelmed if too many things are happening at once. Even if they're fun things, I just can't handle it. Multitasking really isn't my thing. I need to focus my mind on one thing at a time or else I'll just "cease to function".
Damn. That's like, bad ass.
I have these panic moments were I feel the slightest pain and I think I'm dyeing. xD or if y stomach hurts I… more think a parasite is eating me alive or something. o_o and then my sister tells m to chill but I cant.
And I worry WAY to much. like, about so many things. Like when I thought I lost my retainer, I couldn't stop panicking and had some EXTREME anxiety. All because I thought I lost my retainer. It was expensive though, about 300 dollars to replace.
So I ended up find it and the moment I saw it I LITTERALLY broke out in tears of joy sitting on the floor like a baby holding my retainer! xD My mom ended up losing my retainer a couple months later. xD haven't worn it in months....
Im like that all the time. like... it just grosses me out. I wish I could carry a Lysol spray bottle with me 24/7 and spray everything I walk near and everyone around me. im dead serious when I say that. Also I always check my food and cups and silver wear. If anything is wrong with it I go nuts. And when someone bumps in to me I literally do something like this
I was probably 11 at the time. I was the biggest germophobe ever. I wouldn't let anyone touch me, I made my own food, I washed my hands like… more 30 times a day, and if someone sneezed, I would just evacuate the area completely and freak out. I couldn't even stand being in school because the classrooms just had germs everywhere and euughhh.
I'm not that bad anymore, but I still freak out sometimes, especially if a sick person hugs me or something. I still have a problem with washing my hands; I do it way too often.
Oh, I see. Haven't gotten those out yet, and I hope I never have to.
I got my appendix taken out, and sometimes it feels weird knowing that I have one less organ in my body. You don't need it obviously, but it's still weird knowing that my guts aren't the same as everyone else's. Lol. Also, I'm pretty self conscious about my scar... it's not one of those cool ones that go across your side or anything. They had to do the surgery laparoscopically. so it's only a small one, but the surgeon's hand must have slipped or something because it's all jagged and just weird looking.
Oh, I see. Haven't gotten those out yet, and I hope I never have to.
I got my appendix taken out, and sometimes it feels weird knowing th… moreat I have one less organ in my body. You don't need it obviously, but it's still weird knowing that my guts aren't the same as everyone else's. Lol. Also, I'm pretty self conscious about my scar... it's not one of those cool ones that go across your side or anything. They had to do the surgery laparoscopically. so it's only a small one, but the surgeon's hand must have slipped or something because it's all jagged and just weird looking.
yeah, I walk around my house and make sure everything is ok and clean around me before I go to sleep.
And I'm like "WHY CANT YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT IT AND NOT WORRY FOR ONCE" But that's not possible for me. I yelled at me mom today because she told me to do 7 things all at once while I was doing the other things she told me to do before. ...I felt like an ass xD
I worry about a lot too. =/ I try not to, but I can't help it. If something is wrong, I can't rest until I've solved the problem. I get stre… moressed out really easily, and I feel just overwhelmed if too many things are happening at once. Even if they're fun things, I just can't handle it. Multitasking really isn't my thing. I need to focus my mind on one thing at a time or else I'll just "cease to function".
Oh God, I'm the biggest perfectionist ever. If I ever have to do something, it has to be 100% perfect or else I'll just have to scrap it and do it over again. I rewrote a whole 3 page essay BY HAND just because my pen ran out of ink halfway through the first one and the only other pen I had was a different colour than the one I was using before. So I rewrote the whole damn thing. It was a freaking nightmare x_x
xD I see what you did there.
yeah, I walk around my house and make sure everything is ok and clean around me before I go to sleep.
And… more I'm like "WHY CANT YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT IT AND NOT WORRY FOR ONCE" But that's not possible for me. I yelled at me mom today because she told me to do 7 things all at once while I was doing the other things she told me to do before. ...I felt like an ass xD
I borrowed rise of the governor but I didn't finish it cause I'm not really a reading type of person and the fact I didn't have much time to read it didn't help either I barely even have time to read the comics I'm slowing catching up to the latest issue
xD same. Especially with my binder at school. EVERYTHING had to be were it was supposed to. Or I cant stop thing about it and it bothers me until I fix it. Or when the teacher wipes the board off and misses that one little piece and I'm just staring at it and I'm so damn tempted to just get up from my seat and whip it off. Gosh that annoys he hell out of me. It needs to be perfect or its not acceptable.
