The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2015

    Is this from a game or something? What do you mean by bloodswap..?

    Origin; Mine; The fins are awful, but this is actually a successful bloodswap this time, I suppose. For something made in paint anyway.

  • I hear you on that. It's so easy for me to remember all the negative things that have happened in my life, as far back as 14 years ago. But when it comes to positive things, if I don't actively remind myself, I can forget something nice that happened to me just yesterday.:/

    Yeah...It's stressful, I want to just forget about it but...My brain doesn't.

  • Domics

    @Markd4547 you wanted funny stuff well you got it.

  • I can't remember good things...I have a bad memory like really bad (I am horrible with descriptions, names, locations, dates...) and I only remember the bad stuff. It pushes down on me and makes me want to become a better person but...It just causes more problems. Whenever I talk to my friends from when I was a dick I was like "Remember this one person or this one time I did this bad thing?...Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I've regret it for a long time" and they're like "What dude? I don't remember that."

    Tinni posted: »

    I hear you on that. It's so easy for me to remember all the negative things that have happened in my life, as far back as 14 years ago. But

  • edited January 2015

    It's from a webcomic; Homestuck, there's a race of aliens in it who have a caste system based off of blood color, blood-swapping is taking the original character sprites and switching around their designs and blood-colors, like an AU sort of. Sometimes people make fancomics out of bloodswaps, not just arts.

    In mine up there, the canon Vriska is a cerulean blood, I messed around with her sprite and made a fuchsia blood version of her.

    Tinni posted: »

    Is this from a game or something? What do you mean by bloodswap..?

  • edited January 2015


    Alt text

    Can you answer my PM please???

    Markd4547 posted: »

    What? What are you... ^ THAT

  • Oh, I see. I think I've heard people talking about that comic before, but I've never seen any pictures from it until now. Thank you for explaining, sounds really interesting.

    It's from a webcomic; Homestuck, there's a race of aliens in it who have a caste system based off of blood color, blood-swapping is taking t

  • liked the overall movie but when it ended like that, i cringed so hard!

    Tinni posted: »

    It's based off of a short story called "The Ghost Walker" by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers, I personally found the movie even more emotionally impac

  • edited January 2015

    You are welcome!

    It is very interesting...but also very confusing. I'd like to read through a second time to understand it better but it is 9000 pages long at this point and I've got other things to do. 3:

    Tinni posted: »

    Oh, I see. I think I've heard people talking about that comic before, but I've never seen any pictures from it until now. Thank you for explaining, sounds really interesting.

  • I have a similar habit of being hard on myself when I make mistakes, and never forgetting said mistakes or necessarily forgiving myself for them. It's a pretty bad habit that I've been trying to break for some time, you just need to force yourself into positive thinking. Something that I do that helps is write down nice things that happen or things that made me smile or laugh everyday, because my brain refuses to hold on to positive memories. Sort of like a journal, except only positive. It helps to read through past entries when I'm in a shitty mood. It's a hard habit to get into, but I think it's been paying off, maybe you could try something similar.

    I can't remember good things...I have a bad memory like really bad (I am horrible with descriptions, names, locations, dates...) and I only

  • He has a particular set of skills.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Do you really think Liam Nesson can fucking beat an Alpha Wolf.

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

    Just everyone included Please Stop using that gif there is absolute nothing funny about suicide that gif actually triggers me I'm seeing more people use it and that topic should not be mocked it's a really serious issue and many people are deeply affected by it

    Plus it's Ellen Page :'(

    I'll answer it in a minute :)

    sigh... Can you answer my PM please???

  • I might...It's just hard to think positive when you think every second if the last thing you did had a person think of you wrong. People need to distract me often to keep me from being hard on myself and it's not an easy thing to do when you force your problems onto someone else...They get tired of you...Stop hanging out...You're lonely now and even more depressed. I don't know any more, it's so hard to trust people and to understand their body language. "Was that girl staring at me? Does she think i'm cute? That's a first...Wait...Or was that a glare and she doesn't....What if this is fate that I noticed....Maybe I should go ask...But no...My social standing....I don't think anyone likes me...Why bother?"...This right here is a peak into my mind every time something small as a glare happens.

    Tinni posted: »

    I have a similar habit of being hard on myself when I make mistakes, and never forgetting said mistakes or necessarily forgiving myself for

  • That's overdone lol.

    sigh... Can you answer my PM please???

  • you were triggering me


    triggering me





    Alright, I removed it. And I posted it because you were triggering me. I think thats a justifiable reason for me to post it. But alrighty. I'll wait for that PM.

