The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So I've seen a lot of movies....Good Movies, Bad Movies, Over-Rated Movies, Under Rated Movies and so on..............

    I'll just get to the question What's your most Under-Rated Movie?

    I think I have a lot but a good candidate is Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows, The first isn't a "masterpiece" or anything but I would say its a creative idea. The second wasn't in the "Lost Footage" format but was actually just in the normal movie style. Basically these 5 people who are obsessed with the movie the Blair Witch Project go out and try making a replica film but when they go to sleep they wake up with no footage that they had filmed earlier and all their stuff shredded up, plus there's a bunch of marks on their bodies, Then from there each of the members of the group is framed for stuff they didn't do and the group starts turning on each other and start wondering if they're seeing things or not while something else seems to be involved.....................I wouldn't say it's "good" but its fun and I think it gets hated on too much but there's two things with it....First, Technically it isn't a sequel since it isn't really a follow up to the first and Secondly, the subtitle is Book of Shadows because in the early phases of making it they had something called that in it but in the final cut and in the movie there's nothing with or about a "Book of Shadows" in it but its worth a watch if your a cheesy horror movie fan.

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  • Thank you, Wuldberry, for showing me Stand By Me, because that movie was so significant and amazing and special and it made me cry but i am so happy to know it because it makes me so happy because i can relate to it!

    Aww bby npppppp <3333 I MISS YOU SO MUCH AZ UGH COME BACK TO ME

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited March 2015



  • edited March 2015

    Telltale sure does know how to pick intro songs...

    Edit: Found a better quality version.

  • I'm okay I just...Do a lot of thinking and I wanted to just get a little out.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Song in this trailer is stuck in my head....

  • That's fine.

    I'm okay I just...Do a lot of thinking and I wanted to just get a little out.

  • Love that song. Been stuck in my head for a while. Telltale sure does know how to pick intro songs... Edit: Found a better quality version.

  • edited March 2015

    I'm just going to delete it. Night.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    That's fine.

  • I heard this song awhile ago, but forgot about it. I nearly shat myself when the tune started during the whole rakk hive thing.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Love that song. Been stuck in my head for a while.

  • Hopefully tomorrow will be a little bit better. Night.

    I'm just going to delete it. Night.

  • It was my first time hearing it, it's a damn catchy tune to say the least. I'm dying to see how TellTale will too the last intro.

    I heard this song awhile ago, but forgot about it. I nearly shat myself when the tune started during the whole rakk hive thing.

  • Ohhhh. No, I didn't know. I haven't played or watched it yet, I'm not the biggest fan of borderlands.

    But yeah, thanks for the recommendations. The music I listen to when I work got taken off youtube, so I've been listening to rap and stuff instead and it hasn't been helping me all that much get stuff done.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yeah, maybe I'd feel more comfortable talking with a lady or something. I had a therapist yeaaaars ago and it was really nice lady who it wa

  • Ohhhh. No, I didn't know. I haven't played or watched it yet, I'm not the biggest fan of borderlands.

    But yeah, thanks for the recommendations. The music I listen to when I work got taken off youtube, so I've been listening to rap and stuff instead and it hasn't been helping me all that much get stuff done.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yeah, maybe I'd feel more comfortable talking with a lady or something. I had a therapist yeaaaars ago and it was really nice lady who it wa

  • Well I did include them, and I also included random adults.

    And that episode gave me an entire laundry list of reasons to hate Chloe.

    I love LiS! The middle of the episode was a bit slow, but other than that this episode was amazing. The two main complaints of this game

  • ;-; <3333 God I miss her so much. v_v

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • Ah, good ol' Azlyn...

    I'm glad she made this, been such a long time since we've talked but I remember she showed me some of her art and it was amazing! Hope to hear from you again one day...hopefully. Take care, AZ.

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • edited March 2015

    I've seen shit in the locker room I wish I could forget.

    But I can't. The scars are much to deep.

    i bet u see a lot of other things in the boy's locker room ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I'd step on a flippin' lego for you, yo. All of you.

    That's Azlyn for ya. ;)

    I never really got to talk to her much, but the times I did were amazing. She had a sense of humor that was one of a kind.

    If you're somehow reading this Azlyn, I would love to get to know you better and hang out next time you're around. Count on it.

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    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • Earth to Echo

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So I've seen a lot of movies....Good Movies, Bad Movies, Over-Rated Movies, Under Rated Movies and so on.............. I'll just get to t

  • yeah probably lmao

    ComingSoon posted: »

    u mean real life

  • Google translate is all I need.

    And what the hell is your avatar?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You can, if you know how to speak Spanish fluently.

  • shut up u fake fan

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't think a gay fuckfest starring the members of One Direction could be called fiction.

  • Zayn Malik, has decided to leave One Direction after talking with his lawyers.

    1 down, 4 to go.

    My bestfriends are crying after I saw a tweet regarding One Direction. Zayn Malik, has decided to leave One Direction after talking with

  • Probably a huge A7X fan too, then.

    (Her favourite is M Shadows c:)

    Let us not forget the most important fact about Clementine, she is also a huge fan of Metallica.

  • Cyborg Mr. Smiley by @WhatToWriteHere

    Google translate is all I need. And what the hell is your avatar?

  • Heh, cute.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Cyborg Mr. Smiley by @WhatToWriteHere

  • Yea, like taking other people's source of happiness is a goal now.

    Zayn Malik, has decided to leave One Direction after talking with his lawyers. 1 down, 4 to go.

  • I was kidding, really. I couldn't care less if you or any other people like One Direction.

    Yea, like taking other people's source of happiness is a goal now.

  • Brooke is clearly in love with Warren.

    Alright, I've managed to calm down after that emotionally draining episode, and I have the official count of usage of the word "hella", tim

  • I'm sorry, if my reply was somewhat rude. And I hope the discrimination of liking certain music artists ends soon.

    I was kidding, really. I couldn't care less if you or any other people like One Direction.

  • edited March 2015


  • edited March 2015

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    Scariest film I ever seen just awesome

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So I've seen a lot of movies....Good Movies, Bad Movies, Over-Rated Movies, Under Rated Movies and so on.............. I'll just get to t

  • Agreed.

    Although you can have an opinion about the band, it's just not right to discriminate a person for liking it. Just as they shouldn't discriminate you for hating it.

    I'm sorry, if my reply was somewhat rude. And I hope the discrimination of liking certain music artists ends soon.

  • Someone get Clementine with an A7X shirt immediately.

    Probably a huge A7X fan too, then. (Her favourite is M Shadows c:)

  • Where are those damn Photoshopper's when you need 'em?!

    Someone get Clementine with an A7X shirt immediately.

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