Oh God, I'm the biggest perfectionist ever. If I ever have to do something, it has to be 100% perfect or else I'll just have to scrap it and… more do it over again. I rewrote a whole 3 page essay BY HAND just because my pen ran out of ink halfway through the first one and the only other pen I had was a different colour than the one I was using before. So I rewrote the whole damn thing. It was a freaking nightmare x_x
OH MY GOD THAT WHITEBOARD SPOT UGHHHH!!!! My teachers ALWAYS find a way to leave one little freaking marker smear while they're erasing and it pisses me off so much. My friends don't understand why it makes me so mad, but it does. The ONLY teacher I ever liked didn't do that, and he was my favourite because he had OCD like me. He was really weird and really young, and he was obsessed with everything to do with World War II. Pretty much everything he taught us had something to do with Hitler or Hiroshima.
xD same. Especially with my binder at school. EVERYTHING had to be were it was supposed to. Or I cant stop thing about it and it bothers me … moreuntil I fix it. Or when the teacher wipes the board off and misses that one little piece and I'm just staring at it and I'm so damn tempted to just get up from my seat and whip it off. Gosh that annoys he hell out of me. It needs to be perfect or its not acceptable.
yeah, the spot it the worst. I don't have a favorite teacher. None of them were like me, so couldn't relate to any of them. What really pisses me off is when my teachers or when someone else does something another way that's not my way of doing it.
I'm like "I don't care about your way, if its not my way its wrong" xD It just bothers me.
OH MY GOD THAT WHITEBOARD SPOT UGHHHH!!!! My teachers ALWAYS find a way to leave one little freaking marker smear while they're erasing and … moreit pisses me off so much. My friends don't understand why it makes me so mad, but it does. The ONLY teacher I ever liked didn't do that, and he was my favourite because he had OCD like me. He was really weird and really young, and he was obsessed with everything to do with World War II. Pretty much everything he taught us had something to do with Hitler or Hiroshima.
Oh, I see. Haven't gotten those out yet, and I hope I never have to.
I got my appendix taken out, and sometimes it feels weird knowing th… moreat I have one less organ in my body. You don't need it obviously, but it's still weird knowing that my guts aren't the same as everyone else's. Lol. Also, I'm pretty self conscious about my scar... it's not one of those cool ones that go across your side or anything. They had to do the surgery laparoscopically. so it's only a small one, but the surgeon's hand must have slipped or something because it's all jagged and just weird looking.
Lmfao it's like you just stand up out of your seat and go "Sorry teach, you're doing everything wrong". You have no idea how many times I wanted to do that. xD
yeah, the spot it the worst. I don't have a favorite teacher. None of them were like me, so couldn't relate to any of them. What really piss… morees me off is when my teachers or when someone else does something another way that's not my way of doing it.
I'm like "I don't care about your way, if its not my way its wrong" xD It just bothers me.
Those spots are one of the things that trigger OCD, I'm having anxiety when it's like that but I stay calm, because if I erase the spot, even though it will calm my "urges" down, next time it will hit me stronger.
Friendly advice, if you have any one of these annoying things, don't give off to the annoyance, instead ignore it and think about something else, that's how I fight my OCD.
OH MY GOD THAT WHITEBOARD SPOT UGHHHH!!!! My teachers ALWAYS find a way to leave one little freaking marker smear while they're erasing and … moreit pisses me off so much. My friends don't understand why it makes me so mad, but it does. The ONLY teacher I ever liked didn't do that, and he was my favourite because he had OCD like me. He was really weird and really young, and he was obsessed with everything to do with World War II. Pretty much everything he taught us had something to do with Hitler or Hiroshima.
Lmfao it's like you just stand up out of your seat and go "Sorry teach, you're doing everything wrong". You have no idea how many times I wanted to do that. xD
OH MY GOD THAT WHITEBOARD SPOT UGHHHH!!!! My teachers ALWAYS find a way to leave one little freaking marker smear while they're erasing and … moreit pisses me off so much. My friends don't understand why it makes me so mad, but it does. The ONLY teacher I ever liked didn't do that, and he was my favourite because he had OCD like me. He was really weird and really young, and he was obsessed with everything to do with World War II. Pretty much everything he taught us had something to do with Hitler or Hiroshima.
All of Ch.1 and 2 right here. Let me know if the link works, you guys.
I borrowed rise of the governor but I didn't finish it cause I'm not really a reading type of person and the fact I didn't have much time to… more read it didn't help either I barely even have time to read the comics I'm slowing catching up to the latest issue
Damn. That's like, bad ass.
I have these panic moments were I feel the slightest pain and I think I'm dyeing. xD or if y stomach hurts I think a parasite is eating me alive or something. o_o and then my sister tells m to chill but I cant.
And I worry WAY to much. like, about so many things. Like when I thought I lost my retainer, I couldn't stop panicking and had some EXTREME anxiety. All because I thought I lost my retainer. It was expensive though, about 300 dollars to replace.
So I ended up find it and the moment I saw it I LITTERALLY broke out in tears of joy sitting on the floor like a baby holding my retainer! xD My mom ended up losing my retainer a couple months later. xD haven't worn it in months....