  • Alright, I removed it.

    And I posted it because you were triggering me. I think thats a justifiable reason for me to post it.

    But alrighty. I'll wait for that PM.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just everyone included Please Stop using that gif there is absolute nothing funny about suicide that gif actually triggers me I'm seeing mor

  • you were triggering me


    triggering me





    Alright, I removed it. And I posted it because you were triggering me. I think thats a justifiable reason for me to post it. But alrighty. I'll wait for that PM.

  • And I should care because...?

    Please stay out of this. It's between me and him.

    papai46 posted: »

    That's overdone lol.

  • Alt text

    This is no justification for joking about suicide I do not find it funny at all quite the opposite this topic with me is very sensitive please do not joke about it but I don't want to talk about it but thank you for removing it

    Alt text

    Alright, I removed it. And I posted it because you were triggering me. I think thats a justifiable reason for me to post it. But alrighty. I'll wait for that PM.


    Do you find this happens all the time

    Crucial point one day becomes a crime

    And I'm not the kind that likes to tell you

    Just what I want to do

    I'm not the kind that needs to tell youuuuuuuuuuu

  • edited January 2015

    I was not joking about it and I don't find it funny, I never said I did. I never intended to joke about it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is no justification for joking about suicide I do not find it funny at all quite the opposite this topic with me is very sensitive please do not joke about it but I don't want to talk about it but thank you for removing it

  • Okay...?

    you were triggering me ... triggering me ... triggering TRIGGERS ARE MY TRIGGER! :P

  • edited January 2015

    I'm only telling you this because I've had this problem myself, you think too much. Sometimes it's a blessing to be such a deep thinker, but it's a double edged sword when you're prone to sadness. You over analyze every response to you, and twist it into something negative. Sometimes when people look at you, it's not because they're judging you, but simply because they're studying their surroundings, they're noting how many people are near them. They'll see you, and that will be it. It usually doesn't go deeper than that, unless you want it to, and then you can go strike up a conversation.

    I might...It's just hard to think positive when you think every second if the last thing you did had a person think of you wrong. People nee

  • Like I said I don't control this, because trust me...If I could I wouldn't give a single fuck. :P

    But thanks for helping me, It's nice to hear other's stories.

    Tinni posted: »

    I'm only telling you this because I've had this problem myself, you think too much. Sometimes it's a blessing to be such a deep thinker, but

  • Alright...

    Alt text

    I know this is over lied, Mark, that's what we were trying to say. No one feared you in saying that publicly, if you were really banned, you would have gotten an explanation. Thing is, you were never banned and now you know that. Something happened where you couldn't draw on certain spots because of the update, and you just thought you were banned and assumed she banned you because she was there and she's a mod. All you had to do was ask her what happened or PM her to see if it was a glitch instead of calling her out and assuming things...

    Saying you care doesn't change what happened, acting nice just to make yourself seem good doesn't change it either. But yeah, everyone explained it already.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • It's a joke...


  • Alt text

    papai46 posted: »

    That's overdone lol.

  • I know, it's hard to defeat an enemy when it's coming from within your own mind. But constant encouragement can help, and that's what I try to do for others as well.

    Anytime, I don't mind listening and offering my insight.:)

    Like I said I don't control this, because trust me...If I could I wouldn't give a single fuck. :P But thanks for helping me, It's nice to hear other's stories.

  • I was talking about the "1000% done" gif but sorry.

    And I should care because...? Please stay out of this. It's between me and him.

  • I like to not think of it as a monster or another me but as The American Congress....It makes me have hope that we can reform this whole thing. :P

    Tinni posted: »

    I know, it's hard to defeat an enemy when it's coming from within your own mind. But constant encouragement can help, and that's what I try to do for others as well. Anytime, I don't mind listening and offering my insight.:)

  • Me too. XD

    papai46 posted: »

    Lol, i love Domics.

  • Lol, i love Domics.


  • I don't really get it. Enlighten me?

    It's a joke...

  • Well...People usually say things trigger them so it's a joke that other people's triggers trigger them...I thought it was good but to each their own I guess.

    I don't really get it. Enlighten me?

  • Well...People usually say things trigger them so it's a joke that other people's triggers trigger them...I thought it was good but to each their own I guess.

  • It's a fly swatter.

    papai46 posted: »

    I don't understand.

  • Its alright.

    Although with the amount of resistance he showed against a fairly simple question I asked, I don't really think that gif I used was "overdone." But alrighty.

    papai46 posted: »

    I was talking about the "1000% done" gif but sorry.

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