What was your surgery for?
I worry about a lot too. =/ I try not to, but I can't help it. If something is wrong, I can't rest until I've solved the problem. I get stressed out really easily, and I feel just overwhelmed if too many things are happening at once. Even if they're fun things, I just can't handle it. Multitasking really isn't my thing. I need to focus my mind on one thing at a time or else I'll just "cease to function".
Tonsil removal
Im like that all the time. like... it just grosses me out. I wish I could carry a Lysol spray bottle with me 24/7 and spray everything I walk near and everyone around me.
im dead serious when I say that. Also I always check my food and cups and silver wear. If anything is wrong with it I go nuts. And when someone bumps in to me I literally do something like this
Oh, I see. Haven't gotten those out yet, and I hope I never have to.
I got my appendix taken out, and sometimes it feels weird knowing that I have one less organ in my body. You don't need it obviously, but it's still weird knowing that my guts aren't the same as everyone else's. Lol. Also, I'm pretty self conscious about my scar... it's not one of those cool ones that go across your side or anything. They had to do the surgery laparoscopically. so it's only a small one, but the surgeon's hand must have slipped or something because it's all jagged and just weird looking.
Anyone asks, say it's a stab wound from when you were in a fight.
xD I see what you did there.
yeah, I walk around my house and make sure everything is ok and clean around me before I go to sleep.
And I'm like "WHY CANT YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT IT AND NOT WORRY FOR ONCE" But that's not possible for me. I yelled at me mom today because she told me to do 7 things all at once while I was doing the other things she told me to do before.
...I felt like an ass xD
Oh God, I'm the biggest perfectionist ever. If I ever have to do something, it has to be 100% perfect or else I'll just have to scrap it and do it over again. I rewrote a whole 3 page essay BY HAND just because my pen ran out of ink halfway through the first one and the only other pen I had was a different colour than the one I was using before. So I rewrote the whole damn thing. It was a freaking nightmare x_x
LOL No one will have to ask because I'm never showing it to anyone, EVER!
I borrowed rise of the governor but I didn't finish it cause I'm not really a reading type of person and the fact I didn't have much time to read it didn't help either I barely even have time to read the comics I'm slowing catching up to the latest issue
xD same. Especially with my binder at school. EVERYTHING had to be were it was supposed to. Or I cant stop thing about it and it bothers me until I fix it. Or when the teacher wipes the board off and misses that one little piece and I'm just staring at it and I'm so damn tempted to just get up from my seat and whip it off. Gosh that annoys he hell out of me. It needs to be perfect or its not acceptable.
OH MY GOD THAT WHITEBOARD SPOT UGHHHH!!!! My teachers ALWAYS find a way to leave one little freaking marker smear while they're erasing and it pisses me off so much. My friends don't understand why it makes me so mad, but it does. The ONLY teacher I ever liked didn't do that, and he was my favourite because he had OCD like me. He was really weird and really young, and he was obsessed with everything to do with World War II. Pretty much everything he taught us had something to do with Hitler or Hiroshima.
yeah, the spot it the worst. I don't have a favorite teacher. None of them were like me, so couldn't relate to any of them. What really pisses me off is when my teachers or when someone else does something another way that's not my way of doing it.
I'm like "I don't care about your way, if its not my way its wrong" xD It just bothers me.
Yeah I also feel odd for having less organs than most people, but I have no scars from it since they didn't have to cut me open.
All of Ch.1 and 2 right here. Let me know if the link works, you guys.
Lmfao it's like you just stand up out of your seat and go "Sorry teach, you're doing everything wrong". You have no idea how many times I wanted to do that. xD
Those spots are one of the things that trigger OCD, I'm having anxiety when it's like that but I stay calm, because if I erase the spot, even though it will calm my "urges" down, next time it will hit me stronger.
Friendly advice, if you have any one of these annoying things, don't give off to the annoyance, instead ignore it and think about something else, that's how I fight my OCD.
Story of my freaking life.
You have OCD?
A little bit of it, yeah. If I see something that's wrong, It'll bother me so much that I'll feel like I'm losing my mind.
You liar. >.<
I will dream of your mean words tonight. ;-;
I need to sign in my email for confirmation, but I'm on a mobile device. It should work, though.
Going to sleep and waking up in a sad mood has been the theme for me the last couple of years. Good nite, beautiful people.
If convincing you to read a series of amazing novels is considered "word violence", then I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Jesus, dude. Depressing much?
Now? Can you view it without signing in?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFhgbpt7eKY What the hell brock.
That's what I'm having, don't give up to those "itches", that's the only way to make them go away.
Which series is it may I ask?
I hope you feel better, you don't act depressed but you sure do say you are.
Nirvana ^_^
I miss him..
READ the comics, it's an experience no one can miss.
Feel better!